Further development of the RIXS spectrometer PEAXIS at BESSY II and support of the international user community



  • DiScala, M.F.; Staros, D.; de la Torre, A.; Lopez, A.; Wong, D.; Schulz, C.; Barkowiak, M.; Bisogni, V.; Pelliciari, J.; Rubenstein, B.; Plumb, K.W.: Elucidating the Role of Dimensionality on the Electronic Structure of the Van der Waals Antiferromagnet NiPS3. Advanced Physics Research 3 (2024), p. 2300096/1-7

  • Li, Y.; Mazzio, K.; Yaqoob, N.; Sun, Y.; Freytag, A.; Wong, D.; Schulz, C.; Baran, V.; Mendez, A.S.J.; Schuck, G.; Zajac, M.; Kaghazchi, P.; Adelhelm, P.: Competing Mechanisms Determine Oxygen Redox in Doped Ni–Mn Based Layered Oxides for Na-Ion Batteries. Advanced Materials 36 (2024), p. 2309842/1-13

  • Li, Z.; Yu, Y.; Zhang, T.; Wong, D.; Schulz, C.; Zhang, N.; Ning, D.; Li, Q.; Zhang, J.; Liu, X.: Tuning Electronegativity-Difference Configuration to Construct Non-Bonded O 2p Orbitals for Reversible Anionic Redox in O3-Type Cathode. Advanced Functional Materials 34 (2024), p. 2404797/1-13

  • Wu, B.; Amargianou, F.; Förster, J.-D.; Pöhlker, C.; Rauch, T.G.; Wong, D.; Schulz, C.; Seidel, R.; Weigand, M.; Oschatz, M.; Petit, T.: Water Confinement in Nitrogen-Rich Nanoporous Carbon Materials Revealed by In Situ Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microscopy. Advanced Functional Materials 34 (2024), p. 2406528/1-9

  • Yu, Y.; Mao, Q.; Wong, D.; Gao, R.; Zheng, L.; Yang, W.; Yang, J.; Zhang, N.; Li, Z.; Schulz, C.; Liu, X.: Ribbon-Ordered Superlattice Enables Reversible Anion Redox and Stable High-Voltage Na-Ion Battery Cathodes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146 (2024), p. 22220–22235

  • Zhou, B.; Wong, D.; Fu, Z.; Guo, H.; Schulz, C.; Karkera, G.; Hahn, H.; Bianchini, M.; Wang, Q.: K-Doping Suppresses Oxygen Redox in P2-Na0.67Ni0.11Cu0.22Mn0.67O2 Cathode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries. Small early view (2024), p. 2402991


  • Hepting, M.; Boyko, T.D.; Zimmermann, V.; Bejas, M.; Suyolcu, Y.E.; Puphal, P.; Green, R.J.; Zinni, L.; Kim, J.; Casa, D.; Upton, M.H.; Wong, D.; Schulz, C.; Bartkowiak, M.; Habicht, K.; Pomjakushina, E.; Cristiani, G.; Logvenov, G.; Minola, M.; Yamase, H.; Greco, A.; Keimer, B.: Evolution of plasmon excitations across the phase diagram of the cuprate superconductor La2-xSrxCuO4. Physical Review B 107 (2023), p. 214516/1-18

  • Ji, H.; Ji, W.; Xue, H.; Chen, G.; Qi, R.; Huang, Z.; Fang, H.; Chu, M.; Liu, L.; Ma, Z.; Xu, S.; Zhai, J.; Zeng, W.; Schulz, C.; Wong, D.; Chen, H.; Xu, J.; Yin, W.; Pan, F.; Xiao, Y.: Synergistic activation of anionic redox via cosubstitution to construct high-capacity layered oxide cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries. Science Bulletin 68 (2023), p. 65-76

