Helmholtz Digital Services for Science — Collaboration Made Easy.
Use the best Helmholtz IT resources for what HZB does not host itself. As cluster coordinator, HZB is willing to implement our use cases.
HIFIS empowers scientists with digital services at every step of the scientific workflow. They foster collaboration and facilitate integrated scientific workflows across all research fields, Helmholtz centers and external collaboration partners. Unified login, shared cloud services, education and training events, and a de-central approach stimulates innovation and knowledge exchange among the research centers.
Helmholtz Cloud
Power your research with the cloud built for science. Take your research project from proposal to publication with cloud-based tools. Collaborate on documents, train AI models, organize your group's work, publish your data. Helmholtz Cloud services are available to everyone at Helmholtz and their collaboration partners. Thanks to Helmholtz ID, you can login to all services with your credentials of your home institution.
A Selection of Services
HIFIS sustainably protects sensitive data by storing, processing, and transferring it in Helmholtz-owned data centers. The data thus remains within the German research landscape and is available to future generations of researchers without restriction. You can save time in both searching and storing of data.
- Scientific Services include e. g. Blablador, Timeseries.
- Cloud Infrastructure contains Open Stack and Rancher managed Kubernetes.
- Data Analysis and Data Management are offering JupyterHub, HAICORE, dCache InfiniteSpace, FileSender, Helmholtz Knowledge Graph, Helmholtz Research Software Directory.
- Developer Tools provides Gitlab.
- For Publishing, B2Share, Overleaf (LaTeX), SciFlow can be used.
- and many more like Hedge Doc Notes, Indico, Nextcloud, Zammad, LimeSurvey, Mattermost, ...
Research Software Engineering
Today, researchers need the support of scientific software for most of their projects. Be it software packages developed in-house or third-party applications: The quality, traceability, and reproducibility of the research depend to a large extent on the software packages. HIFIS supports research software development for your research projects with a wide range of services.
HIFIS Consulting helps you with a broad range of topics around research software engineering, open source, licensing or questions about the implementation of software projects.
Education & Training
HIFIS offers all Helmholtz researchers education & training in the field of research software engineering. Entry-level and advanced courses are available for a wide range of topics including programming, development tools and workflows, software publication and licensing, as well as individual consulting for research software-related topics.
All courses and workshop materials are freely available online for self-study or to host your own courses.
Discover HIFIS
Get in touch with us: https://www.hifis.net/contact