
Cold Neutron 3-Axis Spectrometer (FLEXX)



Trepka, H.; Keller, T.; Krautloher, M.; Xu, J.; Habicht, K.; Böhm, M.; Keimer, B.; Hepting, M.: Critical magnetic fluctuations in the layered ruthenates Ca2RuO4 and Ca3Ru2O7. , Physical Review Research 4 (2022), p. 023181/1-17
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.023181

Ran, K.; Wang, J.; Bao, S.; Cai, Z.; Shangguan, Y.; Ma, Z.; Wang, W.; Dong, Z.-Y.; Cermak, P.; Schneidewind, A.; Meng, S.; Lu, Z.; Yu, S.-L.; Li, J.-X.; Wen, J.: Evidence for Magnetic Fractional Excitations in a Kitaev Quantum-Spin-Liquid Candidate α-RuCl3. , Chinese Physics Letters 39 (2022), p. 027501/1-6
doi: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/2/027501

Qin, Y.; Shen, Y.; Liu, C.; Wo, H.; Gao, Y.; Feng, Y.; Zhang, X.; Ding, G.; Gu, Y.; Wang, Q.; Shen, S.; Walker, H.C.; Bewley, R.; Xu, J.; Boehm, M.; Steffens, P.; Ohira-Kawamura, S.; Murai, N.; Schneidewind, A.; Tong, X.; Chen, G.; Zhao, J.: Field-tuned quantum effects in a triangular-lattice Ising magnet. , Science Bulletin 67 (2022), p. 38-44
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Zhao, X.; Ran, K.; Wang, J.; Bao, S.; Shangguan, Y.; Huang, Z.; Liao, J.; Zhang, B.; Cheng, S.; Xu, H.; Wang, W.; Dong, Z.-Y.; Meng, S.; Lu, Z.; Yano, S.-I.; Yu, S.-L.; Li, J.-X.; Wen, J.: Neutron Spectroscopy Evidence for a Possible Magnetic-Field-Induced Gapless Quantum-Spin-Liquid Phase in a Kitaev Material α-RuCl3. , Chinese Physics Letters 39 (2022), p. 057501/1-7
doi: 10.1088/0256-307X/39/5/057501


Nikitin, S.E.; Podlesnyak, A.; Xu, J.; Voneshen, D.; Le, M.D.; Budko, S.L.; Canfield, P.C.; Sokolov, D.A.: Magnetic field induced softening of spin waves and hard-axis order in the Kondo-lattice ferromagnet CeAgSb2. , Physical Review B 104 (2021), p. 115169/1-12
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Nikitin, S. E.; Nishimoto, S.; Fan, Y.; Wu, J.; Wu, L.S.; Sukhanov, A.S.; Brando, M.; Pavlovskii, N.S.; Xu, J.; Vasylechko, L.; Yu, R.; Podlesnyak, A.: Multiple fermion scattering in the weakly coupled spin-chain compound YbAlO3. , Nature Communications 12 (2021), p. 3599/1-7
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Tutueanu, A.-E.; Jacobsen, H.; Ray, P.J.; Holm-Dahlin, S.; Lacatusu, M.-E.; Tejsner, T.B.; Grivel, J.-C.; Schmidt, W.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Steffens, P.; Boehm, M.; Wells, B.; Udby, L.; Lefmann, K.; Tranum Rømer, A.: Nature of the magnetic stripes in fully oxygenated La2CuO4+y. , Physical Review B 103 (2021), p. 045138 /1-15
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.045138

Landolt, F.; Yan, Z.; Gvasaliya, S.; Beauvois, K.; Ressouche, E.; Xu, J.; Zheludev, A.: Phase diagram and spin waves in the frustrated ferro-antiferromagnet SrZnVO(PO4)2. , Physical Review B 104 (2021), p. 224435/1-8
doi: 10.1103/physrevb.104.224435

Zhu, F.; Zhang, L.; Wang, X.; dos Santos, F.J.; Song, J.; Mueller, T.; Schmalzl, K.; Schmidt, W.F.; Ivanov, A.; Park, J.T.; Xu, J.; Ma, J.; Lounis, S.; Blügel, S.; Mokrousov, Y.; Su, Y.; Brückel, T.: Topological magnon insulators in two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnets CrSiTe3 and CrGeTe3: Toward intrinsic gap-tunability. , Science Advances 7 (2021)
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Bera, A.K.; Wu, J.; Yang, W.; Bewley, R.; Boehm, R.; Xu, J.; Bartkowiak, M.; Prokhnenko, O.; Klemke, B.; Islam, A.T.M.N.; Law, J.M.; Wang, Z.; Lake, B.: Dispersions of many-body Bethe strings. , Nature Physics 10 (2020), p. 1038/1-8
doi: 10.1038/s41567-020-0835-7

