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Department Microstructure and Residual Stress Analysis

Projects & Collaborations


WIPANO-Project of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK):

  • Investigation of the interaction mechanism between material and hydrogen during the pickling process under the influence of inhibitors - DIN 50940 Part 2
  • Project partners: TU Darmstadt/MPA-IfW, Dr.-Ing. Max Schlötter GmbH & Co. KG, ZINQ Technologie GmbH, EWH Holding GmbH, iChemAnalytics GmbH, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin GmbH
  • Duration until 08/2025

The pretreatment of high-strength steel components repeatedly confronts users with the question of the critical hydrogen concentration in the component. The pickling process as part of component pre-treatment is classified as a possible and decisive source for loading the materials with hydrogen. During the work on DIN 50940, the relationships between the inhibiting effect of pickling additives and their influence on hydrogen embrittlement were intensively discussed. The DIN “Pickling inhibitors” working group has therefore been dealing with open questions since 2015, focusing on the interaction between the material and hydrogen during the pickling process, the effect of inhibitors, the handling of test specimens, the evaluation of different detection and testing methods and the legal framework for interpreting the test results. In addition to discussing these points, interlaboratory tests have also been carried out several times in order to derive the general validity of test methods. The members of the working group are pursuing the goal of eliminating these problems by adapting the existing standards. The HZB will carry out load and residual stress tests on selected steels, test specimens and components. As part of the technology transfer, the characteristic values obtained from these tests will flow directly into the digitalization of innovative component testing processes.


Technology transfer programm Lightweight construction of Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK):

  • Lightweight construction with high-strength aluminum-scandium alloys for hydrogen mobility, aviation and vehicle construction
  • Project partners: Anleg GmbH, Getek GmbH, Rosswag GmbH, LEIBER Group GmbH & Co. KG, Gühring KG, DLR- Institut für Fahrzeugkonzepte, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin GmbH
  • Duration until 05/2025

Aluminum-scandium alloys in high-performance components in the transport and aviation industries have great potential for innovation and application. In addition to the increase in strength, there is a significant improvement in heat resistance and other positive effects on ageing properties. Key properties such as yield strength and tensile strength remain significantly more stable even under the influence of temperature. Aluminum-scandium (Al-Sc) alloys thus achieve material characteristics that are otherwise only achieved by titanium alloys. In addition, Al-Sc alloys exhibit a more benign deformation behavior up to failure and a lower weight than titanium. The improved properties also have an effect on more heavily contaminated secondary aluminum alloys, so that significantly higher proportions of recycled material are possible, which leads to cost and emission reductions. New sources of scandium, such as Rio Tinto in Quebec, Canada, offer great potential. The HZB has many years of experience in the development and characterization of aluminium alloys and will work on the development and optimization of Al-Sc alloys for forging, extrusion and powder for additive manufacturing. This will mainly involve the use of microscopic and X-ray methods on large-scale equipment such as tomography and diffraction, and demonstrating their potential in industry. The project goals are very industry-oriented and have a very strong technology transfer potential. The focus is on energy saving and CO2 reduction in hydrogen mobility, aviation and vehicle construction.


Project of the Helmholtz Imaging Platform (HIP):

  • Advanced imaging analysis methods for X-ray tomoscopy of dynamic processes
  • Project partner(s): DLR
  • Duration until 02/2025

The main objective of the Avanti project is to improve the X-ray tomoscopy (time-resolved tomography) imaging method developed at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin in terms of time resolution, image quality and quantitative evaluation using advanced image analysis techniques, as well as the development and implementation of deep learning algorithms to improve results and accelerate image analysis speed with the existing expertise of the German Aerospace Center. We will take up the challenge of improving the capabilities of the current tomoscopic method in a complementary collaboration between the partners. This approach will create synergies between the groups and extend the application possibilities of tomoscopy to other fields such as geology, biology, medicine, etc.