• He, Y.; Fecher, G.H.; Kroder, J.; Borrmann, H.; Wang, X.; Zhang, L.; Kuo, C.Y.; Liu, C.E.; Chen, C.T.; Chen, K.; Choueikani, F.; Ohresser, P.; Tanaka, A.; Hu, Z.; Felser, C.: Easy-cone magnetic structure in (Cr0.9B0.1)Te. Applied Physics Letters 116 (2020), p. 102404/1-4

Open Accesn Version

Although stoichiometric CrTe is difficult to synthesize because of the appearance of Cr vacancies, ferromagnetic Cr1−x Te compounds have attracted increasing attention. This work investigates single crystalline (Cr0.9 B0.1)Te with the Cr vacancies filled by B to stabilize the hexagonal crystal structure and shift the Fermi energy. The structural and magnetic properties have been characterized by experimental measurements and ab initio calculations. A collinear spin structure with an easy axis along c is observed at high temperature, whereas the magnetic moments localized at the Cr atoms gradually tilt away from the c-axis below 140 K. A maximum tilt angle of is observed at a temperature of 2 K.