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Chemistry at BESSY II comprises all processes and materials with which energy can be stored electrochemically, i.e. in batteries, or by converting it into molecules. It is precisely this conversion of solar energy into molecules that everyone is currently talking about under the buzzwords green hydrogen and solar fuels, and includes intensive research into new, more efficient catalysts. Chemical reactions and in-situ and operando measurements - predominantly in liquids - are major parts of this research.

Station Energy Range Polarisation Beamline Contact
ARPES One-Cube 4 - 200 eV • linear any angle
• circular
UE112_PGM-2b-1^3 Emile Rienks
Alexander Fedorov
AXSYS-nmTransmission NEXAFS 100 - 1500 eV variable UE52_SGM Lars Birger Mattis Fondell
Christian Weniger
BAMline Imaging 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Henning Markötter
BAMline Spectroscopy 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Martin Radtke
Ana Guilherme Buzanich
BElChem-PGM station 90 - 2000 eV horizontal BElChem-PGM Michael Hävecker
CAT 700 - 10000 eV horizontal CPMU17_EMIL Michael Hävecker
80 - 2000 eV horizontal, vertical, circular UE48_EMIL
CoESCA 85 - 1600 eV variable UE52_PGM CoESCA Danilo Kühn
ENERGIZE 20 - 1500 eV linear horizontal ENERGIZE Thorsten Schultz
GELEM-PEEM 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Dmitry Marchenko
GELEM-PES 80 - 1500 eV horizontal GELEM Dipole Anna Makarova
HE SGM Station 155 - 750 eV horizontal HE-SGM Maria Brzhezinskaya
HIKE 2000 - 12000 eV horizontal KMC-1 Roberto Felix Duarte
Marcus Bär
Ion Trap 120 - 1600 eV variable UE52_PGM Ion trap Vicente Zamudio-Bayer
IR-Spectroscopy and Microscopy .0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS Ljiljana Puskar
.0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS 2
ISISS station 80 - 2000 eV linear horizontal ISISS Michael Hävecker
KMC-2 Diffraction 4000 - 15000 eV linear horizontal KMC-2 Daniel Többens
KMC-2 XANES 4000 - 15000 eV linear horizontal KMC-2 Götz Schuck
LiXEdrom eV UE51_PGM-1 Ronny Golnak
Jie Xiao
LowDosePES 20 - 2000 eV horizontal PM4 Erika Giangrisostomi
Nomi Sorgenfrei
Robert Haverkamp
mySpot 4000 - 25000 eV horizontal mySpot Beamline Ivo Zizak
OAESE 700 - 10000 eV horizontal CPMU17_EMIL Raul Garcia Diez
Anna Efimenko
80 - 2000 eV horizontal, vertical, circular UE48_EMIL
PINK 700 - 10000 eV horizontal CPMU17_EMIL
PM3 scattering 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Torsten Kachel
Niko Pontius
SMART 100 - 1800 eV variable (linear and circular) UE49_PGM SMART Thomas Schmidt
Marcel Springer
Stephan Pohl
SOLIAS 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
SOL³PES Robert Seidel
spin-ARPES 15 - 200 eV Linear horizontal (fixed) U125_PGM Jaime Sánchez-Barriga

Cultural Heritage & Humanities

Station Energy Range Polarisation Beamline Contact
BAMline Imaging 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Henning Markötter
BAMline Spectroscopy 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Martin Radtke
Ana Guilherme Buzanich
IR-Spectroscopy and Microscopy .0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS Ljiljana Puskar
.0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS 2
KMC-2 XANES 4000 - 15000 eV linear horizontal KMC-2 Götz Schuck
mySpot 4000 - 25000 eV horizontal mySpot Beamline Ivo Zizak
PM3 scattering 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Torsten Kachel
Niko Pontius

Earth Sciences & Environment

Station Energy Range Polarisation Beamline Contact
BAMline Imaging 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Henning Markötter
BAMline Spectroscopy 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Martin Radtke
Ana Guilherme Buzanich
IR-Spectroscopy and Microscopy .0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS Ljiljana Puskar
.0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS 2
KMC-2 Diffraction 4000 - 15000 eV linear horizontal KMC-2 Daniel Többens
KMC-2 XANES 4000 - 15000 eV linear horizontal KMC-2 Götz Schuck
mySpot 4000 - 25000 eV horizontal mySpot Beamline Ivo Zizak
PM3 scattering 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Torsten Kachel
Niko Pontius


Energy research is about any new material to improve energy conversion, energy storage and energy efficiency. This includes optimisation of materials for photovoltaics, understand electrochemical processes for battery research and especially in-situ and operando experiments.

For catalytic processes and solar fuels, please also see the field Chemistry.

Please find below a list of instruments at BESSY II which are commonly chosen by the energy community.

