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Joint Research Group Macromolecular Crystallography



IT-environment of HZB MX

Please check the following pre-requisites in good time before your planned remote access session. You can find more detailed information within the remote-access manual, which can be downloaded from this page. In case of questions and issues, please contact Uwe Müller.

Hardware Requirements


  • Up-to-date computer hardware, ideally using wired ethernet
    • Optimal configuration:
      • Linux or macOS computer with multiple virtual screens possible
      • 2x 27’’ dual-screen setup at same geometry  and resolution (2x 2560x1440 Pixel), to match the beamline experiment control machines 
      • English keyboard
      • Computer mouse
      • Faster than 20 Mbit/s downlink and 5 Mbit/s uplink speed
      • Additional notebook or smart phone to connect with beamline staff for remote training using Zoom (video conferencing solution) 
  • Provide a portable storage media (usb3-hd or usb3-ssd) for experimental data transfer (only method so far)
  • Alternative provision of phone number to communicate with beamline staff



Software Requirements

  • Any recent operation system (Linux distribution, Windows, macOS)
  • Up-to-date NoMachine version 8.x installation. 
  • Personal Authenticator App (i.e. Google Authenticator) for Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) code generation
  • Port 4000 and 443 connections to foris.helmholtz-berlin.de (Please test these and talk to your local IT in good time before the beamtime and test the connections to foris)

Port Test

Windows 10:

  • Open Windows-Powershell (type ISE in search and open ISE-application), type:
    • <Test-NetConnection foris.helmholtz-berlin.de -Port 443>
    • <Test-NetConnection foris.helmholtz-berlin.de -Port 4000>
      • Positiv answer -> TCPTestSucceeded must be “true”

Linux /macOS:

  • In terminal application type:
    • <nc -z -v foris.helmholtz-berlin.de 443>
    • <nc -z -v foris.helmholtz-berlin.de 4000>
      • Connected to or 4000 must be returned
      • Connection to foris.helmholtz-berlin.de port 4000 [tcp/terabase] succeeded!