Dixneit, J.; Kromm, A.; Boin, M.; Kannengiesser, T.; Gibmeier, J.: Influence of Heat Control on Residual Stresses in Low Transformation Temperature (LTT) Large Scale Welds. In: Thomas M. Holden, Ondrej Muránsky, Lyndon Edwards [Ed.] : Residual Stresses 2016, ICRS-10MRS, 2016 Materials Research Proceedings Volume 2. - ISBN 978-1-94529116-6, p. 223-228
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The current paper presents residual stress analyses of large scale LTT (Low Transformation Temperature) welds. LTT filler materials are specially designed for residual stress engineering by means of an adjusted martensite phase transformation. Controlling the level of mostly detrimental residual stresses already during the welding process would be highly attractive as time and cost consuming post processing may be prevented. In large scale welds the residual stress state is influenced by the heat control (e.g. interpass temperature) during welding. Therefore, welding residual stresses are studied here putting the focus on the influence of welding process parameters while joining heavy steel sections with a thickness of 25 mm. The residual stress state was determined at the top surface using X-ray diffraction as well as in the bulk by neutron diffraction. The results show that control of the interpass temperature is vital for the residual stresses present in the joints. This accounts for the top surface but is most pronounced for the bulk of the welds. While high interpass temperatures are appropriate to induce compressive residual stresses in the weld metal, low interpass temperatures favor unwanted tensile residual stresses instead.