Station Energy Range Polarisation Beamline Contact
BAMline Imaging 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Henning Markötter
BAMline Spectroscopy 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Martin Radtke
Ana Guilherme Buzanich
CoESCA 85 - 1600 eV variable UE52_PGM CoESCA Danilo Kühn
ENERGIZE 20 - 1500 eV linear horizontal ENERGIZE Thorsten Schultz
FEMTOSPEX-DynaMax 400 - 1500 eV variable UE56-1_ZPM Christian Schüßler-Langeheine
Niko Pontius
Dirk Ponwitz
HIKE 2000 - 12000 eV horizontal KMC-1 Roberto Felix Duarte
Marcus Bär
IR-Spectroscopy and Microscopy .0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS Ljiljana Puskar
.0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS 2
KMC-2 Diffraction 4000 - 15000 eV linear horizontal KMC-2 Daniel Többens
KMC-2 XANES 4000 - 15000 eV linear horizontal KMC-2 Götz Schuck
mySpot 4000 - 25000 eV horizontal mySpot Beamline Ivo Zizak
MYSTIIC 80 - 2000 eV horizontal, vertical, circular UE48_EMIL Markus Weigand
Simone Raoux
Sebastian Wintz
OAESE 700 - 10000 eV horizontal CPMU17_EMIL Raul Garcia Diez
Anna Efimenko
80 - 2000 eV horizontal, vertical, circular UE48_EMIL
PM3 scattering 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Torsten Kachel
Niko Pontius
SISSY I 700 - 10000 eV horizontal CPMU17_EMIL Regan Wilks
Marcus Bär
Johannes Frisch
Anna Efimenko
80 - 2000 eV horizontal, vertical, circular UE48_EMIL
SMART 100 - 1800 eV variable (linear and circular) UE49_PGM SMART Thomas Schmidt
Marcel Springer
Stephan Pohl
SOLIAS 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
SpAnTeX David Starr
Marco Favaro

Information Technologies

Information includes all processes and materials that can be used to improve information technology, i.e. magnetic materials, (de)magnetization dynamics, superconductors, quantum materials, topological insulators, spintronics, etc. Any effects that are currently used for data storage / processing or that can revolutionize them are of interest in this field.

Please find here a list of instruments at BESSY II which are chosen by your colleagues in the field information.

Station Energy Range Polarisation Beamline Contact
ALICE II 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Florin Radu
Radu-Marius Abrudan
ARPES One-Cube 4 - 200 eV • linear any angle
• circular
UE112_PGM-2b-1^3 Emile Rienks
Alexander Fedorov
ARPES One-Square 4 - 250 eV • linear any angle
• circular
UE112_PGM-2a-1^2 Andrei Varykhalov
CoESCA 85 - 1600 eV variable UE52_PGM CoESCA Danilo Kühn
MAXYMUS 200 - 1900 eV Horizontal, Vertical, Circular positive, Circular negative UE46_MAXYMUS Markus Weigand
Sebastian Wintz
Simone Raoux
mySpot 4000 - 25000 eV horizontal mySpot Beamline Ivo Zizak
PM3 scattering 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Torsten Kachel
Niko Pontius
SPEEM 100 - 1800 eV variable UE49_PGM SPEEM Florian Kronast
Sergio Valencia Molina
Mohamad-Assaad Mawass
spin-ARPES 15 - 200 eV Linear horizontal (fixed) U125_PGM Jaime Sánchez-Barriga
VEKMAG 20 - 1600 eV Circular, Horizontal PM2-VEKMAG Florin Radu
Chen Luo
Victor Ukleev

Life Sciences & Biotechnology

This field includes any research at BESSY II that is related to living organisms or biological structures. A major part of the field life is the protein structure determination done at the MX beamlines (MX: Macromolecular Crystallography). But also biophysical effects of smaller molecules and biotechnology belong into this field.

Please find here a list of instruments at BESSY II which your colleagues chose to perform research in the field "Life".

Station Energy Range Polarisation Beamline Contact
BAMline Imaging 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Henning Markötter
BAMline Spectroscopy 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Martin Radtke
Ana Guilherme Buzanich
HE SGM Station 155 - 750 eV horizontal HE-SGM Maria Brzhezinskaya
IR-Spectroscopy and Microscopy .0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS Ljiljana Puskar
.0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS 2
MAXYMUS 200 - 1900 eV Horizontal, Vertical, Circular positive, Circular negative UE46_MAXYMUS Markus Weigand
Sebastian Wintz
Simone Raoux
MX-14-1 5000 - 15500 eV horizontal MX 14.1 Manfred Weiss
Uwe Müller
MX-14-2 5000 - 15500 eV horizontal MX 14.2 Manfred Weiss
Uwe Müller
MX-14-3 13870 - 13870 eV horizontal MX 14.3 Manfred Weiss
Uwe Müller
mySpot 4000 - 25000 eV horizontal mySpot Beamline Ivo Zizak
XM - X-ray Microscopy 250 - 2800 eV horizontal U41-TXM Stephan Werner