Portnichenko, P.Y.; Akbari, A.; Nikitin, S. E.; Cameron, A. S.; Dukhnenko, A. V.; Filipov, V. B.; Shitsevalova, N. Yu.; Cermák, P.; Radelytskyi, I.; Schneidewind, A.; Ollivier, J.; Podlesnyak, A.; Huesges, Z.; Xu, J.; Ivanov, A.; Sidis, Y.; Petit, S.; Mignot, J.-M.; Thalmeier, P.; Inosov, D.S.: Field-Angle-Resolved Magnetic Excitations as a Probe of Hidden-Order Symmetry in CeB6. , Physical Review X 10 (2020), p. 021010/1-19
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Lass, J.; Røhl Andersen, Ch.; Leerberg, H. K.; Birkemose, S.; Toth, S.; Stuhr, U.; Bartkowiak, M.; Niedermayer, Ch.; Lu, Z.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Retuerto, M.; Okkels Birk, J.; Lefmann, K.: Field-induced magnetic incommensurability in multiferroic Ni3TeO6. , Physical Review B 101 (2020), p. 054415/1-9
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.054415

Samartzis, Alexandros: Magnetic investigation of effective spin-1/2 magnetic insulators based on 3d and 4f magnetic ions = Magnetische Untersuchung des effektiven Spin-1/2 magnetisch Isolatoren auf der Basis von magnetischen 3d- und 4f-Ionen. , Technische Universität Berlin, 2020


Portnichenko, P.; Nikitin, S.; Prokofiev, A.; Paschen, S.; Mignot, J.; Ollivier, J.; Podlesnyak, A.; Meng, S.; Lu, Z.; Inosov, D.: Evolution of the propagation vector of antiferroquadrupolar phases in Ce3Pd20Si6 under magnetic field. , Physical Review B 99 (2019), p. 214431/1-10
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.214431

Balz, C.; Lampen-Kelley, P.; Banerjee, A.; Yan, J.; Lu, Z.; Hu, X.; Yadav, S.M.; Takano, Y.; Liu, Y.; Tennant, D.A.; Lumsden, M.D.; Mandrus, D.; Nagler, S.E.: Finite field regime for a quantum spin liquid in α-RuCl3. , Physical Review B 100 (2019), p. 060405(R)/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.100.060405

Ueland, B. G.; Kreyssig, A.; Mun, E. D.; Lynn, J. W.; Harriger, L. W.; Pratt, D. K.; Prokes, K.; Huesges, Z.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Sauerbrei, S.; Saunders, S. M.; Furukawa, Y.; Bud'ko, S. L.; McQueeney, R. J.; Canfield, P. C.; Goldman, A.I.: Magnetic-field effects on the fragile antiferromagnetism in YbBiPt. , Physical Review B 99 (2019), p. 184431/1-12
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.184431

Bhartiya, V. K.; Povarov, K. Yu.; Blosser, D.; Bettler, S.; Yan, Z.; Gvasaliya, S.; Raymond, S.; Ressouche, E.; Beauvois, K.; Xu, J.; Yokaichiya, F.; Zheludev, A.: Presaturation phase with no dipolar order in a quantum ferro-antiferromagnet. , Physical Review Research 1 (2019), p. 033078/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.1.033078

Stock, C.; Johnson, R. D.; Giles-Donovan, N.; Songvilay, M.; Rodriguez-Rivera, J. A.; Lee, N.; Xu, X.; Radaelli, P. G.; Chapon, L. C.; Bombardi, A.; Cochran, S.; Niedermayer, Ch.; Schneidewind, A.; Husges, Zita; Lu, Zhilun; Meng, S.; Cheong, S.-W.: Spin-wave directional anisotropies in antiferromagnetic Ba3NbFe3Si2O14. , Physical Review B 100 (2019), p. 134429/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.100.134429

Zhang, W.; Wei, Y.; Xie, T.; Liu, Z.; Gong, D.; Ma, X.; Hu, D.; Cermák, P.; Schneidewind, A.; Tucker, G.; Meng, S.; Huesges, Z.; Lu, Z.; Song, J.; Luo, W.; Xu, L.; Zhu, Z.; Yin, X.; Li, H.; Yang, Y.; Luo, H.; Li, S.: Unconventional Antiferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point in Ba(Fe0.97Cr0.03)2(As1-xPx)2. , Physical Review Letters 122 (2019), p. 037001/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.037001


