Institute Electrochemical Energy Storage
Electrochemistry lab - LS 207
Multi Autolab/M204 - Modular Multi Potentiostat/Galvanostat
- Electrode connections: 2, 3 and 4
- Potential range: +/- 10 V
- Compliance voltage: +/- 20 V
- Maximum current: +/- 400 mA
- Current ranges: 100 mA to 10 nA
- Potential accuracy: +/- 0.2 %
- Potential resolution: 3 µV
- Current accuracy: +/- 0.2 %
- Current resolution: 0.0003 % (of current range)
- Input impedance: > 100 GOhm
- Potentiostat bandwidth: 1 MHz
Two Arbin’s Multi-Channel Potentiostat/Galvanostat
- Voltage: -5~5V 0~5V
- Current: 1A 10A
- Chassis: 8 8
Chamber for multi-battery test
- Material: Aluminum Alloy
- Mounting: Wall-mount, bench-mount, or base-mount.
- Chamber: 23 small chambers with size: 165 L x 380 D x 133 mm H (6.5" W x 5.25"H x 15" D )
- Ports: Each chamber has one 16 mm (5/8") diameter feedthrough port for electrical cables.
- Loading: Front-loading by openable front panel or each individual door.
- Locking: A deadbolt master lock for opening front panel of the cabinet.