RBB Abendschau on visit at CatLab

Kasia Skoprupska and Tobias Sontheimer in conversation with Martin Küper during the shooting of the rbb Abendschau programme.

Kasia Skoprupska and Tobias Sontheimer in conversation with Martin Küper during the shooting of the rbb Abendschau programme. © HZB / Sophie Spangenberger

CatLab got a visit from the rbb Abendschau.
Under the title "Der Weg weg vom Erdgas" (The way away from natural gas), the programme was broadcast on Sunday, 31st July in the rbb Abendschau and will be available in the rbb media library for 7 days.

They show how we, in Berlin, are carrying out research and development on hydrogen as a green energy carrier of the (near) future and how we want to accelerate the energy transition.
We will take the audience to the synchrotron radiation source BESSY II in Adlershof and show our laboratories and experiments in the IRIS research building.

rbb Abendschau 31. Juli 2022
rbb Mediathek

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