curriculum vitae
Publications (journal papers and conference contributions)
Al-Ashouri, A.; Köhnen, E.; Bor, L.; Magomedov, A.; Hempel, H.; Caprioglio, P.; Márquez, J.; Morales Vilches, A.B.; Kasparavicius, E.; Smith, J.A.; Phung, N.; Menzel, D.; Grischek, M.; Kegelmann, L.; Skroblin, D.; Gollwitzer, C.; Malinauskas, T.; Jošt, M.; Matic, G.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.; Topic, M.; Korte, L.; Abate, A.; Stannowski, B.; Neher, D.; Stolterfoht, M.; Unold, T.; Getautis, V.; Albrecht, S.:
Monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell with >29% efficiency by enhanced hole extraction. Science 370 (2020), p. 1300-1309
Chistiakova, G.; Korte, L.:
Implementation of ALD-grown MgO layers as electron-selective contact for silicon solar cells. In: Seth Hubbard ... [Ed.] : 2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) (PVSC 47) : virtuell meeting, June 15 to August 21st, 2020New York, NY: IEEE, 2020. - ISBN 978-1-7281-6115-0, p. 1632-1634
Chistiakova, G.; Macco, B.; Korte, L.:
Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposited Magnesium Oxide as a Passivating Electron Contact for c-Si-Based Solar Cells. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 10 (2020), p. 398-406
Jošt, M.; Kegelmann, L.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.:
Monolithic Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells: A Review of the Present Status and Advanced Characterization Methods Toward 30% Efficiency. Advanced Energy Materials 10 (2020), p. 1904102/1-43
Mazzarella, L.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
Versatility of Nanocrystalline Silicon Films: from Thin-Film to Perovskite/c-Si Tandem Solar Cell Applications. Coatings 10 (2020), p. 759/1-13
Menzel, D.; Korte, L.:
Evolution of Optical, Electrical, and Structural Properties of Indium Tungsten Oxide upon High Temperature Annealing. Physica Status Solidi A 218 (2020), p. 2000165/1-8
Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Wang, E.-C.; Henschel, T.; Kubicki, M.; Cruz, A.; Janke, S.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
Improved Surface Passivation by Wet Texturing, Ozone-Based Cleaning, and Plasma-Enhanced Chemical VaporDeposition Processes for High-Efficiency SiliconHeterojunction Solar Cells. Physica Status Solidi A 217 (2020), p. 1900518/1-7
Tockhorn, P.; Wagner, P.; Kegelmann, L.; Stang, J.-C.; Mews, M.; Albrecht, S.; Korte, L.:
Three-Terminal Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with Top and Interdigitated Rear Contacts. ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (2020), p. 1381-1392
Wagner, P.; Tockhorn, P.; Kegelmann, L.; Albrecht, S.; Korte, L.:
Three-Terminal Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with Top and Interdigitated Back-Contacts. In: Seth Hubbard ... [Ed.] : 2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) (PVSC 47) : virtuell meeting, June 15 to August 21st, 2020New York, NY: IEEE, 2020. - ISBN 978-1-7281-6115-0, p. 457-459
Al-Ashouri, A.; Magomedov, A.; Roß, M.; Jost, M.; Talaikis, M.; Chistiakova, G.; Bertram, T.; Márquez, J.A.; Köhnen, E.; Kasparavicius, E.; Levcenco, S.; Gil-Escrig, L.; Hages, C.; Schlatmann, R.; Rech, B.; Malinauskas, T.; Unold, T.; Kaufmann, C.A.; Korte, L.; Niaura, G.; Getautis, V.; Albrecht, S.:
Conformal monolayer contacts with lossless interfaces for perovskite single junction and monolithic tandem solar cells. Energy & Environmental Science 12 (2019), p. 3356-3369
Bayer, L.; Angermann, H.; Korte, L.:
Surface photovoltage measurements on Si solar cell substrates after cleaning and passivation in ozone containing solutions. In: Robert Brunner [Ed.] : Proceedings of 10th Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces (SSSI X).Comenius University Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2019. - ISBN 978-80-223-4606-1, p. 14-19
Di Girolamo, D.; Matteocci, F.; Kosasih, F.; Chistiakova, G.; Zuo, W.; Divitini, G.; Korte, L.; Ducati, C.; Di Carlo, A.; Dini, D.; Abate, A.:
Stability and Dark Hysteresis Correlate in NiO-Based Perovskite Solar Cells. Advanced Energy Materials 9 (2019), p. 1901642/1-10
Di Girolamo, D.; Phung, N.; Jost, M.; Al-Ashouri, A.; Chistiakova, G.; Li, J.; Márquez, J.A.; Unold, T.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.; Di Carlo, A.; Dini, D.; Abate, A.:
From Bulk to Surface: Sodium Treatment Reduces Recombination at the Nickel Oxide/Perovskite Interface. Advanced Materials Interfaces 6 (2019), p. 1900789/1-11
Guerra, J.A.; Tejada, A.; Töfflinger, J.A.; Grieseler, R.; Korte, L.:
Band-fluctuations model for the fundamental absorption of crystalline and amorphous semiconductors: a dimensionless joint density of states analysis. Journal of Physics D 52 (2019), p. 105303/1-11
Jäger, K.; Tillmann, P.; Tejada, A.; Karsenti, A.; Kreinin, L.; Visoly-Fisher, I.; Korte, L.; Unger, E.; Katz, E.A.; Becker, C.:
Optical assessment of perovskite-enhanced bifacial silicon solar modules. In: 36th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and ExhibitionMünchen: WIP Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur, 2019. - ISBN 3-936338-60-4, p. 634-637
Kegelmann, L.; Tockhorn, P.; Wolff, C.; Márquez, J.; Caicedo-Dávila, S.; Korte, L.; Unold, T.; Lövenich, W.; Neher, D.; Rech, B.; Albrecht, S.:
Mixtures of Dopant-Free Spiro-OMeTAD and Water-Free PEDOT as a Passivating Hole Contact in Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 (2019), p. 9172-9181
Köhnen, E.; Jošt, M.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Tockhorn, P.; Al-Ashouri, A.; Macco, B.; Kegelmann, L.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.; Albrecht, S.:
Highly efficient monolithic perovskite silicon tandem solar cells: analyzing the influence of current mismatch on device performance. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 3 (2019), p. 1995-2005
Mazzarella, L.; Lin, Y.-H.; Kirner, S.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.; Crossland, E.; Stannowski, B.; Case, C.; Snaith, H.J.; Schlatmann, R.:
Infrared Light Management Using a Nanocrystalline Silicon Oxide Interlayer in Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Heterojunction Tandem Solar Cells with Efficiency above 25%. Advanced Energy Materials 9 (2019), p. 1803241/1-9
