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Joint Research Group Catalysis for Energy

Joint Research Group

The insight that chemical energy storage of renweable energy is crucial to overcome obstacles  in turning away from the fossil fuel basis requires new energy research strategies. Therefore, the research on materials used in electrochemical processes such as watersplitting is getting more and more relevant.

The E-GKAT group is part of a collaboration between the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie, the Inorganic Chemistry Department of the Fritz-Haber-Institute, Berlin,  and the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion, Mülheim, aiming at the functional characterization of suitable materials capable of energy storage by applying synchrotron based in situ spectroscopic metrologies. FHI and E-GKAT operate the ISISS laboratory and beamline  equipped with a state of the art near ambient pressure XPS endstation  as a workhorse available for internal and external collaborating researches.