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X-ray source information
Who we are – a one minute film
Short films and animations
An ongoing series of short films and animations about our BESSY II Synchrotron and its wide-reaching use.
Explore what happens behind the walls of the BESSY II light source in Germany. This synchrotron at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin attracts researchers from all over the world with its exceptionally bright light.
Tour of BESSY II: Ingo Müller takes the visitors into the world of the electron accelerator BESSY II, where there is not only a lot of high-tech but also some experiments to marvel at.
A team from the University of Lübeck has recently analysed the main protease of the new coronavirus using BESSY II
BESSY II: what can I co for you? Serving coffee and fresh photons since 1998
BESSY II - A particle accelerator as microscope: The synchrotron BESSY II is optimized for soft X-rays. It is used for materials research and is particularly well suited to study thin-film materials. (ger)
Acceleration physicists have presented an exciting option: they set up a "second track" for the electrons, thus making one light source and one measuring station practically two. (2019) (ger)
EMIL, the energy materials in-situ laboratory at BESSY II introduces itself and the range of research opportunities it offers.
BESSY VSR: The upgrade from BESSY II - brilliant long pulses and short pulses of high energy for time-resolved observations .
BESSY VSR: With a two minute dance, HZB staff members show you what this is all about, while Paul Goslawski explains the main principle.
To implement BESSY VSR, the project team still has to solve some tricky problems. Accelerator physicist Paul Goslawski and his colleagues show with this little performance, what can happen.
Novel accelerator technology with BERLinPro (ger)
Time lapse: new control room BESSY II and MLS
Researching proteins: Conformational changes in the Ca2+-ATPase upon nucleotide binding - Macromolecular Crystallography, Structure of the month July 2004