Meza, D.; Cruz, A.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Korte, L.; Stannowski, B.:
Aluminum Doped Zinc Oxide as Front Electrode for Rear Emitter Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells with High Efficiency. Applied Sciences (Basel) 9 (2019), p. 862/1-10
Ramírez Quiroz, C.O.; Chistiakova, G.; Mews, M.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Albrecht, S.:
Interface Molecular Engineering for Laminated Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with 80.4% Fill Factor. Advanced Functional Materials 29 (2019), p. 1901476/1-13
Zhong, S.; Morales-Masis, M.; Mews, M.; Korte, L.; Jeangros, Q.; Wu, W.; Boccard, M.; Ballif, C.:
Exploring co-sputtering of ZnO:Al and SiO2 for efficient electron-selective contacts on silicon solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 194 (2019), p. 67-73
Braunger, S.; Mundt, L.E.; Wolff, C.M.; Mews, M.; Rehermann, C.; Jost, M.; Tejada, A.; Eisenhauer, D.; Becker, C.; Guerra, J.A.; Unger, E. L.; Korte, L.; Neher, D.; Schubert, M.; Rech, B.; Albrecht, S.:
CsxFA1–xPb(l1–yBry)3 Perovskite Compositions: the Appearance of Wrinkled Morphology and its Impact on Solar Cell Performance. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018), p. 17123-17135
Chistiakova, G.; Mews, M.; Wilks, R.G.; Bär, M.; Korte, L.:
In-system photoelectron spectroscopy study of tin oxide layers produced from tetrakis(dimethylamino)tin by plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 36 (2018), p. 02D401/1-6
Essig, S.; Dréon, J.; Rucavado, E.; Mews, M.; Koida, T.; Boccard, M.; Werner, J.; Geissbühler, J.; Löper, P.; Morales-Masis, M.; Korte, L.; de Wolf, S.; Ballif, C.:
Toward Annealing-Stable Molybdenum-Oxide-Based Hole-Selective Contacts For Silicon Photovoltaics. Solar RRL 2 (2018), p. 1700227/1-5
Heinemann, M.D.; Kodalle, T.; Hages, C.; Klupsch, M.; Greiner, D.; Korte, L.; Levcenco, S.; Unold, T.; Schlatmann, R.; Kaufmann, C.A.:
Evaluation of recombination losses in thin film solar cells using an LED sun simulator - the effect of RbF post-deposition on CIGS solar cells. EPJ Photovoltaics 9 (2018), p. 9/1-6
Jošt, M.; Köhnen, E.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Lipovšek, B.; Jäger, K.; Macco, B.; Al-Ashouri, A.; Krc, J.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.; Topic, M.; Stannowski, B.; Albrecht, S.:
Textured interfaces in monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells: advanced light management for improved efficiency and energy yield. Energy & Environmental Science 11 (2018), p. 3511-3523
Mazzarella, L.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Hendrichs, M.; Kirner, S.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
Nanocrystalline n-Type Silicon Oxide Front Contacts for Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: Photocurrent Enhancement on Planar and Textured Substrates. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (2018), p. 70-80
Mazzarella, L.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
Ultra-thin nanocrystalline n-type silicon oxide front contact layers for rear-emitter silicon heterojunction solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 179 (2018), p. 386-391
Mazzarella, L.; Werth, M.; Jäger, K.; Jošt, M.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
Infrared photocurrent management in monolithic perovskite/silicon heterojunction tandem solar cells by using a nanocrystalline silicon oxide interlayer. Optics Express 26 (2018), p. A487-A497
Menzel, D.; Mews, M.; Rech, B.; Korte, L.:
Electronic structure of indium-tungsten-oxide alloys and their energy band alignment at the heterojunction to crystalline silicon. Applied Physics Letters 112 (2018), p. 011602/1-5
Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Cruz, A.; Pingel, S.; Neubert, S.; Mazzarella, L.; Meza, D.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
ITO-Free Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells With ZnO:Al/SiO2Front Electrodes Reaching a Conversion Efficiency of 23%. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (2018), p. 34-39
Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Decker, D.; Mazzarella, L.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Sontag, D.; Stannowski, B.:
Nanocrystalline n-Type Silicon Front Surface Field Layers: From Research to Industry Applications in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells. In: Proceedings : EU PVSEC 2018, 35th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition : 24-28 September 2018, SQUARE - Brussels Meeting Centre, Brussels, BelgiumEUPVSEC, 2018. - ISBN 3-936338-50-7, p. 422-425
Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Larionova, Y.; Wietler, T.; Cruz, A.; Korte, L.; Peibst, R.; Brendel, R.; Schlatmann, R.; Stannowski, B.:
ZnO:Al/a-SiOx front contact for polycrystalline-silicon-on-oxide (POLO) solar cells. AIP Conference Proceedings 1999 (2018), p. 040016/1-6
Stannowski, B.; Mazzarella, L.; Lin, Y.-H.; Kirner, S.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.; Crossland, E.; Case, C.; Snaith, H.; Schlatmann, R.:
Nanocrystalline silicon oxide interlayer in monolithic perovskite/silicon heterojunction tandem solar cells with total current density >39 mA/cm². In: 2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC)IEEE, 2018. - ISBN 978-1-5386-8530-3, p. 2627-2630
Tejada, A.; Braunger, S.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.; Rech, B.; Guerra, J.A.:
Optical characterization and bandgap engineering of flat and wrinkle-textured FA0.83Cs0.17Pb(I1-xBrx)3 perovskite thin films. Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2018), p. 175302/1-7
Wagner, P.; Stang, J.-C.; Mews, M.; Morales-Vilches, A.B.; Stannowski, B.; Stegemann, B.; Korte, L.:
Interdigitated back contact silicon heterojunction solar cells: Towards an industrially applicable structuring method. AIP Conference Proceedings 1999 (2018), p. 60001/1-7
Guerra, J.; Tejada, A.; Korte, L.; Kegelmann, L.; Töfflinger, A.; Albrecht, S.; Rech, B.; Weingärtner, R.:
Determination of the complex refractive index and optical bandgap of CH3NH3PbI3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics 121 (2017), p. 173104/1-6
Jäger, K.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Albrecht, S.:
