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The electron storage ring BESSY II with the coveted light

Program details

Tour of the electron storage ring BESSY II

How does the particle accelerator BESSY II work? – Researchers from all over the world use the light from the x-ray lightsource BESSY II to study materials, art objects or cells. But how is this light produced? During the tour you can visit the accelerator, the experimental stations and our participatory stands.

Duration: approx. 60 min., 17 - 24 h, continuous, also for children

The art of measuring (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) – Precision measurements for research and industry: Nanostructures, thin films and telescope systems are calibrated with synchrotron radiation.

Decoding proteins – Proteins are the building blocks of life. With the X-ray light from BESSY II, researchers can decipher the structure of those giant molecules, develop new active substances against diseases or even a method of recycling the plastic PET. 

  • How much DNA is in one tomato? Extract the genetic information from a tomato. Then take the test tube home and examine vegetables yourself with the instructions.
  • How do you crystallize a protein? We crystallize the protein lysozyme. Follow how fascinating 3D protein crystals grow from a transparent solution. Plus, frozen marshmallows and gummi bears.
  • VR journey into a protein Experience a fascinating journey into the interior of a protein at a virtual reality station.

BAMline – Insights into sustainable materials research – Find out more about the BAMline, a beamline operated by Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM). The BAMline contributes to the development of sustainable materials for the future.

Cool Corner – How do you create really low temperatures? We are experimenting with liquid nitrogen on energy conversion, magnetism and superconductivity.

What does the light reveal about our fabrics? – Atoms emit light of different colours. Based on their characteristic spectrum, we can determine the chemical composition of a sample.

Filtering with the color fan – Experiments at BESSY II require light at a certain wavelength. From the broad spectrum a monochromator filters out the light in the required colour. We show how it works.

From micrometres to nanometres – For research at BESSY II, we need not only brilliant light but also high-precision optics and mechanics. We provide an insight into the fantastic accuracies.

Electrons give gas and send light – The electron bunches in BESSY II always go around in circles - and that at almost the speed of light. At various stations we explain how we generate the brilliant light.

Troubleshooting with the infrared camera – The infrared camera is used at BESSY II to perform maintenance work and search for faults. We will show you how to detect bad contacts, overheated components or cable runs that are too tight.

Large magnets, small particles – The electrons always want to fly out in a straight line. However, they can be forced into a circular path using magnets. In doing so, they emit energy in the form of light, synchrotron radiation. Three different types of magnets are used to operate BESSY II.

BESSY II beam diagnostics – Diagnostic instruments are the "eyes and ears" with which we follow the electron beam: what is the position of the beam, how many electrons are orbiting and what shape does the beam have?

The BESSY control technology – We will show you how the BESSY control technology works.

What are undolators and wigglers? – And what do they have to do with electron slalom?

Experiments with vacuum – What happens to chocolate kisses in a vacuum and what is the Magdeburger Halbkugel? Experience exciting experiments on the subject of vacuum and find out why vacuum is so important for our researchers.

Stations outside the tour

Outside BESSY II

Photovoltaics Competence Centre – At our stand, we will show how we are developing new, more efficient solar materials and technologies, cooperating with industrial partners and thus bringing the best results from the laboratory into application as quickly as possible.

The building as a power plant – Building façades offer large areas for generating solar power. We illustrate the options for integrated photovoltaics, how we do research with our real lab and introduce HZBs Consulting Office for building-integrated Photovoltaics.

The world of green fuels How is it produced and why is it green? We show possible applications, e.g. for green chemistry, for sustainable aviation fuels or healthy and sustainable cooking fuels for developing countries.

The darkbox camera – revives an almost forgotten tradition of analogue street photography. The photo artist Thomas Nitz designed a darkroom integrated into the camera, which makes it possible to develop a negative and then any number of positives directly onto photographic paper immediately after taking the picture.

Catering – We offer catering with food and drinks at the BESSY building.

Entrance Hall BESSY II

Capturing carbon dioxide – CO2 can be captured directly from the air and stored. It can then be converted into chemicals and fuels. We are investigating how this process can be fuelled with renewable energy.

HZB as employer: Diverse career paths At HZB, we are working on solutions for a climate-neutral society. To fulfil our mission, we need many professions! We, the People Operations team, would like to get to know you and tell you what the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin can offer you as an attractive employer.

Looking to the future: BESSY III – a materials discovery machine – In 2035, our new BESSY III light source will go into operation, and we want to use it to explore many new materials. Travel with us into the future and discover what experiments we will be able to carry out and what research possibilities there will be!

1st Floor BESSY II

School lab – Experiments full of energy – Energy is used for many things in everyday life. But what is behind the talk of energy consumption or energy production? We want to answer these questions full of energy with lots of experiments.

How do I make my earrings shine? – In our little soldering workshop, we will show you how you can make glowing jewelry using just a few materials. Create your own earrings and then take them home. (for everyone aged 8 and over, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.)

The control room of BESSY II – Take a look inside our control room.

Program for Kids

BESSY II 1st Floor

School lab – Experiments full of energy – Energy is used for many things in everyday life. But what is behind the talk of energy consumption or energy production? We want to answer these questions full of energy with lots of experiments.

How do I make my earrings shine? – In our little soldering workshop, we will show you how you can make glowing jewelry using just a few materials. Create your own earrings and then take them home. (for everyone aged 8 and over, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.)

The control room of BESSY II – Take a look inside our control room.

IRIS Adlershof & Center for the Science of Materials Berlin (CSMB) der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Zum Großen Windkanal 2, 12489 Berlin

Sweet coatings – We demonstrate coating processes by producing delicious crepes, which can also be eaten afterwards. In the laboratory, we use these methods for the production of solar cells and other fields of application - especially slot die and doctor blade coating.
The fabulous children's laboratory (from 3 years) – Dressed up as real scientists, you can playfully explore our laboratory at various stations. Try out laboratory work on a miniature glove box. Practice laboratory work on a miniature glove box or create small works of art using rotational coating (with a salad spinner). You can also make raspberry solar cells.
PerowsKIT (10 years and older) – Using an experiment box, we demonstrate the production and principle of innovative perovskite solar cells, which are being researched at the Adlershof site.
SolarRace – You can race against each other in light-powered racing cars.

Children's University: On the trail of the sun – join the adventure of renewable energies (lecture in German) Take your children on a fascinating journey through the world of renewable energies at our lecture for children! Dive into the secrets of solar cells and discover the research of the HZB. From the sun to batteries - together we will explore the future of energy production and its importance for our planet.

The physical well-being

Strengthen yourself with drinks and delicious food from Zinnkann Catering
in front of the BESSY building.