Joint Research Group Macromolecular Crystallography

IT-environment of HZB MX
Please check the following pre-requisites in good time before your planned remote access session. You can find more detailed information within the remote-access manual, which can be downloaded from this page. In case of questions and issues, please contact Uwe Müller.
Hardware Requirements
- Up-to-date computer hardware, ideally using wired ethernet
- Optimal configuration:
- Linux or macOS computer with multiple virtual screens possible
- 2x 27’’ dual-screen setup at same geometry and resolution (2x 2560x1440 Pixel), to match the beamline experiment control machines
- English keyboard
- Computer mouse
- Faster than 20 Mbit/s downlink and 5 Mbit/s uplink speed
- Additional notebook or smart phone to connect with beamline staff for remote training using Zoom (video conferencing solution)
- Optimal configuration:
- Provide a portable storage media (usb3-hd or usb3-ssd) for experimental data transfer (only method so far)
- Alternative provision of phone number to communicate with beamline staff
Software Requirements
- Any recent operation system (Linux distribution, Windows, macOS)
- Up-to-date NoMachine version 8.x installation.
- Personal Authenticator App (i.e. Google Authenticator) for Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) code generation
- Port 4000 and 443 connections to (Please test these and talk to your local IT in good time before the beamtime and test the connections to foris)
Port Test
Windows 10:
- Open Windows-Powershell (type ISE in search and open ISE-application), type:
- <Test-NetConnection -Port 443>
- <Test-NetConnection -Port 4000>
- Positiv answer -> TCPTestSucceeded must be “true”
Linux /macOS:
- In terminal application type:
- <nc -z -v 443>
- <nc -z -v 4000>
- Connected to or 4000 must be returned
- Connection to port 4000 [tcp/terabase] succeeded!