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User facilities

The Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin operates a scientific large-scale facility for research on the structure and function of matter: the synchrotron radiation source BESSY II, which generates highly brilliant synchrotron radiation from the terahertz to the X-ray spectrum. The facilitiy are equipped with highly specialized sample environments. Experiments can be performed under the most sophisticated conditions like high magnetic fields, extremely low temperatures, or high pressures. The instruments’ continued refinement at the large-scale facility is one the Center’s main jobs.

At our electron storage ring BESSY II, we have an average of 2700 visits from guest researchers per year.

In addition to the scientific large-scale facility the HZB built central laboratory infrastructures: the Corelabs.

The route to BESSY III

The route to BESSY III

Overview: The route to BESSY III

There is one thing that researchers from universities and industry as well as our researchers at HZB all agree on: we need a powerful source of soft X-rays in Germany – now and in the future! At HZB, we have the experts for designing and building a new accelerator source, and we have many creative scientists onboard, who are making advancements in the development of photon research with the research their fields. > More

Cyclotron - proton accelerator for eye tumour therapy and radiation hardening tests

Infrastructure partners

  • Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
    • EMIL is a unique infrastructure designed to allow for in-system, in-situ, and operando X-ray analysis of an unprecedented range of materials and devices for energy conversion and storage. 
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) and the Max Planck Institutes, Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) and Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (MPI CEC), are pooling their expertise and building the research platform together with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The new platform CatLab in Berlin Adlershof will advance the development of innovative catalyst materials.