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Department Optics and Beamlines

Research and Development

The development, planning and implementation of state-of-the-art beamlines is closely linked to research and innovative development. The constantly growing demands on future-oriented synchrotron sources and their beamlines require not only a high degree of innovative spirit, but also new approaches in planning and the continuous further development of proven methods and systems.

Already in the planning phase of the electron storage rings BESSY and BESSY II, precise ray tracing models and programs were developed at HZB, which are continuously optimized and expanded. In addition to the established ray tracing program RAY-UI (Link)and its Python adaptation RayPyNg (Git), we are currently working on a faster and more versatile version for the simulation and calculation of beamlines for fourth-generation synchrotrons such as BESSY III. This further development will result in our latest version RAYX (Git), which is about to be finalized.

Scientific results are only as reliable as the measurements on which they are based. In spectroscopy and synchrotron research in particular, precise coordination between the experiment and the available measuring equipment is essential. As the experimental conditions at synchrotrons are difficult to estimate in advance due to numerous variable factors, valuable beam time can often not be used optimally. To solve this problem, we are working on digital twins of the beamlines to further increase efficiency in the future.c

We are using artificial intelligence (AI) (Link) to address the increasing complexity of scientific issues and the growing volume of data. Our AI models independently monitor the beamlines during the measurement and make corrections if necessary. They also support data analysis by avoiding misinterpretations and opening up new perspectives.

In addition to these developments, our research and collaborations also focus on new measurement and analysis methods for beam and beamline parameters, which we are continuously developing further.

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