  • Kong, W.; Zhou, D.; Zhang, Q.; Wong, D.; An, K.; Schulz, C.; Zhang, N.; Zhang, J.; Liu, X.: Adjusting the Redox Coupling Effect via Li/Co Anti-Site Defect for Stable High-Voltage LiCoO2 Cathode. Advanced Functional Materials 33 (2023), p. 2211033/1-8

  • Yu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Gao, R.; Wong, D.; An, K.; Zheng, L.; Zhang, N.; Schulz, C.; Liu, X.: Triggering Reversible Anion Redox Chemistry in O3-Type Cathode through Tuning Na/Mn Anti-Site Defects. Energy & Environmental Science 16 (2023), p. 584-597

  • Zhang, J.; Wong, D.; Zhang, Q.; Zhang, N.; Schulz, C.; Bartkowiak, M.; An, K.; Gu, L.; Hu, Z.; Liu, X.: Reducing Co/O Band Overlap through Spin State Modulation for Stabilized High Capability of 4.6 V LiCoO2. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (2023), p. 10208–10219

  • Zimmermann, V.; Yogi, A.K.; Wong, D.; Schulz, C.; Bartkowiak, M.; Habicht, K.; Wang, L.; Isobe, M.; Minola, M.; Khaliulin, G.; Keimer, B.; Hepting, M.: Coherent propagation of spin-orbit excitons in a correlated metal. npj Quantum Materials 8 (2023), p. 53/1-8


  • Chai, K.; Zhang, J.; Li, Q.; Wong, D.; Zheng, L.; Schulz, C.; Bartkowiak, M.; Smirnov, D.; Liu, X.: Facilitating Reversible Cation Migration and Suppressing O2 Escape for High Performance Li-Rich Oxide Cathodes. Small 18 (2022), p. 2201014/1-10

  • Ellis, D.S.; Wang, R.-P.; Wong, D.; Cooper, J.K.; Schulz, C.; Chuang, Y.-D.; Piekner, Y.; Grave, D.A.; Schleuning, M.; Friedrich, D.; de Groot, F.M. F.; Rothschild, A.: Electronic excitations of α-Fe2O3 heteroepitaxial films measured by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at the Fe L edge. Physical Review B 105 (2022), p. 075101/1-10

  • Kong, W.; Wong, D.; An, K.; Zhang, J.; Chen, Z.; Schulz, C.; Xu, Z.; Liu, X.: Stabilizing the Anionic Redox in 4.6 V LiCoO2 Cathode through Adjusting Oxygen Magnetic Moment. Advanced Functional Materials 32 (2022), p. 2202679/1-11

  • Li, Z.; Kong, W.; Yu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Wong, D.; Xu, Z.; Chen, Z.; Schulz, C.; Bartkowiak, M.; Liu, X.: Tuning Bulk O2 and Nonbonding Oxygen State for Reversible Anionic Redox Chemistry in P2-Layered Cathodes. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 61 (2022), p. e202115552/1-9


  • Choudhury, S.; Golnak, R.; Schulz, C.; Lieutenant, K.; Tranchant, N.; Arnault, J.-C.; Pinault-Thaury, M.-A.; Jomard, F.; Knittel, P.; Petit, T.: Impact of Nitrogen, Boron and Phosphorus Impurities on the Electronic Structure of Diamond Probed by X-ray Spectroscopies. C - Journal of Carbon Research 7 (2021), p. 28/1-10

  • Fumega, A.O.; Wong, D.; Schulz, C.; Rodriguez, F.; Blanco-Canosa, S.: Spectroscopy of the frustrated quantum antiferromagnet Cs2CuCl4. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (2021), p. 495603/1-6

  • Kong, W.; Zhang, J.; Wong, D.; Yang, W.; Yang, J.; Schulz, C.; Liu, X.: Tailoring Co3d and O2p Band Centers to Inhibit Oxygen Escape for Stable 4.6 V LiCoO2 Cathodes. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 60 (2021), p. 27102-27112

