Primarily the undulator source U125-2 is designed and optimized for the UV energy range with most intense harmonics between 2 and 25 eV. On the other hand, the PHARAO experiment relies on hard x-rays, thus a typical energy window between 8 and 12 keV. Therefore the KMC branch makes use of the omnipresent, high energy wiggler part of the U125-2 undulator resulting in a remarkable peak brilliance of about 10^(12) ph/s/mm^2/mrad^2/0.1%BW at 10 keV.
Station data | |
Temperature range | 280 - 1273 K |
Pressure range | UHV |
More details | PHARAO |
Beamline data | |
Segment | H03 |
Location (Pillar) | 5.1 |
Source | U125-2 (Undulator) |
Monochromator | KMC |
Energy range | 6 - 12 keV |
Energy resolution | 1500 |
Flux | 109 cps |
Polarisation | horizontal |
Divergence horizontal | 0.8 mrad |
Divergence vertical | 0.08 mrad |
Focus size (hor. x vert.) | 0.5 mm x 0.5 mm |
User endstation | not possible |
Distance Focus/last valve | -- mm |
Height Focus/floor level | 1500 mm |
Beam availability | 12h/d |
Phone | -- |
For details and current status of the beamline please contact Michael Hanke hanke@pdi-berlin.de.