• Usenko, S.; Schwickert, D.; Przystawik, A.; Baev, K.; Baev, I.; Braune, M.; Bocklage, L.; Czwalinna, M.K.; Deinert, S.; Düsterer, S.; Hans, A.; Hartmann, G.; Haunhorst, C.; Kuhlmann, M.; Palutke, S.; Röhlsberger, R.; Rönsch-Schulenburg, J.; Schmidt, P.; Skruszewicz, S.; Toleikis, S.; Viefhaus, J.; Martins, M.; Knie, A.; Kip, D.; Laarmann, T.: Auger electron wave packet interferometry on extreme timescales with coherent soft x-rays. Journal of Physics B 53 (2020), p. 244008/1-7

Open Accesn Version

Wave packet interferometry provides benchmark information on light-induced electronic quantum states by monitoring their relative amplitudes and phases during coherent excitation, propagation, and decay. The relative phase control of soft x-ray pulse replicas on the single-digit attosecond timescale achieved in our experiments makes this method a powerful tool to probe ultrafast quantum phenomena such as the excitation of Auger shake-up states with sub-cycle precision. In this contribution we present first results obtained for different Auger decay channels upon generating L-shell vacancies in argon atoms using Michelson-type all-reflective interferometric autocorrelation at a central free-electron laser photon energy of 274.7 eV.