Liu, J.; Savici, A.; Granroth, G.; Habicht, K.; Qiu, Y.; Hu, J.; Mao, Z.; Bao, W.: A Triplet Resonance in Superconducting Fe1.03Se0.4Te0.6. , Chinese Physics Letters 35 (2018), p. 127401/1-4
doi: 10.1088/0256-307X/35/12/127401

Nikitin, S.E.; Wu, L.S.; Sefat, A.S.; Shaykhutdinov, K.A.; Lu, Z.; Meng, S.; Pomjakushina, E. V.; Conder, K.; Ehlers, G.; Lumsden, M.D.; Kolesnikov, A.I.; Barilo, S.; Guretskii, S. A.; Inosov, D.S.; Podlesnyak, A.: Decoupled spin dynamics in the rare-earth orthoferrite YbFeO3: Evolution of magnetic excitations through the spin-reorientation transition. , Physical Review B 98 (2018), p. 064424/1-13
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.064424

Jacobsen, H.; Holm, S.; Lacatusu, M.; Rømer, A.; Bertelsen, M.; Boehm, M.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Grivel, J.; Emery, S.; Udby, L.; Wells, B.; Lefmann, K.: Distinct Nature of Static and Dynamic Magnetic Stripes in Cuprate Superconductors. , Physical Review Letters 120 (2018), p. 037003/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.037003

Groitl, F.; Keller, T.; Habicht, K.: Generalized resolution matrix for neutron spin-echo three-axis spectrometers. , Journal of Applied Crystallography 51 (2018), p. 818-830
doi: 10.1107/S1600576718005307

Meng, S.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Hao, L.; Habicht, K.: multiflexxlib: A Python package for data reduction and visualization for the cold-neutron multi energy wide angle analyzer MultiFLEXX. , SoftwareX 7 (2018), p. 309-312
doi: 10.1016/j.softx.2018.09.006

Haubro, Morten Lunn: Short range correlations in magnetically frustrated h-YMnO3. , Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, Bachelor, 2018

Bertelsen, Mads: Software for simulation and design of neutron scattering instrumentation. , Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, The Niels Bohr Institute, thesis, 2018

Gazizulina, Alsu: Structural and magnetic properties of the spin-dimer compound Ba3-xSrxCr2O8. , Zürich, Universität, Diss., 2018

Kamiya, Y.; Ge, L.; Hong, T.; Qiu, Y.; Quintero-Castro, D.L.; Lu, Z.; Cao, H.B.; Matsuda, M.; Choi, E.S.; Batista, C.D.; Mourigal, M.; Zhou, H.D.; Ma, J.: The nature of spin excitations in the one-third magnetization plateau phase of Ba3CoSb2O9. , Nature Communications 9 (2018), p. 2666/1-11
doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-04914-1

Song, Y.; Tan, G.; Zhang, C.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Yu, R.; Dai, P.: Unusual suppression of a spin resonance mode by magnetic field in underdoped NaFe1-xCoxAs: Evidence for orbital-selective pairing. , Physical Review B 98 (2018), p. 064507/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.064507


Xie, T.; Gong, D.; Zhang, W.; Gu, Y.; Huesges, Z.; Chen, D.; Liu, Y.; Hao, L.; Meng, S.; Lu, Z.; Li, S.; Luo, H.: Crystal growth and phase diagram of 112-type iron pnitide superconductor Ca1-yLayFe1-xNixAs2. , Superconductor Science & Technology 30 (2017), p. 095002/1-7
doi: 10.1088/1361-6668/aa7994

Hong, T.; Matsumoto, M.; Qiu, Y.; Chen, W.; Gentile, T.R.; Watson, S.; Awwadi, F.F.; Turnbull, M.M.; Dissanayake, S.E.; Agrawal, H.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Klemke, B.; Coester, K.; Schmidt, K.P.; Tennant, D.A.: Higgs amplitude mode in a two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet near the quantum critical point. , Nature Physics 13 (2017), p. 638
doi: 10.1038/nphys4182

Groitl, F.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Quintero-Castro, D.; Meng, S.; Lu, Z.; Huesges, Z.; Le, M.D.; Alimov, S.; Wilpert, T.; Kiefer, K.; Gerischer, S.; Bertin, A.; Habicht, K.: MultiFLEXX - The new multi-analyzer at the cold triple-axis spectrometer FLEXX. , Scientific Reports 7 (2017), p. 13637/1-12
doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14046-z

