Joint Research Group Theory of Electron Dynamics and Spectroscopy
International Talks:
- 20/09/18 54th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Halle, contributed talk.
- 30/08/18 6th High-Dimensional Quantum Dynamics workshop, Lille, FR, invited talk.
- 04/10/17 International School and Developers Meeting on MCTDH, Paris-Orsay, FR, invited talk.
- 17/03/16 251st ACS meeting "Computers in Chemistry", San Diego, CA, U.S., invited talk.
- 17/02/16 Kobe workshop for material design on stongly correlated electrons in molecules and materials, Kobe, Japan, invited talk.
- 28/07/15 TSRC meeting "New frontiers in electron correlation", Telluride, CO, U.S., invited talk.
- 22/04/15 CECAM meeting "Stochastic wavefunction methods in quantum chemistry", Lausanne, Switzerland, invited talk.
- 11/07/13 9th International Conference on Dissociative Recombination, Paris, invited talk.
- 22/05/09 Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Japan, invited by Prof. M. Ehara.
- 02/04/09 Nagoya University, Japan, invited by Prof. S. Irle.
- 18/05/07 106th Bunsentagung, Graz, Austria, contributed talk.
- 10/10/06 Lund University, Sweden, invited by Prof. B. Roos.
- 28/08/06 1st European Chemistry Congress, Budapest, Hungary, contributed talk.
- 09/06/06 Università dell`Insubria, Como, Italien,invited by Prof. D. Bressanini.
National Talks:
- 28.06.18 Talk for opening the Habilitation procedure, FU Berlin
- 24.02.18 Freigeist-Workshop „Carbon Nanomaterials in Aqueous Environment: From Characterization to Applications”, HZB, Berlin, invited talk.
- 28/11/17 Colloquium of Physical Chemistry, TU Braunschweig University, invited.
- 26/09/17 Freigeist workshop "Dynamics of Energy Transfer on the Nanoscale", HZB, Berlin, own workshop.
- 29/08/17 WATOC 2017, Munich, contributed talk.
- 06/12/16 Colloquium of Theoretical Chemistry, Marburg University, invited.
- 02/09/16 5th Workshop on High-dimensional quantum dynamics, Rostock, contributed talk.
- 13/04/16 Kolloquium der Physik, Chemnitz University, invited.
- 13/01/16 PCTC Kolloquium, FU Berlin, invited.
- 21/09/15 51st Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Potsdam, contributed talk.
- 15/05/15 114th Bunsentagung, Bochum, contributed talk.
- 18/03/15 DPG meeting (Condensed Matter), Berlin, contributed talk.
- 04/02/15 Potsdam University, invited by Prof. P. Saalfrank
- 06/11/14 Frankfurt University, invited by Prof. I. Burkhard.
- 15/10/14 Center for Quantum Dynamics Colloquium at Heidelberg University, invitation.
- 05/09/14 ICD Summer School, Bad Honnef, invitation.
- 07/07/14 Duisburg-Essen University, invited by Prof. A. Lorke.
- 02/07/14 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, invited by Prof. E. F. Aziz.
- 30/05/14 113th Bunsentagung, Hamburg, contributed talk (by P. Dolbundalchok).
- 15/07/13 Montagskolloquium at Heidelberg University, invitation.
- 10/05/13 112th Bunsentagung, Karlsruhe, contributed talk.
- 22/03/13 DPG meeting (AMOP), Hannover, contributed talk.
- 21/02/13 Kassel University, invited by Prof. J. P. Reithmaier.
- 26/09/12 48. Symposium für Theoretische Chemie, Karlsruhe, contributed talk.
- 28/06/12 Saarbrücken University, invited by Prof. M. Springborg.
- 06/06/12 Düsseldorf University, invited by Prof. C. Marian.
- 06/06/11 Potsdam University, invited by Prof. P. Saalfrank.
- 19/05/11 Duisburg-Essen University, invited by Prof. E. Spohr.
- 17/06/10 Mainz University, invited by Prof. J. Gauss.
- 08/01/10 RWTH Aachen University, invited by Prof. A. Lüchow.
- 07/01/10 RWTH Aachen University, institute’s colloquium in the physical chemistry department.
- 11/12/09 Bonn University, invited by Prof. F. Neese.
- 25/11/09 Meeting of Alexander-von-Humboldt fellows in Heidelberg.
- 23/11/09 Heidelberg University, invited by Prof. L. S. Cederbaum.
- 08/09/09 Max-Plack-Institut für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim/Ruhr, invited by Prof. W Thiel.
- 21/03/07 DPG meeting (AMOP), Düsseldorf, contributed talk.
- 01/06/06 Köln University, invited by Prof. M. Dolg.
- 15/03/06 DPG meeting (AMOP), Frankfurt/Main, contributed talk.
International Poster Presentations:
- 23/05/16 9th International Conference on Quantum Dots, Jeju, Southcorea (A. Bande; A. Haller).
- 16/09/14 50th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Vienna, Austria.
- 12/05/14 8th International Conference on Quantum Dots, Pisa, Italy.
- 09/07/12 XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, Lausanne, Schweiz.
- 02/08/11 XXVII ICPEAC, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
- 29/05/09 12th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Tokyo, Japan.
- 02/03/09 49th Sanibel Symposium, St. Simon's Island, GA, U.S.
- 28/08/06 1st European Chemistry Congress, Budapest, Hungary.
- 23/05/06 XIIth International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, Kyoto, Japan.
- 18/12/05 Pacifichem 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
- 05/09/05 41. Symposium für Theoretische Chemie, Innsbruck, Astria.
National Poster Presentations:
- 05/05/16 114th Bunsentagung, Rostock (by F. Ehrhard; A. Haller; F. Weber)
- 21/09/15 51st Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Potsdam (by A. Haller).
- 30/05/14 113th Bunsentagung, Hamburg.
- 17/01/13 ICD Kick-Off Meeting, Mainz.
- 03/06/11 110th Bunsentagung, Berlin.
- 27/09/10 46th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Münster.
- 25/11/09 Meeting of Alexander-von-Humboldt fellows in Heidelberg.
- 09/09/09 45th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Neuss am Rhein.
- 18/09/07 43rd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Saarbrücken.
- 03/09/06 42nd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Erkner (Berlin).
- 17/02/06 Winter School, Jülich.
Further Presentations:
- 09/05/13 "Fördermöglichkeiten für Auslandsaufenthalte und Rückkehr" at the Karriereforum of the 112th Bunsentagung, Karlsruhe, invited talk.
- 05/11/10 Japan Experience Report at an information meeting of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science.
- 26/11/09 Japan Experience Report at the meeting of the Alexander-von-Humboldt fellows in Heidelberg.