Numerical Optical Optimization of Planar Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with Regular and Inverted Device Architectures. Optics Express 25 (2017), p. A473-A482
Jost, M.; Albrecht, S.; Kegelmann, L.; Christian, W.; Lang, F.; Lipovsek, B.; Krc, J.; Korte, L.; Neher, D.; Rech, B.; Topic, M.:
Efficient Light Management by Textured Nanoimprinted Layers for Perovskite Solar Cells. ACS Photonics 4 (2017), p. 1232-1239
Kegelmann, L.; Wolff, C.; Awino, C.; Lang, F.; Unger, E.; Korte, L.; Dittrich, T.; Neher, D.; Rech, B.; Albrecht, S.:
It Takes Two to Tango-Double-Layer Selective Contacts in Perovskite Solar Cells for Improved Device Performance and Reduced Hysteresis. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (2017), p. 17245-17255
Mazzarella, L.; Kirner, S.; Gabriel, O.; Schmidt, S.S.; Korte, L.; Stannowski, B.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.:
Nanocrystalline silicon emitter optimization for Si-HJ solar cells: Substrate selectivity and CO2 plasma treatment effect. Physica Status Solidi A 214 (2017), p. 1532958/1-7
Mews, M.; Lemaire, A.; Korte, L.:
Sputtered Tungsten Oxide as Hole Contact for Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 7 (2017), p. 1209-1215
Mundt, L.; Heinz, F.; Albrecht, S.; Mundus, M.; Saliba, M.; Correa-Baena, J.P.; Anaraki, E.; Korte, L.; Grätzel, M.; Hagfeldt, A.; Rech, B.; Schubert, M.; Glunz, S.:
Nondestructive Probing of Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells Using Multiwavelength Photoluminescence Mapping. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 7 (2017), p. 1081-1086
Stang, J.-C.; Franssen, T.; Haschke, J.; Mews, M.; Merkle, A.; Peibst, R.; Rech, B.; Korte, L.:
Optimised Metallisation for Interdigitated Back Contact Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells. Solar RRL 1 (2017), p. 1700021/1-11
Stang, J.-C.; Haschke, J.; Mews, M.; Merkle, A.; Peibst, R.; Rech, B.; Korte, L.:
Aluminium metallisation for interdigitated back-contact silicon heterojunction solar cells. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 56 (2017), p. 08MB22
Stang, J.C.; Hendrichs, M.S.; Merkle, A.; Peibst, R.; Stannowski, B.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
ITO-free metallization for interdigitated back contact silicon heterojunction solar cells. Energy Procedia 124 (2017), p. 379-383
Unger, E.; Kegelmann, L.; Suchan, K.; Sörell, D.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.:
Roadmap and roadblocks for the band gap tunability of metal halide perovskites. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017), p. 11401-11409
Unger, E. L.; Kegelmann, L.; Suchan, K.; Soerell, D.; Korte, L.; Albrecht, S.:
Correction: Roadmap and roadblocks for the band gap tunability of metal halide perovskites. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017), p. 15983
Albrecht, S.; Saliba, M.; Correa Baena, J.P.; Lang, F.; Kegelmann, L.; Mews, M.; Steier, L.; Abate, A.; Rappich, J.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.; Nazeeruddin, M.K.; Hagfeldt, A.; Graetzel, M.; Rech, B.:
Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon-Heterojunction Tandem Solar Cells Processed at Low Temperature. Energy & Environmental Science 9 (2016), p. 81-88
Albrecht, S.; Saliba, M.
; Correa-Baena, J.-P.
; Jaeger, K.; Korte, L.
; Hagfeldt, A.
; Grätzel, M.; Rech, B.
Towards optical optimization of planar monolithic perovskite/silicon-heterojunction tandem solar cells. Journal of Optics 18 (2016), p. 064012/1-10
Albrecht, S.; Saliba, M.; Correa-Baena, J.-P.; Jäger, K.; Korte, L.; Hagfeldt, A.; Grätzel, M.; Rech, B.:
Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells. In: Hardo Bruhns [Ed.] : Energie - Forschung und PerspektivenDeutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, 2016. - ISBN 978-3-9818197-0-0, p. 69-82
Jost, M.; Albrecht, S.; Lipovsek, B; Krc, J.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Topic, M.:
Back- and front-side texturing for light-management in perovskite / silicon-heterojunction tandem solar cells. Energy Procedia 102 (2016), p. 43-48
Lang, F.; Gluba, M.A.; Albrecht, S.; Shargaieva, O.; Rappich, J.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Nickel, N.H.:
In situ graphene doping as a route toward efficient perovskite tandem solar cells. Physica Status Solidi A 213 (2016), p. 1989-1996
Lang, F.; Gluba, M.A.; Albrecht, S.; Shargaieva, O.; Rappich, J.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Nickel, N.H.:
Front cover : In situ graphene doping as a route toward efficient perovskite tandem solar cells. Physica Status Solidi A 213 (2016), p. 1629
Mazzarella, L.; Kolb, S.; Kirner, S.; Calnan, S.; Korte, L.; Stannowski, B.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.:
Optimization of PECVD process for ultra-thin tunnel SiOx film as passivation layer for silicon heterojunction solar cells. In: 2016 IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC)IEEE, 2016. - ISBN 978-1-5090-2724-8, p. 2955 - 2959
McMeekin, D.P.; Sadoughi, G.; Rehman, W.; Eperon, G.E.; Saliba, M.; Hörantner, M.T.; Haghighirad, A.; Sakai, N.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Johnston, M.B.; Herz, L.M.; Snaith, H.J.:
A mixed-cation lead mixed-halide perovskite absorber for tandem solar cells. Science 351 (2016), p. 151-155
Mews, M.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
Oxygen vacancies in tungsten oxide and their influence on tungsten oxide/silicon heterojunction solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 158 (2016), p. 77-83
Ramanujam, J.; Verma, A.; Gonzalez-Diaz, B.; Guerrero-Lemus, R.; del Canizo, C.; Garcia-Tabares, E.; Rey-Stolle, I.; Granek, F.; Korte, L.; Tucci, M.; Rath, J.; Singh, U.P.; Todorov, T.; Gunawan, O.; Rubio, S.; Plaza, J. L.; Dieguez, E.; Hoffmann, B.; Christiansen, S.; Cirlin, G.E.:
Inorganic photovoltaics - Planar and nanostructured devices. Progress in Materials Science 82 (2016), p. 294-404
Repins, I.; Mansfield, L.; Kanevce, A.; Jensen, S.; Kuciauskas, D.; Glynn, S.; Barnes, T.; Metzger, W.; Burst, J.; Jiang, C.; Dippo, P.; Harvey, S.; Teeter, G.; Perkins, C.; Egaas, B.; Zakutayev, A.; Alsmeier, J.; Lußky, T.; Korte, L.; Wilks, R.; Bär, M.; Yan, Y.; Lany, S.; Zawadzki, P.; Park, J.-S.; Wei, S.:
