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Why do we need quantum computers?

Jens Eisert detector.fm Podcast

Quantum computers are seen as the key technology of the future. They promise to solve complex problems for which today's computers are too slow - from the development of new materials to the optimisation of global processes. But how revolutionary are they really and what are their limits? - December 2024 (Audio in German)

How the energy transition benefits from catalysis research

Steffi Hlawenka detector.fm Podcast

Efficient and inexpensive catalysts are the key to many future technologies and a successful energy transition. This is why the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin is driving catalysis research forward. - May 2024 (Audio in German)

Hydrogen - the "champagne" of renewable energies?

Steffi Hlawenka BR50 Podcast

For years, there has been an intense debate about the use of fossil fuels, which are not infinitely available and are also harmful to the environment. In addition, the demand for energy continues to rise and cannot be met with conventional renewable energy sources. This is where hydrogen comes into play as the green energy source of the future. (Audio in German)

Soup & Science: The solar future - building-integrated photovoltaics

Samira Jama Aden rbb24 Inforadio Podcast

Solar cells need space - and this is limited on rooftops in cities. This is why building façades are also of interest to scientists. Soup & Science with architect Samira Jama Aden from the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin for Materials and Energy is all about building-integrated photovoltaics. (Audio in German)

Bessy II sees everything!

Bernd Rech Flux.FM Podcast "Weiß der Adler"

Thousands of tourists travel to Loch Ness every year, among other things to see the legendary monster Nessie. Thousands of scientists come to Adlershof every year to see Bessy II. But while Nessie has always stayed hidden, Bessy II is so big that it can be seen from the sky. Unlike Nessie, the Adlershof monster with its brilliant X-ray eyes is quite useful socially. - June 2023 (Audio in German)

Schülerlabor Podcast