  • Kong, W.; Zhou, D.; Ning, D.; Yang, W.; Wong, D.; Zhang, J.; Li, Q.; Yang, J.; Schulz, C.; Liu, X.: Unraveling the Distinct Roles of Mg Occupation on Li or Co Sites on High-Voltage LiCoO2. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168 (2021), p. 030528/1-9

  • Ren, J.; Lin, L.; Lieutenant, K.; Schulz, C.; Wong, D.; Gimm, T.; Bande, A.; Wang, X.; Petit, T.: Role of Dopants on the Local Electronic Structure of Polymeric Carbon Nitride Photocatalysts. Small Methods 5 (2021), p. 2000707/1-9

  • Wong, D.; Schulz, C.; Bartkowiak, M.: PEAXIS: A RIXS and XPS Endstation for Solid- State Quantum and Energy Materials at BESSY II. Journal of Large Scale Research Facilities JLSRF 7 (2021), p. 140/1-4

  • Zhang, J.; Zhang, Q.; Wong, D.; Zhang, N.; Ren, G.; Gu, L.; Schulz, C.; He, L.; Yu, Y.; Liu, X.: Addressing voltage decay in Li-rich cathodes by broadening the gap between metallic and anionic bands. Nature Communications 12 (2021), p. 3071/1-10


  • Li, Q.; Ning, D.; Zhou, D.; An, K.; Schuck, G.; Wong, D.; Kong, W.; Schulz, C.; Schumacher, G.; Liu, X.: Tuning Both Anionic and Cationic Redox Chemistry of Li-Rich Li1.2Mn0.6Ni0.2O2 via a “Three-in-One” Strategy. Chemistry of Materials 32 (2020), p. 9404-9414

  • Li, Q.; Ning, D.; Zhou, D.; Ke, A.; Wong, D.; Zhang, L.; Chen, Z.; Schuck, G.; Schulz, C.; Xu, Z.; Schumacher, G.; Liu, X.: The Nature of Oxygen Vacancy and Spinel Phase Integration on Both Anionic and Cationic Redox in Li-rich Cathode Material. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (2020), p. 7733-7745

  • Schulz, C.; Lieutenant, K.; Xiao, J.; Hofmann, T.; Wong, D.; Habicht, K.: Characterization of the soft X-ray spectrometer PEAXIS at BESSY II. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 27 (2020), p. 238-249


  • Lieutenant, K.; Hofmann, T.; Schulz, C.; Yablonskikh, M.V.; Habicht, K.; Aziz, E.F.: Design concept of the high-resolution end-station PEAXIS at BESSY II: Wide-Q-range RIXS and XPS measurements on solids, solutions, and interfaces. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 210 (2016), p. 54-65

  • Lieutenant, K.; Hofmann, T.; Zendler, C.; Schulz, C.; Aziz, E.F.; Habicht, K.: Numerical optimization of a RIXS spectrometer using ray-tracing simulations. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 738 (2016), p. 012104


  • Mindur, B.; Alimov, S.; Fiutowski, T.; Schulz, C.; Wilpert, T.: Performance of a Micro-Strip Gas Chamber for event wise, high rate thermal neutron detection with accurate 2D position determination. Journal of Instrumentation 9 (2014), p. P12004/1-17


  • Strobl, M.; Woracek, R.; Kardjilov, N.; Hilger, A.; Wimpory, R.; Tremsin, A.; Wilpert, T.; Schulz, C.; Manke, I,; Penumadu, D.: Time-of-flight neutron imaging for spatially resolved strain investigations based on Bragg edge transmission at a reactor source. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 680 (2012), p. 27-34


  • Strobl, M.; Hilger, A.; Boin, M.; Kardjilov, N.; Wimpory, R.; Clemens, D.; Mühlbauer, M.; Schillinger, B.; Wilpert, T.; Schulz, C.; Rolfs, K.; Davies, C. M.; O'Dowd, N.; Tiernan, P.; Manke, I.: Time-of-flight neutron imaging at a continuous source: Proof of principle using a scintillator CCD imaging detector. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 651 (2011), p. 149-155


