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Experimental Infrastructure at HZB

The HZB offers access to a large variety of beamlines and stations at its photon facility BESSY II. The beamlines and stations can be used in combination with a wide range of dedicated Sample Environment devices. In addition, CoreLabs, user support labs, supplies and technical workshops are available. Please use the search options below or have a look at the overview to find a suitable beamline, station and additional infrastructure for your experiment.

Search for an instrument at BESSY II

When considering a certain instrument for your proposal, we kindly ask you to contact the responsible instrument scientist(s) for more information on the instrument and its current status. Moreover, the HZB gives you the unique opportunity to bring your own equipment to some of the beamlines. Please see the list of open port beamlines for more information.

Additional infrastructure for a successful beamtime

User Lab Cluster
HZB hosts a number of state-of-the-art on-site laboratories, user facilities and off-synchrotron tools for sample preparation and sample characterisation. All these facilities are designed to serve researchers from universities, foreign research institutions and industry. Prerequisite for the use of these User Lab Cluster is an application for beamtime at the synchrotron radiation source BESSY II. Please visit UserLabs for more detailed information.

HZB User Facilities & Supplies
The User Facilites at BESSY II hold pumping stations, leak detection, a limited selection of vacuum components and assemblies as well as technical gases and liquid nitrogen incl. tranportation dewars. Storage spaces are available for packaging materials and gases. A mechanical workshop as well as a chemistry lab and a biological lab are available for users. Additional facilites are available on request. If you need more detailed information and access to our HZB User Facilities, please visit the webpage or get in contact with the BESSY II User Support.

Sample Environment
Sample environment plays a crucial role for most beamline based experiments. The main task of the sample environment group is the control of the physical parameters at the sample position like temperature, magnetic or electric field or pressure. In addition they offer in-situ preparation of the sample by for example gas adsorption or chemical reactions as well as complementary in-situ measurements. The sample environment group supports the beamline scientists and the users during development and construction of novel sample evironment components. For for an increasing number of beamlines they offer specialized sample environment equipment in combination with direct user service. For more detailed information on sample environment at BESSY II please go to the webpage.

Energy Materials In-situ Laboratory Berlin /EMIL
EMIL is located at the synchrotron radiation source BESSY II. EMIL combines soft, tender and hard X-ray spectroscopic methods with a variety of synthesizing, preparation and characterization methods and allows both simultaneous in-situ and operando measurements at several different stations. Fore more detailed information on the Energy Materials In-situ Laboratory Berlin please go to the EMIL webpage.

HZB CoreLabs
HZB CoreLabs are multi-user platforms available for external academic as well as industrial partners. HZB CoreLabs are complex infrastructures with unique and state-of-the-art equipment. Its main purpose is research and development of innovative energy materials. Please visit the CoreLab webpage for more information.

The joint research group SyncLab has been established between the HZB and the Technical University of Berlin. BLiX (Berlin laboratory for innovative X-ray technologies) - located at Technical University of Berlin - established imaging and spectroscopic techniques in the soft and hard X-ray range independent on large scale facilities. Due to the invariably less photon flux when using laboratory sources, the work spans development of adapted instrumentation, to specialized experimental methodology and analytics. This expertise is paired with the possibilities offered by a large scale facility such as BESSY II in order to analyze synergies and identify advantages brought by close collaboration and cross-fertilization.