Institute Science and Technology of Accelerating Systems
The large vertical test stand (LVTS) for cavity acceptance testing

View of the LVTS cryostat in the radiation pit
A large bath cryostat that houses full size (multicell) cavities can be used for “naked” cavity acceptance tests or tests of cavities with liquid helium tank. The cryostat is located underground with a movable heavy-weight concrete slab for radiation shielding. The nearly 1-m inside diameter of the Cryostat allows for testing of large-diameter cavities (e.g., with large waveguide HOM damper ports) and low-frequency cavities. The usable height of 2.9 m in theory allows for testing two TESLA type cavities above each other. Assembly of vacuum connections takes place in a local clean-room next to the cryostat.
Measure surface resistance versus RF field
Cooling capacity: 40 W @ 1.8 K
Operating temperature: 1.5 K - 4.2 K
Usable diameter/height: 933 mm/2500 mm
RF frequency: 600 MHz - 2100 MHz
Second sound quench detection measurements