  • Freer, M.; Fujita, H.; Buthelezi, Z.; Carter, J.; Fearick, R.W.; Fortsch, S.V.; Neveling, R.; Perez, S.M.; Papka, P.; Smit, F.D.; Swartz, J.A.; Usman, I.; Haigh, P.J.; Ashwood, N.I.; Bloxham, T.; Curtis, N.; McEwan, P.; Bohlen, H.G.; Dorsch, T.; Kokalova, T.; Schulz, C.; Wheldon, C.: Cluster Structure of C-12 and Be-11. Nuclear Physics A 834 (2010), p. 621C-626C


  • Alimov, SS; Borga, A; Brogna, A; Buzzetti, S; Casinini, F; Dabrowski, W; Fiutowski, T; Gebauer, B; Kemmerling, G; Klein, M; Mindur, B; Modzel, G; Petrillo, C; Sacchetti, F; Schmidt, CJ; Soltveit, HK; Solvag, KS; Szczygiel, R; Schulz, C; Thielmann, C; Trunk, U; Wiacek, P; Wilpert, T: Development of Very High Rate and Resolution Neutron Detectors with Novel Readout and DAQ Hard- and Software in DETNI. In: 2008 IEEE NUCLEAR SCIENCE SYMPOSIUM AND MEDICAL IMAGING CONFERENCE (2008 NSS/MIC), Dresden, GERMANY, OCT 19-25, 2008, 2009. - ISBN 978-1-4244-2714-7, p. 1162-1175


  • Bohlen, H.G. ; von Oertzen, W. ; Kalpakchieva, R. ; Massey, T.N. ; Dorsch, T. ; Milin, M. ; Schulz, Ch. ; Kokalova, Tz. ; Wheldon, C.: Band structures in light neutron-rich nuclei. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 111 (2008), p. 012021/1-5

  • Bohlen, H.G.; von Oertzen, W.; Kokalova, Tz.; Schulz, Ch.; Kalpakchieva, R.; Massey, T.N.; Milin, M.: Band structures in 12Be: experimental results. International Journal of Modern Physics E 17 (2008), p. 2067-2070

  • von Oertzen, W.; Gebauer, B.; Efimov, G.; Zherebchevsky, V.; Kokalova, Tz.; Thummerer, S.; Schulz, Ch.; Bohlen, H.G.; Kamanin, D.; Beck, C.; Curien, D.; Papka, P.; Rousseau, M.; Royer, G.; de Angelis, G.: Fission and ternary cluster decay of hyper-deformed 56Ni. European Physical Journal A 36 (2008), p. 279-288

  • von Oertzen, W.; Zherebchevsky, V.; Efimov, G.; Gebauer, B.; Thummerer, S.; Kokalova, Tz.; Schulz, Ch.; Bohlen, H.G.; Kamanin, D.; Beck, C.; Curien, D.; Rousseau, M.; Papka, P.; Royer, G.; de Angelis, G.: Coplanar ternary cluster decay of hyper-deformed 56Ni and 60Zn at high angular momentum. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 111 (2008), p. 012051/1-6

  • von Oertzen, W.; Zherebchevsky, V.; Gebauer, B.; Schulz, C.; Thummerer, S.; Kamanin, D.; Royer, G.; Wilpert, T.: Fission decay of N=Z nuclei at high angular momentum: Zn-60. Physical Review C 78 (2008), p. 044615

  • Wheldon, C.; Kokalova, Tz.; von Oertzen, W.; Gebauer, B.; Bohlen, H.G.; Schulz, Ch.; Thummerer, S.; Efimov, G.; Beck, C.; Curien, D.; Papka, P.: Particle-γ coincidences and coplanarity in the 32S + 24Mg binary reaction. Nuclear Physics A 811 (2008), p. 276-290


  • Bohlen, H.G.; Dorsch, T.; Kokalova, Tz.; von Oertzen, W.; Schulz, Ch.; Wheldon, C.: New assignments for 10Be states from the 12C(12C,14O)10Be reaction. Nuclear Physics A 787 (2007), p. 451c-454c