Hansen, Ursula Bengård: Neutron scattering studies of low dimensional magnetic systems. , Copenhagen, Københavns Universitet, thesis, 2017

Hofmann, T.; Wallacher, D.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Ryll, B.; Reehuis, M.; Habicht, K.: Phonons in mesoporous silicon: The influence of nanostructuring on the dispersion in the Debye regime. , Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 243 (2017), p. 263-270
doi: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2017.02.023

Gazizulina, A.; Quintero-Castro, D.L.; Schilling, A.: Single-crystal growth and study of the mixed spin-dimer system Ba3-xSrxCr2O8. , Physical Review B 96 (2017), p. 184201/1-7
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.184201

Larsen, J.; Schaffer, T.K.; Hansen, U.B.; Holm, S.L.; Ahl, S.R.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Taylor, J.; Ehlers, G.; Jensen, J.; Ronnow, H.M.; Lefmann, K.; Christensen, N.B.: Spin excitations and quantum criticality in the quasi-one-dimensional Ising-like ferromagnet CoCl2 ⋅ 2D2O in a transverse field. , Physical Review B 96 (2017), p. 174424/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.174424

Bera, A.K.; Lake, B.; Essler, E.H.L; Vanderstraeten, L.; Hubig, C.; Schollwöck, U.; Islam, A.T.M.N.; Schneidewind, A.; Quintero-Castro, D.L.: Spinon confinement in a quasi-one-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg magnet. , Physical Review B 96 (2017), p. 054423/1-16
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.054423


Babkevich, P.; Jeong, M.; Matsumoto, Y.; Kovacevic, I.; Finco, A.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Ritter, C.; Mansson, M.; Nakatsuji, S.; Ronnow, H. M.: Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Dipolar Antiferromagnets. , Physical Review Letters 116 (2016), p. 197202/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.197202

Shen, Y.; Li, Y.-D.; Wo, H.; Li, Y.; Shen, S.; Pan, B.; Wang, Q.; Walker, H.C.; Steffens, P.; Boehm, M.; Hao, Y.; Quintero-Castro, D.L.; Harriger, L.W.; Frontzek, M.D.; Hao, L.; Meng, S.; Zhang, Q.; Chen, G.; Zhao, J.: Evidence for a spinon Fermi surface in a triangular-lattice quantum-spin-liquid candidate. , Nature 540 (2016), p. 559-562
doi: 10.1038/nature20614

Toft-Petersen, R.; Groitl, F.; Kure, M.; Lim, J.; Cermak, P.; Alimov, S.; Wilpert, T.; Le, M.D.; Quintero Castro, D.; Niedermayer, C.; Schneidewind, A.; Habicht, K.: Experimental characterization of a prototype secondary spectrometer for vertically scattering multiple energy analysis at cold-neutron triple axis spectrometers. , Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 830 (2016), p. 338-344
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2016.06.004

Geselbracht, Philip: Neutron scattering investigation of Ce based heavy fermion systems : from magnetism to unconventional phenomena. , München, Technische Universität München, Diss., 2016

Hüsges, Anna Zita: Probing magnetic fluctuations close to quantum critical points by neutron scattering. , Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden, Diss., 2016


Toft-Petersen, R.; Reehuis, M.; Jensen, T.B.S.; Andersen, N.H.; Li, J.; Le, M.D.; Laver, M.; Niedermayer, C.; Klemke, B.; Lefmann, K.; Vaknin, D.: Anomalous magnetic structure and spin dynamics in magnetoelectric LiFePO4. , Physical Review B 92 (2015), p. 024404/1-9
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.024404

Romer, A.T.; Ray, P.J.; Jacobsen, H.; Udby, L.; Andersen, B.M.; Bertelsen, M.; Holm, S.L.; Christensen, N.B.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Skoulatos, M.; Laver, M.; Schneidewind, A.; Link, P.; Oda, M; Ido, M; Momono, N; Lefmann, K: Field-induced interplanar magnetic correlations in the high-temperature superconductor La1.88Sr0.12CuO4. , Physical Review B 91 (2015), p. 174507/1-8
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.174507