Wild band edges: The role of bandgap grading and band-edge fluctuations in high-efficiency chalcogenide devices. In: IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 2016Piscataway: IEEE, 2016. - ISBN 978-1-5090-2724-8, p. 309-314
Ring, S.; Kirner, S.; Schultz, C.; Sonntag, P.; Stannowski, B.; Korte, L.; Schlatmann, R.:
Emitter Patterning for Back-Contacted Si Heterojunction Solar Cells Using Laser Written Mask Layers for Etching and Self-Aligned Passivation (LEAP). IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (2016), p. 894-899
Stegemann, B.; Kegel, J.; Korte, L.; Angermann, H.:
Surface Optimization of Random Pyramid Textured Silicon Substrates for Improving Heterojunction Solar Cells. Solid State Phenomena 255 (2016), p. 338-343
Angermann, H.; Balamou, P.; Lu, W.; Korte, L.; Leendertz, C.; Stegemann, B.:
Oxidation of Si surfaces: Effect of ambient air and water treatments on surface charge and interface state density. Solid State Phenomena 255 (2016), p. 331-337
Greil, S.M.; Rappich, J.; Korte, L.; Bastide, S.:
In Situ PL and SPV Monitored Charge Carrier Injection During Metal Assisted Etching of Intrinsic a-Si Layers on c-Si. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (2015), p. 11654-11659
Kirner, S.; Hartig, M.; Mazzarella, L.; Korte, L.; Frijnts, T.; Scherg-Kurmes, H.; Ring, S.; Stannowski, B.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.:
The Influence of ITO Dopant Density on J-V Characteristics of Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: Experiments and Simulations. Energy Procedia 77 (2015), p. 725-732
Kirner, S.; Mazzarella, L.; Korte, L.; Stannowski, B.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.:
Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells with Nanocrystalline Silicon Oxide Emitter: Insights into Charge Carrier Transport. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 5 (2015), p. 1601-1605
Lang, F.; Gluba, M.A.; Albrecht, S.; Rappich, J.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Nickel, N.H.:
Perovskite Solar Cells with Large-Area CVD-Graphene for Tandem Solar Cells. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (2015), p. 2745-2750
Leendertz, C.; Chirvony, V.S.; García-Calzada, R.; Görög, L.; Töfflinger, J.A.; Korte, L.; Agouram, S.; Martínez-Pastor, J.; Petermann, N.; Wiggers, H.; Ulyashin, A.G.:
Towards solar cell emitters based on colloidal Si nanocrystals. Physica Status Solidi A 212 (2015), p. 156-161
Liebhaber, M.; Mews, M.; Korte, L.; Schulze, T.F.; Rech, B.; Lips, K.:
Valence band offset and hole transport across a-SiOx (0<x<2) passivation layers in silicon heterojunction solar cells. In: 31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition EUPVSEC 2015, Hamburg, GermanyHamburg: EUPVSEC Proceedings, 2015. - ISBN 3-936338-39-6, p. 770-775
Liebhaber, M.; Mews, M.; Schulze, T.F.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Lips, K.:
Valence band offset in heterojunctions between crystalline silicon and amorphous silicon (sub)oxides (a-SiOx:H, 0<x<2). Applied Physics Letters 106 (2015), p. 031601/1-5
Mazzarella, L.; Kirner, S.; Gabriel, O.; Korte, L.; Stannowski, B.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.:
Nanocrystalline silicon oxide emitters for silicon hetero junction solar cells. Energy Procedia 77 (2015), p. 304-310
Mazzarella, L.; Kirner, S.; Stannowski, B.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.:
p-type microcrystalline silicon oxide emitter for silicon heterojunction solar cells allowing current densities above 40 mA/cm2. Applied Physics Letters 106 (2015), p. 023902/1-5
Mews, M.; Liebhaber, M.; Rech, B.; Korte, L.:
Valence band alignment and hole transport in amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells. Applied Physics Letters 107 (2015), p. 013902/1-4
Scherg-Kurmes, H.; Körner, S.; Ring, S.; Klaus, M.; Korte, L.; Ruske, F.; Schlatmann, R.; Rech, B.; Szyszka, B.:
High mobility In2O3:H as contact layer for a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction and muc-Si:H thin film solar cells. Thin Solid Films 594 (2015), p. 316-322
Töfflinger, J.A.; Laades, A.; Korte, L.; Leendertz, C.; Montanez, L. M.; Stürzebecher, U.; Sperlich, H-P.; Rech, B.:
PECVD-AlOx/SiNx passivation stacks on wet chemically oxidized silicon: Constant voltage stress investigations of charge dynamics and interface defect states. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 135 (2015), p. 49–56
Ziegler, J.; Mews, M.; Kaufmann, K.; Schneider, T.; Sprafke, A.N.; Korte, L.; Wehrsporn, R.B.:
Plasma-enhanced atomic-layer-deposited MoOx emitters for silicon heterojunction solar cells. Applied Physics A 120 (2015), p. 811-816
Chen, Y.-Y.; Hsin, P.-Y.; Leendertz, C.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Du, C.-H.; Gan, J.-Y.:
Field-effect passivation and degradation analyzed with photoconductance decay measurements. Applied Physics Letters 104 (2014), p. 193504/1-5
Haschke, J.; Amkreutz, D.; Korte, L.; Ruske, F.; Rech, B.:
Towards wafer quality crystalline silicon thin-film solar cells on glass. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 128 (2014), p. 190-197
Korte, L.; Rößler, R.; Pettenkofer, C.:
Direct determination of the band offset in atomic layer deposited ZnO/hydrogenated amorphous silicon heterojunctions from X-ray photoelectroscopy valence band spectra. Journal of Applied Physics 115 (2014), p. 203715/1-7
Lu, W.; Leendertz, C.; Korte, L.; Töfflinger, J.A.; Angermann, H.:
Passivation properties of subnanometer thin interfacial silicon oxide films. Energy Procedia 55 (2014), p. 805-812
Mazzarella, L.; Kirner, S.; Mews, M.; Conrad, E.; Korte, L.; Stannowski, B.; Rech, B.; Schlatmann, R.:
Comparison of TMB and B2H6 as precursors for emitter doping in high efficiency silicon hetero junction solar cells. Energy Procedia 60 (2014), p. 123-128
Mews, M.; Leendertz, C.; Algasinger, M.; Koynov, S.; Korte, L.:
Amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells with black silicon texture. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters 8 (2014), p. 831-835
Mews, M.; Mader, C.; Traut, S.; Sontheimer, T.; Wunnicke, O.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
Solution-processed amorphous silicon surface passivation layers. Applied Physics Letters 105 (2014), p. 122113/1-5
