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Joint Research Group Theory of Electron Dynamics and Spectroscopy



January 2023

June 2022

Entering new domains: Kanishka published on machine learning for spectroscopy and Fabian on quantum computation of electron dynamics.

May 2022

Börries van Seggern finished his Bachelor thesis on machine learning of band gaps of nanodiamonds. Fabain, Pascal, and Paul created fascinating movies of electronic excitation processes.

Summer 2021

Postdoc and PhD opportunity - Data science in quantum chemistry. Learn more: https://twitter.com/HIDAdigital/status/1427206931232481283


We welcome the new PhD student Sara Marando. Paul Albrecht started his Master thesis and Eunbi Lee a Bachelor thesis.

May 2021

Paper referee wrote: "This is probably the most well-done work in the field of electronic dynamics in recent years!" Find out more.



February 2021

Annika Bande finished her Habilitation at the Freie Universität Berlin, where she teaches now as a Privatdozent.



October 2020

Xiangfei Wang, a CSC fellow, arrived from China in the work group. He persues a PhD on the excitation of nanodiamonds.



July 2020

The group is established as an independent young investigator group "Theory of Electron Dynamics and Spectroscopy" at HZB with Annika Bande as group leader and Pascal Krause as deputy head.

Successful transition to PhD: Thorren Gimm and Fabian Langkabel finished their Master thesis in the summer. Thorren aquired a HEIBRiDs PhD fellowhip and works in the HZB group Simulation of Energy Materials on electron solvation from nanodiamonds. Fabian developes electron dynamics codes for application in quantum computers in the Freigeist project of this group.





April 2020

The lecture "Reaction Quantum Dynamics" is offered in digital form at the Freie Universität Berlin




January 2020

2 Fabians in action: Fabian Weber became Dr. rer. nat., congratulations, and Fabian Langkabel started his master thesis work, good luck.

We hosted the QDNano workshop with European and (South-)American partners to launch a cooperative network on Quantum Dynamics on the Nanoscale.



December 2019

The group was positively evaluated by the Volkswagen Foundataion and got a prolongation of the Freigeist Fellowship by 3 years.

Kanishka Singh started his PhD thesis in the HEIBRiDs graduate school for data science. Good luck!



November 2019

Yannik Schütze started his doctoral work in cooperation with the Joint Research Group "Simulation of Energy Materials". 

Dr. Molle, this was a well done dissertation!



Dr. Molle + Dr. Bande
Dr. Molle's hat

October 2019

We wish Thorren Gimm good luck with his Master Thesis.



September 2019

Congratulations Dr. Haller! The first doctoral student obtained her degree.

Haller with supervisor
Haller with hat




June 2019

See you at Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, June 15, im Zelt "Chemie am Computer" und im Diskussionszelt.

TC at the LNDW
Krause at the LNDW









HOT: Matthias Berg contributed the theory on Optical and Vibrational Properties of Thermoelectric SnSe for a work selected as 2019 HOT Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics article.

Understanding the inter-Coulombic electron capture: Axel Molle and cooperation partner Federico Pont from Cordoba (ARG) disentagled and interpreted various process pathways and predict highest prcess rates from basic principles.

Breakthrough: Anika Haller published the first work on the inter-Coulombic decay in self-assembled quantum dots with two-dimensional continuum. We thank our collaboration partner Daniel Pelaez in Lille (FR).


May 2019

Jakob+Hande+Pascal2: We welcome the bachelor student Pascal Stehling and the postdoc Pascal Krause. Further two student assistants Hande Kordon and Jakob Hein.

Mit vereinten Kräften: Zwei Freigeist-Teams erforschen Nanoteilchen. Der Theorie-Beitrag stammt von Fabian Weber.

GOx Tema





July 2018

A summer in Berlin: We warmly welcome our summer students Aneesh Jonelagadda (Illinois, US), Nikola Kolev (Edinburgh, UK), Viktoria Noel (Oxford, UK), and Nikki Rahnamaei (Toronto, CAN). You'll heat our research!


June 2018

Annika Bande gave a lecture at FU to open the Habilitation procedure. Anika Haller submitted an article. IMAMPC was a grat success.


March 2018

Simon Petry is back as Master student (FU, Nanodiamonds) and Joana Schäfer joined in for a Bachelor thesis (HU, Phonons). We wish you exciting research and good results.


January 2018

Welcome to our guest student Hossam Ibrahim Tohamy from Egypt and to our new group member Fabian Langkabel. Annika is in the local press as "Berliner Weltverbesserer"


October 2017

Prof. Federico M. Pont (National University of Cordoba, Argentina) is visiting.


September 2017

Freigeist Workshop 25-27 Sep.

"Dynamics of Energy Transfer on the Nanoscale"


August 2017

Two Summerstudents joined our group for two months.

Sara Bogojević (University of Belgrade) works on nitrogen-doped graphene oxide quantum dots.

Royle Perez-Castillo (University of Havana) works on elecron dynamics in metallic nanoparticles


June 2017

The Workshop "Dynamics of Energy Transfer on the Nanoscale" is open for registration until June 30.



May 2017

enlarged view

Aim high with theory


April 2017

We have a postdoc! Welcome Dr. Matthias Berg. Moreover Simon Petry joins in for an internship.


February 2017

Prof. Aliezer Martínez-Mesa (University of Havana) is visiting.


January 2017

With the new year our team is expanding: Martin Lützner who graduated from Potsdam University became a new PhD student. Essam Radwan from Egypt joins in for a few weeks internship.


December 2016

PhD candidate Axel Molle gained a Q-Team for interdisciplinary teaching in his PhD project at Humboldt University.


September 2016

Fabian Weber and Annika Bande gave talks at dynamics conferences in Greifswald and Rostok and have a poster at STC in Bochum. Welcome back Simon Petry, former Bachelor student and current HiWi.


August 2016

We welcome the PhD student Axel Molle who will investigate ultrafast, long-range energy transfer processes in atomic and molecular clusters with theoretical methods, and our summer student Essam Radwan from Zewail city, Egypt.


July 2016

Visit from Cuba: the guest professors Aliezer Martínez-Mesa and Llinersy Uranga-Piña from the University of Havana join the theory group for two month to initiate a cooperation on the interplay of metal nanoparticles and quantum dots. The visit of Annika Bande in Cuba will follow next spring.


July 2016

Freigeist squared: Annika Bande successfully aquired an extension to her Freigeist fellowship for a PhD student to connect to the Freigeist project of Tristan Petit. Together with the PhD candidate Fabian Weber they will look at electron transfer processes between graphene oxide quantum dots and their environment.


April 2016

TC Group picture April 2016 - enlarged view

Group picture at the HZB Wannsee site


October 2015

Fabian Weber started his theoretical PhD thesis on energy and electron transfer processes in neutral quantum dots. Welcome and good luck!


June 2015

enlarged view

Theory group, June 2015

June 2015

We welcome the first group members and especially the PhD candidate Anika Haller in the new junior research group on theoretical chemistry and we are looking forward to our joined projects.


May 2015

Annika Bande has been selected as participant from HZB for the Helmholtz Mentoring Program ""Taking The Lead"