  • Bohlen, H.G.; Dorsch, T.; Kokalova, Tz.; von Oertzen, W.; Schulz, Ch.; Wheldon, C.: Structure of 10Be from the 12C(12C,14O)10Be reaction. Physical Review C 75 (2007), p. 054604/1-11

  • Bohlen, H.G.; Kalpakchieva, R.; von Oertzen, W.; Massey,T.N.; Ogloblin, A.A.; de Angelis, G.; Milin, M.; Schulz, Ch.; Kokalova, Tz.; Wheldon, C.: Spectroscopy of 17C and (sd)3 structures in heavy carbon isotopes. European Physical Journal A 31 (2007), p. 279-302

  • Dabrowski, W; Fiutowski, T; Szczygiel, R; Wiacek, P; Brogna, A.S.; Gebauer, B.; Schulz, Ch.; Schmidt, C.J.; Soltveit, H.K.; Trunk, U; Buzzetti, S. : MSGCROC - a selftriggered ASIC for readout of hybrid gas microstrip neutron detectors for event rates of 108/s and 2D spatial resolutions <100 μm FWHM. In: 15th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference 2007, Batavia IL, April 29-May 4, 2007, 2007, p. (1-4)

  • Zherebchevsky, V.; von Oertzen, W.; Kamanin, D.; Gebauer, B.; Thummerer, S.; Schulz, Ch.; Royer, G.: Binary fission and coplanar cluster decay of 60Zn compound nuclei at high angular momentum. Physics Letters B 646 (2007), p. 12-18


  • Levchanovsky, F.V.; Litvinenko, E.I.; Nikiforov, A.S.; Gebauer, B.; Schulz, Ch.; Wilpert, Th.: Software modules of DAQ PCI board (DeLiDAQ) for positive-sensitive MWPC detectors with delay line readout. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 569 (2006), p. 900-904


  • Alimov, S.; Buzzetti, S.; Gebauer, B.; Petrillo, C.; Sacchetti, F.; Schulz, Ch.; Wilpert, Th.: Microstrip detectors with 157Gd converters. Neutron News 16 (2005), p. 22-24

  • Bohlen, H.G.; Kalpakchieva, R.; von Oertzen, W.; Massey, T.N.; Ogloblin, A.A.; de Angelis, G.; Schulz, Ch.; Kokalova, Tz.; Wheldon, C.: Structure studies of excited states of 17C and 16C. Journal of Physics G 31 (2005), p. S1461-S1464

  • McEwan, P.; Freer, M.; Ashwood, N.; Curtis, N.; Price, D.; Ziman, V.; Bohlen, H.G.; Kokalova, Tz.; Schulz, Ch.; von Oertzen, W.; Wheldon, C.; Massey, T.N.; Kalpakchieva, R.; Catford, W.: Investigation into the structure of 14C using recoil co-incidence techniques. Journal of Physics G 31 (2005), p. S1921-S1925


  • Bohlen, H.G.; Kalpakchieva, R.; von Oertzen, W.; Massey, T.N.; Gebauer, B.; Grimes, S.M.; Kokalova, T.; Lenz, A.; Milin, M.; Schulz, Ch.; Thummerer, S.; Torilov, S.; Tumino, A.: Particle-hole structures of neutron-rich Be- and C-isotopes. Nuclear Physics A 734 (2004), p. 345-348

  • Bohlen, H.G.; Kalpakchieva, R.; von Oertzen, W.; Massey, T.N.; Gebauer, B.; Kokalova, T.; Ogloblin, A.A.; Schulz, Ch.; Thummerer, S.: Structure of neutron-rich Beryllium and Carbon isotopes. Nuclear Physics A 738 (2004), p. 333-336

