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Joint Research Group Macromolecular Crystallography

Second Joint Berlin MX-day

Dendrit II/III, MDC.C, Robert‐Rössle‐Str. 10, 13125 Berlin

17 August 2011

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Participants of the 2nd Joint Berlin MX-Day

Meeting Agenda

09:00 ‐ 10:40Welcome, group presentation and RNA‐binding proteins
(Chair: Udo Heinemann, MDC)
09:00 ‐ 09:05Udo Heinemann (MDC)
09:05 ‐ 09:15Thomas Sommer (MDC)
Welcome by the MDC directorate
09:15 ‐ 09:25Manfred Weiss (HZB / BESSY)
The Joint Berlin MX Laboratory
09:25 ‐ 09:50Andreas Möglich (HU)
Group presentation
09:50 ‐ 10:10Gert Weber (FU)
Human U1 snRNP
10:10 ‐ 10:30Florian Mayr (MDC)
Structural insight into Lin28‐mediated miRNA maturation
10:30 ‐ 11:00Coffee Break
11:00 ‐ 12:40Bacterial proteins
(Chair: Holger Dobbek, HU)
11:00 ‐ 11:20Sandra Hennig (HU)
RaCo ‐ the ATP‐dependent reductive activator of CoFeSP
11:20 ‐ 11:40Sebastian Götzl (HU)
The methyltransferase system operating in the reductive acetyl‐CoA
11:40 ‐ 12:00Marcel Jurk (FMP)
The switch that does not flip ‐ A biophysical view of YtvA from Bacillus
12:00 ‐ 12:20Michele Lunelli (MPI for Infection Biology)
Crystal structure of PrgI‐SipD: Open state of the type III secretion system
needle tip
12:20 ‐ 12:40Philipp Selenko (FMP)
Think outside the box ‐ think inside the cell!
12:40 ‐ 14:00Lunch Break
14:00 ‐ 15:20Ligand binding and optimization
(Chair: Markus Wahl, FU)
14:00 ‐ 14:20Yvette Roske (MDC)
Structure‐based design of inhibitors binding to the PDZ domains of Shank3
and Dishevelled
14:20 ‐ 14:40Haydar Bulut (FU)
14:40 ‐ 15:00Jabobo Martinez Font (FU)
Structures of N‐acetylmannosamine kinase in complex with ADP/ATP for
drug design
15:00 ‐ 15:20Bernhard Loll (FU)
Inducible, conformational flexibility of peptides presented by HLA B*27
15:20 ‐ 15:50Coffee Break
15:50 ‐ 17:50Membrane processes and X‐ray methods
(Chair: Uwe Mueller or Manfred S. Weiss)
15:50 ‐ 16:10Barth van Rossum (FMP)
De novo structure of the Yad A membrane protein by solid‐state MAS NMR
16:10 ‐ 16:30Katja Fälber (MDC)
Crystal structure of nucleotide‐free dynamin
16:30 ‐ 16:50David Schwefel (MDC)
Structural studies of GIMAPs
16:50 ‐ 17:10Song Gao (MDC)
Structure determination of MxA using DEN refinement
17:10 ‐ 17:30Martin Bommer (HZB / BESSY)
S‐ und Cd‐SAD structure determination of E. coli 3‐phosphoglycerol binding
protein UgpB
17:30 ‐ 17:50Uwe Mueller (HZB / BESSY)
Current developments at BESSY