4 Bruker D8 Advance for thin film analysis (LMC)

Bruker D8 for thin film analysis

Bruker X-ray diffractometer for grazing incidence measurements. The instrument is equipped with a 9-fold sample changer.

» grazing incidence XRD with parallel beam

  • depth-resolved thin film analysis
  • 9-fold sample changer

Bruker D8 Göbel-Mirror for grazing incidence in PT006

Bruker D8 Göbel-Mirror for grazing incidence in PT006

Left: D8 equipped with X-ray (Goebel) mirror, 9-fold sample changer, and energy-dispersive Sol-X detector. Right: XRD pattern of an Al2O3 reference specimen.

Left: D8 equipped with X-ray (Goebel) mirror, 9-fold sample changer, and energy-dispersive Sol-X detector. Right: XRD pattern of an Al2O3 reference specimen.