Department Solution Processing of Hybrid Materials & Devices
Pillar 2: Ink Design & Chemistry
Solvent chemistry

We are working on the understanding of the solvent chemistry and its influence on the film formation.
Green ink design

We are working on the development of environmentally benign and non-hazardous “green” solvents.
Ink engineering for slot-die coating

For slot-die coating, ink engineering is a powerful tool. Tuning the DMSO-content in 2-ME inks prevent the formation of intermediates in MAPbI3 perovskite solar cells [link].
With an new ink design for FAPbI3 perovskite solar cells a devices, with more than 22% PCE have been achieved by slot-die coating [link].
Ink engineering for inkjet printing
Ink additives tune both, the rheology of the solution and the functionality of the processed film. We demonstrate a performance boost by adding PTB7 in our inkjet-printed perovskite layer [link].