Schaefer, S.; Albrecht, S.; Neher, D.; Schulze, T.; Conrad, E.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Wördenweber, J; Gordijn, A; Scherf, U; Dumsch, I:
Electric Field Distribution in Hybrid Solar Cells Containing Amorphous Silicon and Polymers. Organic Photonics and Photovoltaics 2 (2014), p. 12-20
Töfflinger, J.A.; Laades, A.; Leendertz, C.; Montañez, L.M.; Korte, L.; Stürzebecher, U.; Sperlich, H.-P.; Rech, B.:
PECVD-AlOx/SiNx passivation stacks on silicon: Effective charge dynamics and interface defect state spectroscopy. Energy Procedia 55 (2014), p. 845–854
Ziegler, J.; Haschke, J.; Käsebier, T.; Korte, L.; Sprafke, A.N.; Wehrspohn, R.B.:
Influence of black silicon surfaces on the performance of back-contacted back silicon heterojunction solar cells. Optics Express 22 (2014), p. A1469-A1476
Kegel, J.; Angermann, H.; Stürzebecher, U.; Conrad, E.; Mews, M.; Korte, L.; Stegemann, B.:
Over 20% conversion efficiency on silicon heterojunction solar cells by IPA-free substrate texturization. Applied Surface Science 301 (2014), p. 56-62
Mews, M.; Conrad, E.; Kirner, S.; Mingirulli, N.; Korte, L.:
Hydrogen plasma treatments of amorphous/crystalline silicon-heterojunctions. Energy Procedia 55 (2014), p. 827-833
Stegemann, B.; Kegel, J.; Mews, M.; Conrad, E.; Korte, L.; Stürzebecher, U.; Angermann, H.:
Evolution of the charge carrier lifetime characteristics in crystalline silicon wafers during processing of heterojunction solar cells. Energy Procedia 55 (2014), p. 219–228
Chen, Y.-Y.; Korte, L.; Leendertz, C.; Haschke, J.; Gan, J.-Y.; Wu, D.-C.:
Simulation of contact schemes for silicon heterostructure rear contact solar cells. Energy Procedia 38 (2013), p. 677-683
George, B.M.; Behrends, J.; Schnegg, A.; Schulze, T.F.; Fehr, M.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.; Lips, K.; Rohrmüller, M.; Rauls, E.; Schmidt, W.G.; Gerstmann, U.:
Atomic Structure of Interface States in Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells. Physical Review Letters 110 (2013), p. 136803/1-5
Haschke, J.; Chen, Y.-Y.; Gogolin, R.; Mews, M.; Mingirulli, N.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
Approach for a Simplified Fabrication Process for IBC-SHJ
Solar Cells with High Fill Factors. Energy Procedia 38 (2013), p. 732-736
Haschke, J.; Jogschies, L.; Amkreutz, D.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
Polycrystalline silicon heterojunction thin-film solar cells on glass exhibiting 582 mV open-circuit voltage. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 115 (2013), p. 7-10
Kegel, J.; Angermann, H.; Stürzebecher, U.; Conrad, E.; Korte, L.; Stegemann, B.:
IPA-free textured a-Si:H/C-Si heterojunction solar cells exceeding 20 % efficiency. In: Proc 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2013. - ISBN 3-936338-33-7, p. 1093 - 1098
Leendertz, C.; Teodoreanu, A.-M.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
The influence of space charge regions on effective charge carrier lifetime in thin films and resulting opportunities for materials characterization. Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2013), p. 044510/1-10
Mews, M.; Schulze, T.F.; Mingirulli, N.; Korte, L.:
Hydrogen plasma treatments for passivation of amorphous-crystalline silicon-heterojunctions on surfaces promoting epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters 102 (2013), p. 122106/1-4
Mews, M.; Schulze, T.F.; Mingirulli, N.; Korte, L.:
Amorphous silicon passivation of surfaces promoting epitaxy. Energy Procedia 38 (2013), p. 855-861
Roczen, M.; Laades, A.; Schade, M.; Barthel, T.; Ordenez, J.; Toefflinger, J.A.; Malguth, E.; Ruske, F.; Leendertz, C.; Korte, L.; Leipner, H.S.; Rech, B.:
Structural properties of Si/SiO2 nanostructures grown by decomposition of substoichiometric SiOxNy layers for photovoltaic applications. Physica Status Solidi A 210 (2013), p. 676-681
Rößler, R.; Leendertz, C.; Korte, L.; Mingirulli, N.; Rech, B.:
Impact of the transparent conductive oxide work function on injection-dependent a-Si:H/c-Si band bending and solar cell parameters. Journal of Applied Physics 113 (2013), p. 144513/1-8
Ruske, F.; Rößler, R.; Wimmer, M.; Schönau, S.; Kämpfer, S.; Hendrichs, M.; Neubert, S.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
ZnO:Al with tuned properties for photovoltaic applications: thin layers and high mobility material. Proceedings of SPIE 8626 (2013), p. 86260Y/1-9
Stegemann, B.; Kegel, J.; Mews, M.; Conrad, E.; Korte, L.; Stürzebecher, U.; Angermann, H.:
Passivation of Textured Silicon Wafers: Influence of Pyramid Size Distribution, a-Si:H Deposition Temperature, and Post-Treatment. Energy Procedia 38 (2013), p. 881-889
Teodoreanu, A.-M.; Friedrich, F.; Leihkauf, R.; Boit, C.; Leendertz, C.; Korte, L.:
2D modelling of polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells. EPJ Photovoltaics 4 (2013), p. 45104/1-6
Teodoreanu, A.-M.; Friedrich, F.; Leihkauf, R.; Korte, L.; Kittler, M.; Rech, B.; Boit, C.:
2D simulations of the grain boundary light beam induced current (GB-LBIC) technique on polycrystalline silicon thin films. In: Proceedings - EU PVSEC 2013, 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition : Parc des Expositions paris Nord Villepinte, Paris, France ; conference 30 September - 04 October 2013München: WIP, 2013, p. 2666-2670
Teodoreanu, A.-M.; Leendertz, C.; Sontheimer, T.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
An effective medium approach for modeling polycrystalline silicon thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 117 (2013), p. 152-160
Töfflinger, J.A.; Pedrueza, E.; Chirvony, V.; Leendertz, C.; Garcia-Calzada, R.; Abargues, R.; Gref, O.; Roczen, M.; Korte, L.; Martinez-Pastor, J.P.; Rech, B.:
Photoconductivity and optical properties of silicon coated by thin TiO2 film in situ doped by Au nanoparticles. Physica Status Solidi A 210 (2013), p. 687-694
Varache, R.; Kleider, J.P.; Gueunier-Farret, M.E.; Korte, L.:
Silicon heterojunction solar cells: Optimization of emitter and contact properties from analytical calculation and numerical simulation. Materials Science and Engineering B 178 (2013), p. 593-598
Angermann, H.; Laades, A.; Stürzebecher, U.; Conrad, E.; Klimm, C.; Schulze, T.F.; Jacob, K.; Lawerenz, A.; Korte, L.:
