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Open Port Beamlines

In addition to various instruments, the HZB gives users the unique opportunity to bring their own equipment to some of the BESSY II beamlines, the so-called "open port" beamlines. Please see the list below in order to find the appropriate "open port" beamline for the intended experiment. Before handing in your proposal, please contact the responsible instrument scientist to discuss the experimental details.

full operation
limited operation
under construction

InstrumentRemote AccessPhone (~49 30 8062-)Beam availabilityEnergy range (at experiment)PolarisationMethodsContact
User station@PM3 Open port dipole beamline (soft X-ray, variable polarisation)
not possible13429 24h/d 20 - 1900 eV • horizontal
• circular

Torsten Kachel
Dirk Ponwitz
User station@UE51_PGM-1 User station@UE51_PGM-1

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