Business card Dr. Marcel Risch
Social Media
Publication Lists
Key publications
Villalobos, J.; Gonzalez-Flores, D.; Urcuyo, R.; Montero, M.L.; Schuck, G.; Beyer, P.; Risch, M.: Requirements for Beneficial Electrochemical Restructuring: A Model Study on a Cobalt Oxide in Selected Electrolytes. Advanced Energy Materials 11 (2021), p. 2101737/1-9
Morales, D.M.; Risch, M.: Seven steps to reliable cyclic voltammetry measurements for the determination of double layer capacitance. JPhys Energy 3 (2021), p. 034013/1-18
Busse, P.; Yin, Z.; Mierwaldt, D.; Scholz, J.; Kressdorf, B.; Glaser, L.; Miedema, P.; Rothkirch, A.; Viefhaus, J.; Jooss, C.; Techert, S.; Risch, M.: Probing the Surface of La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 in Water Vapor by In Situ Photon-In / Photon-Out Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (2020), p. 7893-7902
Important reviews
Risch, M.; Morales, D.M.; Villalobos, J.; Antipin, D.: What X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Can Tell Us About the Active State of Earth-Abundant Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition early view (2022)
Antipin, D.; Risch, M.: Trends of epitaxial perovskite oxide films catalyzing the oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline media. JPhys Energy 2 (2020), p. 032003/1-27
Publication List HZB
Heymann, L.; Weber, M.L.; Wohlgemuth, M.; Risch, M.; Dittmann, R.; Bauemer, C.; Gunkel, F.: Separating the Effects of Band Bending and Covalency in Hybrid Perovskite Oxide Electrocatalyst Bilayers for Water Electrolysis. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (2022), p. 14129–14136
Risch, M.; Morales, D.M.; Villalobos, J.; Antipin, D.: What X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Can Tell Us About the Active State of Earth-Abundant Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 61 (2022), p. e202211949/1-16
Villalobos, J.; Morales, D.M.; Antipin, D.; Schuck, G.; Golnak, R.; Xiao, J.; Risch, M.: Stabilization of a Mn-Co Oxide During Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Media. ChemElectroChem 9 (2022), p. e202200482/1-13
Wu, B.; Meng, H.; Morales, D.M.; Zeng, F.; Zhu, J.; Wang, B.; Risch, M.; Xu, Z.J.; Petit, T.: Nitrogen-Rich Carbonaceous Materials for Advanced Oxygen Electrocatalysis: Synthesis, Characterization, and Activity of Nitrogen Sites. Advanced Functional Materials 32 (2022), p. 2204137/1-36
Morales, D.M.; Risch, M.: Seven steps to reliable cyclic voltammetry measurements for the determination of double layer capacitance. JPhys Energy 3 (2021), p. 034013/1-18
Morales, D.M.; Villalobos, J.; Kazakova, M.A.; Xiao, J.; Risch, M.: Nafion-Induced Reduction of Manganese and its Impact on the Electrocatalytic Properties of a Highly Active MnFeNi Oxide for Bifunctional Oxygen Conversion. ChemElectroChem 8 (2021), p. 2979-2983
Rao, R.R.; Tulodziecki, M.; Han, B.; Risch, M.; Abakumov, A.; Yu, Y.; Karayaylali, P.; Gauthier, M.; Escudero-Escribano, M.; Orikasa, Y.; Shao-Horn, Y.: Reactivity with Water and Bulk Ruthenium Redox of Lithium Ruthenate in Basic Solutions. Advanced Functional Materials 31 (2021), p. 2002249/1-10
Risch, M.: Greater than the sum of its parts. Nature Energy 6 (2021), p. 576–577
Villalobos, J.; Gonzalez-Flores, D.; Urcuyo, R.; Montero, M.L.; Schuck, G.; Beyer, P.; Risch, M.: Requirements for Beneficial Electrochemical Restructuring: A Model Study on a Cobalt Oxide in Selected Electrolytes. Advanced Energy Materials 11 (2021), p. 2101737/1-9
Wilkinson, I.; Risch, M.: CMWS Pillar 4: Real-Time Chemical Dynamics. In: Centre for Molecular Water Science White Paper [Ed.] : White PaperHamburg: DESY, 2021. - ISBN 978-3-945931-37-0, p. 75-88
Antipin, D.; Risch, M.: Trends of epitaxial perovskite oxide films catalyzing the oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline media. JPhys Energy 2 (2020), p. 032003/1-27
Busse, P.; Yin, Z.; Mierwaldt, D.; Scholz, J.; Kressdorf, B.; Glaser, L.; Miedema, P.; Rothkirch, A.; Viefhaus, J.; Jooss, C.; Techert, S.; Risch, M.: Probing the Surface of La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 in Water Vapor by In Situ Photon-In / Photon-Out Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (2020), p. 7893-7902
Eckhoff, M.; Schönewald, F.; Risch, M.; Volkert, C.A.; Blöchl, P.; Behler, J.: Closing the gap between theory and experiment for lithium manganese oxide spinels using a high-dimensional neural network potential. Physical Review B 102 (2020), p. 174102/1-19
Gao, D.; Yang, S.; Xi, L.; Risch, M.; Song, L.; Lv, Y.; Li, C.; Li, C.; Chen, G.: External and internal interface-controlled trimetallic PtCuNi nanoframes with high defect-density for enhanced electrooxidation of liquid fuels. Chemistry of Materials 32 (2020), p. 1581-1594
Lole, G.; Roddatis, V.; Ross, U.; Risch, M.; Meyer, T.; Rump, L.; Geppert, J.; Wartner, G.; Blöchl, P.; Jooss, Chr.: Dynamic observation of manganese adatom mobility at perovskite oxide catalyst interfaces with water. Communications Materials 1 (2020), p. 68/1-10
Villalobos, J.; Golnak, R.; Xi, L.; Schuck, G.; Risch, M.: Reversible and irreversible processes during cyclic voltammetry of an electrodeposited manganese oxide as catalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction. JPhys Energy 2 (2020), p. 034009/1-12
Xi, L.; Schwanke, C.; Lange, K.M.; Risch, M.: In situ ATR Infrared Study of Cobalt-Borate Water Oxidation Catalysts. In: Ramesh K. Agarwal [Ed.] : Material Science and Engineering Technology VIIITrans Tech Publications, 2020. - ISBN 978-3-03573-606-9, p. 123-133
Baumung, M.; Kollenbach, L.; Xi, L.; Risch, M.: Undesired bulk oxidation of LiMn2O4 increases overpotential of electrocatalytic water oxidation in lithium hydroxide electrolytes. ChemPhysChem 20 (2019), p. 1-9
Baumung, M.; Schoenewald, F.; Erichsen, T.; Volkert, C.A.; Risch, M.: Influence of particle size on the apparent electrocatalytic activity of LiMn2O4 for oxygen evolution. Sustainable Energy & Fuels 3 (2019), p. 2218-2226