Wet-chemical preparation of textured silicon solar cell substrates: Surface conditioning and electronic interface properties. Solid State Phenomena 187 (2012), p. 349-352
Korte, L.:
Electronic Properties of Ultrathin a-Si:H Layers and the a-Si:H/c-Si Interface. In: van Sark, W.; Korte, L.; Roca, F. [Eds.] : Physics and Technology of Amorphous-Crystalline Heterostructure Silicon Solar cellsBerlin: Springer, 2012 (Engineering Materials). - ISBN 978-3-642-22274-0, p. 161-220
Roczen, M.; Malguth, E.; Schade, M.; Schöpke, A.; Laades, A.; Blech, M.; Gref, O.; Barthel, T.; Töfflinger, J.A.; Schmidt, M.; Leipner, H.S.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
Comparison of growth methods for Si/SiO2 nanostructures as nanodot hetero-emitters for photovoltaic applications. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358 (2012), p. 2253-2256
Roczen, M.; Schade, M.; Malguth, E.; Callsen, G.; Barthel, T.; Gref, O.; Töfflinger, J.A.; Schöpke, A.; Schmidt, M.; Leipner, H.S.; Ruske, F.; Phillips, M.R.; Hoffmann, A.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
Structural investigations of silicon nanostructures grown by
self-organized island formation for photovoltaic applications. Applied Physics A 108 (2012), p. 719-726
Rößler, R.; Korte, L.; Leendertz, C.; Mingirulli, N.; El Mhamdi, M.; Rech, B.:
ZnO:Al/(p)a-Si:H CONTACT FORMATION AND ITS INFLUENCE ON CHARGE CARRIER LIFETIME MEASUREMENTS. In: Nowak, S. [Ed.] : 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition ; Frankfurt, Main: EU PVSEC ; 24.9.2012-28.9.2012München: WIP, 2012. - ISBN 3-936338-28-0, p. 1443-1447
Schulze, T.F.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
Impact of a-Si:H hydrogen depth profiles on passivation properties in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctions. Thin Solid Films 520 (2012), p. 4439-4444
van Sark, W.; Korte, L.; Roca, F.:
Introduction - Physics and Technology of Amorphous-Crystalline Heterostructure Silicon Solar cells. In: van Sark, W.; Korte, L.; Roca, F. [Eds.] : Physics and Technology of Amorphous-Crystalline Heterostructure Silicon Solar cellsBerlin: Springer, 2012 (Engineering Materials). - ISBN 978-3-642-22274-0, p. 1-12
van Sark, W.; Korte, L.; Roca, F. [Eds.]:
Physics and Technology of Amorphous-Crystalline Heterostructure Silicon Solar Cells. Berlin: Springer, 2012 (Engineering Materials). - ISBN 978-3-642-22274-0
Varache, R.; Favre, W.; Korte, L.; Kleider, J.P.:
Influence of the amorphous/crystalline silicon heterostructure properties on planar conductance measurements. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 358 (2012), p. 2236-2240
Varache, R.; Kleider, J.P.; Favre, W.; Korte, L.:
Band bending and determination of band offsets in amorphous/crystalline silicon heterostructures from planar conductance measurements. Journal of Applied Physics 112 (2012), p. 123717/1-15
Reiss, P.; Haschke, J.; Korte, L.; Mingirulli, N.; Amkreutz, D.; Leendertz, C.; Teodoreanu, A.-M.; Rech, B.:
Short Circuit Current Loss Analysis of Electron Beam Crystallized Silicon Solar Cells on Glass by Numerical Computer Simulation. In: Nowak, S. [Ed.] : 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition ; Frankfurt, Main: EU PVSEC ; 24.9.2012-28.9.2012München: WIP, 2012. - ISBN 3-936338-28-0, p. 2396-2399
Varache, R.; Angermann, H.; Korte, L.; Gueunier-Farret, M.-E.; Kleider, J.P.:
Controlled interfacial wet-chemical oxide for amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells. In: Nowak, S. [Ed.] : 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition ; Frankfurt, Main: EU PVSEC ; 24.9.2012-28.9.2012München: WIP, 2012. - ISBN 3-936338-28-0, p. 1582-1585
Angermann, H.; Wünsch, F.; Kunst, M.; Laades, A.; Stürzebecher, U.; Conrad, E.; Korte, L.; Schmidt, M.:
Effect of wet-chemical substrate pretreatment on electronic interface properties and recombination losses of a-Si:H/c-Si and a-SiNxH/c-Si hetero-interfaces. Physica Status Solidi C 8 (2011), p. 879-882
Greil, S.M.; Mingirulli, N.; Korte, L.; Hartmann, K.; Schöpke, A.; Rappich, J.; Rech, B.:
Etching of a-Si:H on c-Si absorber monitored by in situ photoluminescence measurements. Energy Procedia 8 (2011), p. 269-274
Haschke, J.; Mingirulli, N.; Gogolin, R.; Ferré, R.; Schulze, T.F.; Düsterhöft, J.; Harder, N.-P.; Korte, L.:
Interdigitated Back-Contacted Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells with Improved Fill Factor and Efficiency. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 1 (2011), p. 130-134
Korte, L.; Schmidt, M.:
Doping type and thickness dependence of band offsets at the amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction. Journal of Applied Physics 109 (2011), p. 063714/1-6
Korte, L.; Schulze, T.F.; Leendertz, C.; Schmidt, M.; Rech, B.:
Band alignment at a-Si:H/c-Si hetero-interfaces. In: Baojie Yan ... [Ed.] : Amorphous and polycrystalline thin-film silicon science and technology - 2011 : symposium held April 25 - 29, 2011, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. ; [papers presented in the 2011 MRS spring meeting Symposium A, "Amorphous and Polycrystalline Thin Film Silicon Science and Technology - 2011] MRS, 2011 (MRS Symposium Proceedings ; 1321). - ISBN 978-1-60511-298-5, p. 323-328
Leendertz, C.; Mingirulli, N.; Schulze, T.F.; Kleider, J.P.; Rech, B.; Korte, L.:
Discerning passivation mechanisms at a-Si:H/c-Si interfaces by means of photoconductance measurements. Applied Physics Letters 98 (2011), p. 202108/1-3
Mingirulli, N.; Haschke, J.; Gogolin, R.; Ferré, R.; Schulze, T.F.; Düsterhöft, J.; Harder, N.-P.; Korte, L.; Brendel, R.; Rech, B. :
Efficient interdigitated back-contacted silicon heterojunction solar cells. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters 5 (2011), p. 159-161
Mingirulli, N.; Haschke, J.; Gogolin, R.; Schulze, T.F.; Rößler, R.; Düsterhöft, J.; Ferré, R.; Meyer, R.; Moschner, J.; Plagwitz, H.; Wagner, T.; Harder, N.P.; Korte, L.; Brendel, R.; Rech, B.:
APPLICATION OF AMORPHOUS SILICON BUFFER LAYERS TO INTERDIGITATED BACK CONTACTED SILICON HETEROJUNCTION SOLAR CELLS. In: Ossenbrink, H. [u.a.] [Eds.] : 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference 5 - 9 September, Hamburg, GermanyMünchen: WIP, 2011. - ISBN 3-936338-27-2, p. 999-1003