  • Gebauer B. ; Schulz Ch. ; Levchanovsky F.V. ; Litvinenko E.I. ; Nikiforov A.S. ; Alimov S.S. ; Wilpert Th.: Cross-fertilization between spallation neutron source and third generation synchrotron radiation detectors. In: Warwick T. [u.a.] [Eds.] : Synchrotron radiation instrumentation : Eighth International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, San Francisco, California, 25 - 29 August 2003 ; SRI 03Melville, NY: American Inst. of Physics, 2004 (AIP conference proceedings ; 705). - ISBN 0-7354-0180-2, p. 1013-1018

  • Gebauer, B.; Alimov, S.S.; Klimov, A.Yu.; Levchanovski, F.V.; Litvinenko, E.I.; Nikiforov, A.S.; Prikhodko, V.I.; Richter, G.; Rogov, V.V.; Schulz, Ch.; Shashkin, V.I.; Wilhelm, M.; Wilpert, Th.: Development of hybrid low-pressure MSGC neutron detectors. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 529 (2004), p. 358-364

  • Levchanovski, F.V.; Gebauer, B.; Litvinenko, E.I.; Nikiforov, A.S.; Prikhodko, V.I.; Schulz, Ch.; Wilpert, Th.: A PCI DAQ board for MWPC detectors with high-rate 2D delay line position readout. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 529 (2004), p. 413-416

  • Levchanovskii F.V. ; Gebauer B. ; Litvinenko E.I. ; Nikiforov A.S. ; Prikhodko V.I. ; Schulz Ch. ; Wilpert Th.: DAQ board with PCI interface for MWPC detectors with delay line readout. In: Condensed matter physics with neutrons at the IBR-2 pulsed reactor : Germany-JINR user meeting, Dubna, Russia, June 12-16, 2004Dubna: JINR, 2004. - ISBN 5-9530-0065-0, p. 113


  • Bohlen H.G. ; Kalpakchieva R. ; Gebauer B. ; Grimes S.M. ; Lenske H. ; Lieb K.P. ; Massey T.N. ; Milin M. ; von Oertzen W. ; Schulz Ch. ; Kokalova T. ; Torilov S. ; Thummerer S.: Spectroscopy of particle-hole states of 16C. Physical Review C 68 (2003), p. 054606/1-10

  • Bohlen H.G. ; von Oertzen W. ; Kalpakchieva R. ; Gebauer B. ; Grimes S.M. ; Lenz A. ; Massey T.N. ; Milin M. ; Schulz C. ; Kokalova T. ; Torilov S. ; Thummerer S.: Structure of neutron-rich Be and C isotopes. Physics of Atomic Nuclei 66 (2003), p. 1494-1500

  • Bohlen H.G. ; von Oertzen W. ; Kalpakchieva R. ; Gebauer B. ; Grimes S.M. ; Massey T.N. ; Lenske H. ; Lenz A. ; Milin M. ; Schulz Ch. ; Kokalowa T. ; Torilov S. ; Thummerer S.: Structure studies of neutron-rich beryllium and carbon isotopes. In: Jolos J. [Ed.] : Nuclear clusters : from light to superheavy nuclei ; symposium, 5 - 9 August, 2002, Rauischholzhausen, GermanyDebrecen: EP Systema, 2003. - ISBN 963-206-299-X, p. 53-58

  • Bohlen, H.G.; Kalpakchieva, R.; von Oertzen, W.; Massey, T.N.; Gebauer, B.; Grimes, S.M.; Kokalova, T.; Lenske, H.; Lenz, A.; Milin, M.; Schulz, Ch.; Thummerer, S.; Torilov, S.; Tumino, A.: Structure studies of neutron-rich Beryllium and Carbon isotopes. Nuclear Physics A 722 (2003), p. 3c-9c


  • Gebauer, B.; Schulz, Ch.; Richter, G.; Levchanovsky, F.V.; Nikiforov, A.: Development of a hybrid MSGC detector for thermal neutron imaging with a MHz data acquisition and histogramming system. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 471 (2001), p. 249-253