Jugo, J.; Elejaga, A.; Echevarria, P.: Modified active disturbance rejection control scheme for systems with time delay. IET Control Theory & Applications 17 (2023), p. 1992-2003
Open Accesn Version

Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) has been gaining attention in recent yearsand has shown its performance in multiple applications including non-linear ones, with-out the need of accurate models. Despite the good results of this technique, time delaycan deteriorate the performance of ADRC, limiting its application. Here, the effect oftime delay on the stability of a linear ADRC is analysed, using an alternative mathemat-ical description, and a new effective design technique, based on a modified ADRC scheme,is proposed to overcome the delay effect while maintaining the disturbance rejection prop-erties of the ADRC. An experimental example is discussed considering a system with lowdamped mechanical resonances, showing good results using the proposed technique.