Materials Science & Engineering

Station Energy Range Polarisation Beamline Contact
ALICE II 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Florin Radu
Radu-Marius Abrudan
ARPES One-Cube 4 - 200 eV • linear any angle
• circular
UE112_PGM-2b-1^3 Emile Rienks
Alexander Fedorov
ARPES One-Square 4 - 250 eV • linear any angle
• circular
UE112_PGM-2a-1^2 Andrei Varykhalov
BAMline Imaging 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Henning Markötter
BAMline Spectroscopy 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Martin Radtke
Ana Guilherme Buzanich
CoESCA 85 - 1600 eV variable UE52_PGM CoESCA Danilo Kühn
ENERGIZE 20 - 1500 eV linear horizontal ENERGIZE Thorsten Schultz
IR-Spectroscopy and Microscopy .0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS Ljiljana Puskar
.0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS 2
KMC-2 Diffraction 4000 - 15000 eV linear horizontal KMC-2 Daniel Többens
KMC-2 XANES 4000 - 15000 eV linear horizontal KMC-2 Götz Schuck
mySpot 4000 - 25000 eV horizontal mySpot Beamline Ivo Zizak
PM3 scattering 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Torsten Kachel
Niko Pontius
SOLIAS 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
X-Ray Pump Probe (XPP) 2000 - 14000 eV horizontal KMC-3 XPP Matias Bargheer
Matthias Rössle


In the field of physics we find, among other things, materials science, hard condensed matter and also photon science, e.g. new materials for mirrors that are directly used in BESSY II, and new nanomaterials are examined here. The development and implementation of new methods or new instruments is also assigned here. 

Please find here a list of instruments at BESSY II which your colleagues use perform research in physics / photon science.

Station Energy Range Polarisation Beamline Contact
ALICE II 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Florin Radu
Radu-Marius Abrudan
ARPES One-Cube 4 - 200 eV • linear any angle
• circular
UE112_PGM-2b-1^3 Emile Rienks
Alexander Fedorov
ARPES One-Square 4 - 250 eV • linear any angle
• circular
UE112_PGM-2a-1^2 Andrei Varykhalov
BAMline Imaging 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Henning Markötter
BAMline Spectroscopy 4500 - 60000 eV horizontal BAMline Martin Radtke
Ana Guilherme Buzanich
CoESCA 85 - 1600 eV variable UE52_PGM CoESCA Danilo Kühn
ENERGIZE 20 - 1500 eV linear horizontal ENERGIZE Thorsten Schultz
GELEM-PEEM 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Dmitry Marchenko
GELEM-PES 80 - 1500 eV horizontal GELEM Dipole Anna Makarova
High-Field Diffractometer 120 - 2000 eV
  • linear any angle (with restrictions)
  • circular
UE46_PGM-1 Eugen Weschke
Enrico Schierle
Ion Trap 120 - 1600 eV variable UE52_PGM Ion trap Vicente Zamudio-Bayer
IR-Spectroscopy and Microscopy .0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS Ljiljana Puskar
.0006 - 1 eV linearly horizontal/vertical IRIS 2
KMC-2 XANES 4000 - 15000 eV linear horizontal KMC-2 Götz Schuck
mySpot 4000 - 25000 eV horizontal mySpot Beamline Ivo Zizak
PEAXIS 180 - 1600 eV horizontal U41-PEAXIS Deniz Wong
PM3 scattering 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular
PM3 Torsten Kachel
Niko Pontius
POLARIMETER Franz Schäfers
Andrey Sokolov
Marcel Mertin
Small Reflectometer 2000 - 12000 eV horizontal KMC-1 Andrey Sokolov
6 - 40 eV horizontal U125-2_NIM
SPEEM 100 - 1800 eV variable UE49_PGM SPEEM Florian Kronast
Sergio Valencia Molina
Mohamad-Assaad Mawass
THz spectroscopy & THz EPR .0004 - 2 eV variable THz-Beamline Tarek Al Said
Karsten Holldack
Alexander Schnegg
Dirk Ponwitz
VEKMAG 20 - 1600 eV Circular, Horizontal PM2-VEKMAG Florin Radu
Chen Luo
Victor Ukleev
X-Ray Pump Probe (XPP) 2000 - 14000 eV horizontal KMC-3 XPP Matias Bargheer
Matthias Rössle
XUV Diffractometer 120 - 2000 eV
  • linear any angle (with restrictions)
  • circular
UE46_PGM-1 Eugen Weschke
Enrico Schierle

Electronic Structure

Station Energy Range Polarisation Beamline Contact

Further information