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Department Optics and Beamlines

Optical Simulation and Advanced Concepts

We are focused and work on research topics in optical physics and technology that are relevant for developing beamlines for State of the Art and modern synchrotron light sources like BESSY II+ and BESSY III, including:

  • new beamline concepts for BESSY II+/III experiments
  • familiarization and developing with methods for measuring and simulating wavefronts and coherence (cooperation with PTB and DESY)
  • further development of Ray-UI
  • State of the Art ray tracing: Ray-X
  • digitalization and metadatamangement
  • digital beamline twins

Our team work closley with our colleagues from the other teams of our department (WI-AOS) as well as the other departments of HZB and external partners on all topics.

© 02/25 PB and smalerz

© 02/25 PB and smalerz