Abo-Bakr, M.; Anders, W.; Bürkmann-Gehrlein, K.B.; Büchel, A.B.; Echevarria, P.; Frahm, A.; Glock, H.-W.; Glöckner, F.; Göbel, F.; Hall, B.D.S.; Heling, S.; Hoberg, H.-G.; Jankowiak, A.; Kalus, C.; Kamps, T.; Klemz, G.; Knedel, J.; Knobloch, J.; Kolbe, J.; Kourkafas, G.; Kühn, J.; Kuske, B.C.; Kuszynski, J.; Malyutin, D.; Matveenko, A.N.; McAteer, M.J.; Meseck, A.; Metzger-Krauß, C.J.; Müller, R.; Neumann, A.; Ohm, N.; Ott, K.; Panofski, E.; Pflocksch, F.; Rahn, J.; Schmeißer, M.; Schüler, O.; Schuster, M.; Ullrich, J.; Ushakov, A.; Völker, J.: Status of the Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Project BERLinPro. In: Gianluigi Arduini ... [Ed.] : IPAC2017 - Proceedings, Copenhagen, DenmarkJACoW, 2017. - ISBN 978-3-95450-182-3, p. MOPVA005/1-4
Open Accesn Version
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin is constructing the Energy Recovery Linac Prototype bERLinPro, a demonstration facility for the science and technology of ERLs for future light source applications. bERLinPro is designed to accelerate a high current (100 mA, 50 MeV), high brilliance (norm. emittance below 1 mm mrad) cw electron beam. We report on the project status. This includes the completion of the building and the installation of the first accelerator components as well as the assembly of the SRF gun and GunLab beam diagnostics, which are now ready for commissioning.