Department Solution Processing of Hybrid Materials & Devices
Pillar 1: ABX3-Inspired Energy Materials
In Pillar 1, the Unger team focuses on perovskite-based and new energy materials for PV and beyond.
High-throughput compositional engineering of new materials is enabled by combinatorial Inkjet printing and slot-die coating.
Combinatorial Inkjet Printing

The method of combinatorial Inkjet printing of perovskite-based materials was shown in the compositional range from I-Br. [link]
Combinatorial Inkjet printing for light emitting devices

The method was adopted in collaboration with the List-Kratochvil team in the JointLab GENFab for photodetectors and larger area LEDs.
Combinatorial slot-die coating

We also developed combinatorial slot-die coating, demonstrating the bandgap tuning of MAPb(BrxI1-x)3.
Currently we are working on Pb/Sn perovskites and Pb-free perovskites. Screening emerging solution-processable PV materials (e.g. Elpasolites, Rudorffites, 2D/3D perovskites)