Publications 2020
Flisgen, T.; Gjonaj, E.; Glock, H.W.; Tsakanian, A.:
Generalization of coupled S -parameter calculation to compute beam impedances in particle accelerators. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 23 (2020), p. 034601/1-13
doi: 10.1103/physrevaccelbeams.23.034601
Open Access
Keckert, Sebastian:
Characterization of Nb3Sn and Multilayer Thin Films for SRF Applications. , Universität Siegen, 2020
Open Access
Kramer, F.; Kugeler, O.; Köszegi, J.-M.; Knobloch, J.:
Impact of geometry on flux trapping and the related surface resistance in a superconducting cavity. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 23 (2020), p. 123101/1-11
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.23.123101
Open Access
Kugeler, O.; Tikhonov, D.:
Evaluation of system 3 and SIS. In: ARIES. [Ed.] : ARIES : Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society, Horizon 2020 Research Infrastructures GA n° 730871 ; deliverable report : Deliverable:D15Geneve: Cern, 2020, p. 1-71
Vélez, A.; Glock, H.W.:
Superconducting radio-frequency for high-current CW applications. In: Jaeschke, E.J.; Khan, S.; Schneider, J.R.; Hastings, J.B. [Eds.] : Synchrotron light sources and free-electron lasers: Accelerator physics, instrumentation and science applications, volume 1-3 / second editionCham: Springer, 2020. - ISBN 978-3-030-23200-9, p. 581-601