Ribeyron, P.-J. ; Muñoz, D.; Kleider, J.-P.; Favre, W.; Roca i Cabarrocas, P.; Labrune, M.; Geerligs, B.; Weeber, A.; Späth, M.; Olson, C.; Dekker, N.; van Sark, G.J.H.M. ; Schüttauf, J.A.; Rath, J.K.; Schropp, R.; Tucci, M.; De Iullis, S.; Gordon, I.; O'Sullivan, B.; Descoeudres, A.; De Wolf, S.; Ballif, C.; Schulze, T.; Korte, L.; Madon, F.; Quang, N.L.; Scherff, M.; Doll, R.; Zemen, Y.; Zietek, G.:
European Record Efficiency Amorphous-Crystalline-Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: Final Results from the HETSI Project. In: Ossenbrink, H. [u.a.] [Eds.] : 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference 5 - 9 September, Hamburg, GermanyMünchen: WIP, 2011. - ISBN 3-936338-27-2, p. 853-857
Schulze, T. F.; Leendertz, C.; Mingirulli, N.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
Impact of Fermi-level dependent defect equilibration on Voc of amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells. Energy Procedia 8 (2011), p. 282-287
Schulze, T.F.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
Microscopic Properties of the Heterointerface in a-Si:h/c-Si High-Efficieny Heterojunction Solar Cells. In: Ossenbrink, H. [u.a.] [Eds.] : 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference 5 - 9 September, Hamburg, GermanyMünchen: WIP, 2011. - ISBN 3-936338-27-2, p. 1045-1051
Schulze, T.F.; Korte, L.; Ruske, F.; Rech, B.:
Band lineup in amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunctions and the impact of hydrogen microstructure and topological disorder. Physical Review B 83 (2011), p. 165314/1-11
Stegemann, B.; Korte, L.; Gref, O.; Lussky, T.; Schmidt, M.; Angermann, H.:
ABRUPT INTERFACES AND LOW DENSITIES OF DEFECT STATES. In: Ossenbrink, H. [u.a.] [Eds.] : 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference 5 - 9 September, Hamburg, GermanyMünchen: WIP, 2011. - ISBN 3-936338-27-2, p. 1615-1619
Angermann, H.; Laades, A.; Stürzebecher, U.; Conrad, E.; Klimm, C.; Schulze, T.F.; Lawerenz, A.; Korte, L.:
Wet-chemical preparation of textured silicon solar cell substrates:
Surface conditioning and electronic interface properties. In: 10th International Symposium on Ultra Clean Processing of Semiconductor Surfaces. UCPSS 2010. September 19 - 22, 2010, Ostend, Belgium, 2010, p. 113-114
Brendel, R.; Harder, N.-P.; Schmidt, J.; Glunz, S.; Preu, R.; Reber, S.; Korte, L.; Kunz, T.:
Silizium-Wafer-Solarzellen - Neue Horizonte. In: Stadermann, G. [Red.] [Ed.] : Forschung für das Zeitalter der erneuerbaren Energien. Jubiläumstagung des FVEE 11.- 12. Oktober 2010 Umweltforum Berlin ; FVEE-ThemenheftBerlin: FVEE, 2010, p. 54-60
Leendertz, C.; Mingirulli, N.; Schulze, T.F.; Kleider, J.P.; Rech, B.; Korte, L.:
Physical Insight into Interface Passivation of a-Si:H/c-Si Heterostructures by Analysis of Injection-dependent Lifetime and Band Bending. In: De Santi, G.F. [u.a.] [Eds.] : 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition / 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 6-10 September 2010, Valencia, Spain. EU PVSECMunich: WIP, 2010. - ISBN 3-936338-26-4, p. 1377-1381
Leendertz, C.; Stangl, R.; Schulze, T.F.; Schmidt, M.; Korte, L.:
A recombination model for a-Si:H/c-Si heterostructures. Physica Status Solidi C 7 (2010), p. 1005-1010
Schulze, T.F.; Beushausen, H.N.; Leendertz, C.; Dobrich, A.; Hannappel, T.; Korte, L.; Rech, B.:
Impact of a-Si:H structural properties on the annealing behavior of a-Si:H/c-Si heterostructures used as precursors for high-efficiency solar cells. In: Friedman, D... [Ed.] : Defects in inorganic photovoltaic materials : Spring 2010, April 5 - 9, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.Warrendale: MRS, 2010 (Materials Research Society symposium proceedings ; 1268). - ISBN 978-1-605-11245-9, p. 1268-EE01-07
Schulze, T.F.; Beushausen, H.N.; Leendertz, C.; Dobrich, A.; Rech, B.; Korte, L.:
Interplay of amorphous silicon disorder and hydrogen content with interface defects in amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunctions. Applied Physics Letters 96 (2010), p. 252102/1-3
Schulze, T.F.; Korte, L.; Conrad, E.; Schmidt, M.; Rech, B.:
Electrical transport mechanisms in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells. Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010), p. 023711/1-13
Schulze, T.F.; Korte, L.; Conrad, E.; Schmidt, M.; Rech, B.:
High-forward-bias transport mechanism in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells. Physica Status Solidi A 207 (2010), p. 657-660
Angermann, H.; Conrad, E.; Korte, L.; Rappich, J.; Schulze, T.F.; Schmidt, M.:
Passivation of textured substrates for a-Si:H/c-Si hetero-junction solar cells: Effect of wet-chemical smoothing and intrinsic a-Si:H interlayer. Materials Science and Engineering B 159-160 (2009), p. 219-223
Johnson, B.; Korte, L.; Lußky, T.; Klaer, J.; Lauermann, I.:
CuInS2 - CdS heterojunction valence band offset measured with near-UV constant final state yield spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics 106 (2009), p. 073712/1-6
Korte, L. ; Conrad, E. ; Angermann, H. ; Stangl, R. ; Schmidt, M.:
Advances in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cell fabrication and characterization. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 93 (2009), p. 905-910
Korte, L. ; Laades, A. ; Lauer, K. ; Stangl, R. ; Schaffarzik, D. ; Schmidt, M.:
Surface photovoltage investigation of recombination at the a-Si/c-Si heterojunction. Thin Solid Films 517 (2009), p. 6396-6400
Schulze, T.F. ; Beushausen, H.N. ; Hansmann, T. ; Korte, L. ; Rech, B.:
Accelerated interface defect removal in amorphous/crystalline silicon heterostructures using pulsed annealing and microwave heating. Applied Physics Letters 95 (2009), p. 182108/1-3
Schulze, T.F. ; Korte, L. ; von Maydell, K. ; Schmidt, M. ; Rech, B.:
Insight Into Electronic Transport and Interface Passivation in a-Si:H/c-Si Heterojunction Solar Cells by Temperature-dependent I-V Characterization. In: 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, EU PVSEC ; proceedings of the international conference, held in Hamburg, Germany, 21 - 25 September 2009Munich: WIP, 2009, p. 2213-2217
Seiffe, J.; Suwito, D.; Korte, L.; Hofmann, M.; Janz, S.; Rentsch, J.; Preu, R.:
