Collaborative Research Centre “Nanoscale Metals” raises 11 million euros

Licht wird durch den Nanopartikel fokussiert und die Energie lokal in verschiedene Formen umgewandelt, die dann Chemische Transformation antreiben.

Licht wird durch den Nanopartikel fokussiert und die Energie lokal in verschiedene Formen umgewandelt, die dann Chemische Transformation antreiben. © Felix Stete

Several HZB research teams are participating in the new SFB 1636 "Elementary processes of light-driven reactions on nanoscale metals".

Research on Nansoscale Metals

“We are excited and look forward to the new synergies that can arise from this,” says Prof. Matias Bargheer, who is one of the spokespersons for the new Collaborative Research Centre, led by University of Potsdam. The HZB scientists Renske van der Veen, Yan Lu and Alexander Föhlisch are also involved, in addition to the team of Bargheer, who heads a joint research group at the University of Potsdam and HZB.

The research project aims to help understand the elementary processes that trigger light-controlled chemical reactions on metals at the nanoscale. “There are still many unanswered questions at this fascinating transition between physics and chemistry and we can already apply our concepts to organic coupling reactions and polymerisations, e.g. to functionalise nanoparticles asymmetrically,” says Prof. Dr. Matias Bargheer, talking about the struggles as well as the perspectives of their collaborative research.

Antonia Rötger

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