Poster award for Johannes Sutter

Johannes Sutter received an award for his poster on solarcells at the NIPHO19.

Johannes Sutter received an award for his poster on solarcells at the NIPHO19. © Privat

Johannes Sutter, PhD student at HZB, was awarded a poster prize at the "International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells, Photonics and Optoelectronics (NIPHO19)". The conference took place from 25-27 February 2019 in Jerusalem.

Johannes Sutter is working on his PhD in the Nano-SIPPE group of Prof. Dr. Christiane Becker, his experimental work is done in the Helmholtz Innovation Lab HySPRINT at HZB. He won a poster prize at the first international conference at which he was able to present his work. The prize from the scientific publisher Wiley was associated with a book voucher worth 300 euros.

Sutter develops nanostructures at interfaces in perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells in order to facilitate spin coating of perovskite. These nanostructures should have low reflection values and good electronic properties.

By combining the processes of nanoimprint lithography and reactive ion etching, it is possible to transfer the nanostructures into crystalline silicon. Both optical and electronic investigations show that such interface structures can improve the properties of perovskite silicon tandem cells. 


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