Hälg, M.; Hüvonen, D.; Guidi, T.; Quintero Castro, D. L.; Boehm, M.; Regnault, L. P.; Hagiwara, M.; Zheludev, A.: Finite-temperature scaling of spin correlations in an experimental realization of the one-dimensional Ising quantum critical point. , Physical Review B 92 (2015), p. 014412/1-7
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.014412

Balz, Christian: Investigation of low-dimensional and frustrated spin-1/2 magnets. , TU Berlin, 2015

Skoulatos, M.; Toth, S.; Roessli, B.; Enderle, M.; Habicht, K.; Sheptyakov, D.; Cervellino, A.; Freeman, P. G.; Reehuis, M.; Stunault, A.; McIntyre, G. J.; Tung, L. D.; Marjerrison, C.; Pomjakushina, E.; Brown, P. J.; Khomskii, D. I.; Rueegg, Ch.; Kreyssig, A.; Goldman, A. I.; Goff, J. P.: Jahn-Teller versus quantum effects in the spin-orbital material LuVO3. , Physical Review B 91 (2015), p. 161104/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.91.161104

Geselbracht, P.; Faulhaber, M.; Schmalzl, K.; Quintero Castro, D.L.; Stockert, O.; Loewenhaupt, M.; Schneidewind, A.: Low-energy magnetic excitations of CeCu2Ge2 investigated by inelastic neutron scattering. , Physics Procedia 75 (2015), p. 83-90
doi: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.12.191

Groitl, F.; Keller, T.; Quintero-Castro, D. L.; Habicht, K.: Neutron resonance spin-echo upgrade at the three-axis spectrometer FLEXX. , Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (2015), p. 025110/1-9
doi: 10.1063/1.4908167

Fritsch, K.; Ehlers, G.; Rule, K.C.; Habicht, K.; Ramazanoglu, M.; Dabkowska, H.A.; Gaulin, B.D.: Quantum phase transitions and decoupling of magnetic sublattices in the quasi-two-dimensional Ising magnet Co3V2O8 in a transverse magnetic field. , Physical Review B 92 (2015), p. 180404/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.92.180404

Habicht, K.; Quintero-Castro, D.L.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Kure, M.; Maede, L.; Groitl, F.; Le, M.D.: The upgraded cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer FLEXX - enhanced capabilities by new instrumental options. , EPJ Web of Conferences 83 (2015), p. 03007/1-5
doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20158303007


Le, M.; Quintero-Castro, D.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Groitl, F.; Skoulatos, M.; Rule, K.; Habicht, K.: Corrigendum: Gains from the upgrade of the cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer FLEXX at the BER-II reactor. , Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 767 (2014), p. 487
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.08.020

Wang, Z.; Kamenskyi, D.; Cepas, O.; Schmidt, M.; Quintero-Castro, D.L.; Islam, A.T.M.N.; Lake, B.; Aczel, A.A.; Dabkowska, H.A.; Dabkowski, A.B.; Luke, G.M.; Wan, Y.; Loidl, A.; Ozerov, M.; Wosnitza, J.; Zvyagin, S.A.; Deisenhofer, J.: High-field electron spin resonance spectroscopy of singlet-triplet transitions in the spin-dimer systems Sr3Cr2O8 and Ba3Cr2O8. , Physical Review B 89 (2014), p. 174406/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.174406

Jensen, J.; Quintero-Castro, D. L.; Islam, A. T. M. N.; Rule, K.C.; Mansson, M.; Lake, B.: Lineshape of the singlet-triplet excitations in the dimer system Sr3Cr2O8 to first order in the high-density 1/z expansion. , Physical Review B 89 (2014), p. 134407/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.134407

Kaneko, K.; Stockert, O.; Fak, B.; Raymond, S.; Skoulatos, M.; Takeuchi, T.; Onuki, Y.: Magnetic-field-enhanced aniferromagnetism in the noncentrosymmetric heavy-fermion superconductor CePt3Si. , Physical Review B 89 (2014), p. 241105/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.89.241105

Le, M.D.; Skoulatos, M.; Quintero-Castro, D.L.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Groitl, F.; Rule, K.C.; Habicht, K.: The upgraded cold neutron three-axis spectrometer FLEXX at BER II at HZB. , Neutron News 25 (2014), p. 19-22
doi: 10.1080/10448632.2014.902699


Le, D.; Quintero Castro, D.L.; Toft-Petersen, R.; Groitl, F.; Skoulatos, M.; Rule, K.; Habicht, K.: Gains from the upgrade of the cold neutron triple-axis spectrometer FLEXX at the BERII reactor. , Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 729 (2013), p. 220-226
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2013.07.007