Thermally activated p- and n-doped passivation layers. In: 24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, EU PVSEC ; proceedings of the international conference, held in Hamburg, Germany, 21 - 25 September 2009Munich: WIP, 2009, p. 1562-1568
Stangl, R. ; Haschke, J. ; Bivour, M. ; Korte, L. ; Schmidt, M. ; Lips, K. ; Rech, B.:
Planar rear emitter back contact silicon heterojunction solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 93 (2009), p. 1900-1903
Angermann, H. ; Korte, L. ; Rappich, J. ; Conrad, E. ; Sieber, I. ; Schmidt, M. ; Hübener, K. ; Hauschild, J.:
Optimisation of electronic interface properties of a-Si:H/c-Si hetero-junction solar cells
by wet-chemical surface pre-treatment. Thin Solid Films 516 (2008), p. 6775-6781
Angermann, H.; Rappich, J.; Korte, L.; Sieber, I.; Conrad, E.; Schmidt, M.; Hübener, K.; Polte, J.; Hauschild, J.:
Wet-chemical passivation of atomically flat and structured silicon substrates for solar cell application. Applied Surface Science 254 (2008), p. 3615-3625
Angermann, H.; Schulze, T.F.; Conrad, E.; Rappich, J.; Korte, L.; Schmidt, M.:
Cleaning and passivation of structured n-type Si substrates: preparation and interface properties of a-Si:H/c-Si hetero solar cells. In: Lincot, D. [Ed.] : Twenty third European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference : proceedings of the international conference held in Valencia, Spain, 1 - 5 September 2008München: WIP Renewable Energies, 2008. - ISBN 3-936338-24-8, p. 1422-1426
Haschke, J. ; Stangl, R. ; Bivour, M. ; Conrad, E. ; Korte, L. ; Schmidt, M. ; Lips, K. ; Rech, B.:
New rear contacted amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells. In: Lincot, D. [u.a.] [Eds.] : Twenty third European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference : proceedings of the international conference held in Valencia, Spain, 1 - 5 September 2008München: WIP Renewable Energies, 2008. - ISBN 3-936338-24-8, p. 1652-1656
Korte, L. ; Bastide, S. ; Lévy-Clément, C.:
Fast measurements of effective optical reflectivity using a conventional flatbed scanner. In: Lincot, D. [u.a.] [Eds.] : Twenty third European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference : proceedings of the international conference held in Valencia, Spain, 1 - 5 September 2008München: WIP Renewable Energies, 2008. - ISBN 3-936338-24-8, p. 1431-1436
Korte, L. ; Bastide, S. ; Lévy-Clément, C.:
Measurements of effective optical reflectivity using a conventional flatbed scanner - Fast assessment of optical layer properties. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 92 (2008), p. 844-850
Korte, L. ; Schmidt, M.:
Investigation of gap states in phosphorous-doped ultra-thin a-Si:H by near-UV photoelectron spectroscopy. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (2008), p. 2138-2143
Suwito, D.; Roth, T.; Pysch, D.; Korte, L.; Richter, A.; Janz, S.; Glunz, S.W.:
Detailed study on the passivation mechanism of a-SixC1-x for the solar cell rear side. In: Lincot, D. [u.a.] [Eds.] : Twenty third European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference : proceedings of the international conference held in Valencia, Spain, 1 - 5 September 2008München: WIP Renewable Energies, 2008. - ISBN 3-936338-24-8, p. 1023-1028
Angermann, H. ; Korte, L. ; Rappich, J. ; Schaffarzik, D. ; Conrad, E. ; Sieber, I. ; Schmidt, M.:
Wet-chemical surface preparation and electronic interface properties of a-Si:H/c-Si hetero-junction solar cells. In: 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference : proceedings of the international conference held in Milan, Italy, 3 - 7 September 2007Munich: WIP, 2007, p. 2089-2093
Korte, L. ; Conrad, E. ; Angermann, H. ; Stangl, R. ; Schmidt, M.:
Overview on a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells - physics and technology. In: 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 3 - 7 September 2007, Milan, Italy, 2007, p. 859-865
Schmidt, M.; Korte, L.; Laades, A.; Stangl, R.; Schubert, Ch.; Angermann, H.; Conrad, E.; v. Maydell, K.:
Physical aspects of a-Si:H/c-Si hetero-junction solar cells. Thin Solid Films 515 (2007), p. 7475-7480
Stangl, R. ; Bivour, M. ; Conrad, E. ; Didschuns, I. ; Korte, L. ; Lips, K. ; Schmidt, M.:
A novel high efficiency buried grid rear contact amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cell concept. In: 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference : proceedings of the international conference held in Milan, Italy, 3 - 7 September 2007Munich: WIP, 2007, p. 870-874
Conrad, E. ; Korte, L. ; Meydell, K. v. ; Angermann, H. ; Schubert, C. ; Stangl, R. ; Schmidt, M.:
Development and optimization of a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunction solar cells completely processed at low temperatures. In: Poortman, J. [u.a.] [Eds.] : Twentyfirst European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference : proceedings of the international conference held in Dresden, Germany, 4 - 8 September 2006
München: WIP Renewable Energies, 2006. - ISBN 3-936338-20-5, p. 784-787
Fuhs, W.; Korte, M.; Schmidt, M.:
Heterojunctions of hydrogenated amorphous silicon and monocrystalline silicon. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 8 (2006), p. 1989-1995
Korte, L.:
Die elektronische Struktur des amorph-kristallinen Silizium-Heterostruktur-Kontakts. HMI-B 611 , 2006
Korte, L. ; Laades, A. ; Schmidt, M.:
Electronic states in a-Si:H/c-Si heterostructures. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352 (2006), p. 1217-1220
Maydell, K.v. ; Korte, L. ; Laades, A. ; Stangl, R. ; Conrad, E. ; Lange, F. ; Schmidt, M.:
Characterization and optimization of the interface quality in amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 352 (2006), p. 1958-1961
Schmidt, M. ; Angermann, H. ; Conrad, E. ; Korte, L. ; Laades, A. ; Maydell, K.v. ; Schubert, Ch. ; Stangl, R.:
Physical and technological aspects of a-Si:H/c-Si hetero-junction solar cells. In: 2006 IEEE 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion : Waikoloa, Hawaii, May 7-12, 2006 : WCPEC-4Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2006. - ISBN 1-4244-0016-3, p. 1433-1438
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