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Decommissioning Research Reactor BER II
Films about neutron research at BER II
A series of short films about our former BER II Neutronsource and its wide-reaching use and instruments.
Large Scale Facilities at HZB (ger)
Meet the Neutrons at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin: Learn how it is to live and research at BER II.
Slideshow: Construction of the infrastructure buildings
In 2014 the world's strongest magnet for neutron scattering was put into operation at HZB. The components were built and designed in five countries. The core was assembled at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida.
Tomography of a clock
26 tesla: Constructing the world strongest magnet for neutron research
Kelvin and the gas law: Why physicists prefer to measure temperature in Kelvin (ger)
The neutron researchers: Neutrons are something special, because they can "look" into many materials without destruction. The "Neutron Man" shows what can be discovered with them and the scientists at BER II are exploring. (ger)
Alan Tennant explains what magnetic monopoles are, the most challenging aspects of the experimental setup for their observation at Berlin research reactor BER II, the significance of their discovery for future applications and the collaboration.
Tomography of a sea urchin spine
16.09 s
New insight into the live of the Lystrosaurus: In 2011, scientists from the Natural History Museum Berlin at HZB were able to study a petrified "dinoskull" with neutron tomography at HZB. (ger)
Surprises under a Titian painting: researchers at HZB use neutrons to look under the upper layers of paint in old paintings. (ger)