Groitl, Felix: High Resolution Spectroscopy with the Neutron Resonance Spin Echo Method. , TU Berlin, 2013

Tsyrulin, N.; Batista, C.D.; Zapf, V.S.; Jaime, M.; Hansen, B.R.; Niedermayer, C.; Rule, K.C.; Habicht, K.; Prokes, K.; Kiefer, K.; Ressouche, E.; Paduan-Filho, A.; Kenzelmann, M.: Neutron study of the magnetism in NiCl2 center dot 4SC(NH2)2. , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (2013), p. 216008/1-12
doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/25/21/216008


Quintero-Castro, D.L.; Lake, B.; Islam, A.T.M.N.; Wheeler, E.M.; Balz, C.; Mansson, M.; Rule, K.C.; Gvasaliya, S.; Zheludev, A.: Asymmetric Thermal Line Shape Broadening in a Gapped 3D Antiferromagnet: Evidence for Strong Correlations at Finite Temperature. , Physical Review Letters 109 (2012), p. 127206/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.127206

Nikseresht Ghanepour, Neda: Classical and Quantum Critical Phenomena in the Dipolar Antiferromagnet LiErF4. , EPFL Lausanne, 2012
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Rotter, M.; Le, M.D.; Boothroyd, A.T.; Blanco, J.A.: Dynamical matrix diagonalization for the calculation of dispersive excitations. , Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24 (2012), p. 213201/1-23
doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/24/21/213201

Skoulatos, M.; Habicht, K.; Lieutenant, K.: Improving energy resolution on neutron monochromator arrays. , Journal of Physics: Conference Series 340 (2012), p. 012019/1-6
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/340/1/012019

Stock, C.; Broholm, C.; Zhao, Y.; Demmel, F.; Kang, H.J.; Rule, K.C.; Petrovic, C.: Magnetic Field Splitting of the Spin Resonance in CeCoIn5. , Physical Review Letters 109 (2012), p. 167207/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.167207

Toth, S.; Lake, B.; Hradil, K.; Guidi, T.; Rule, K.C.; Stone, M.B.; Islam, A.T.M.N.: Magnetic Soft Modes in the Distorted Triangular Antiferromagnet alpha-CaCr2O4. , Physical Review Letters 109 (2012), p. 127203/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.127203

Dissanayake, S.E.; Chan, C.; Ji, S.; Lee, J.; Qiu, Y.; Rule, K.C.; Lake, B.; Green, M.; Hagihala, M.; Zheng, X.G.; Ng, T.K.; Lee, S.-H.: Magnetic-field-induced instability of the cooperative paramagnetic state in ZnxCo4-x(OD)6Cl2. , Physical Review B 85 (2012), p. 174435/1-6
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.174435

Landsgesell, S.; Prokes, K.; Ouladdiaf, B.; Klemke, B.; Prokhnenko, O.; Hepp, B.; Kiefer, K.; Argyriou, D.N.: Magnetoelectric properties in orthorhombic Nd1-xYxMnO3: Neutron diffraction experiments. , Physical Review B 86 (2012), p. 054429/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.054429

Kaneko, K.; Stockert, O.; Skoulatos, M.; Schneidewind, A.; Takeuchi, T.; Matsuda, T.D.; Haga, Y.; Settai, R.; Onuki, Y.; Metoki, N.: Neutron Scattering Study on High-quality Single Crystals of Non-Centrosymmetric Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CePt3Si. , Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 81 (2012), p. SB006/1-7
doi: 10.1143/JPSJS.81SB.SB006

Habicht, K.; Skoulatos, M.: Optimization of virtual source parameters in neutron scattering instrumentation. , Journal of Physics: Conference Series 340 (2012), p. 012029/1-9
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/340/1/012029

Artyukhin, S.; Mostovoy, M.; Jensen, N.P.; Le, D.; Prokes, K.; de Paula, V.G.; Bordallo, H.N.; Maljuk, A.; Landsgesell, S.; Ryll, H.; Klemke, B.; Paeckel, S.; Kiefer, K.; Lefmann, K.; Kuhn, L.T.; Argyriou, D.N.: Solitonic lattice and Yukawa forces in the rare-earth orthoferrite TbFeO3. , Nature Materials 11 (2012), p. 694-699
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Groitl, F.; Kiefer, K.; Habicht, K.: A resolution model for mode multiplets probed with neutron resonance spin-echo spectroscopy. , Physica B 406 (2011), p. 2342 - 2345
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