Stulle, F.; Bergoz, J.; Glock, H. W.: Measurement of Coupling Impedances using a Goubau Line. In: Proceedings IBIC 2016 - Barcelona, SpainJACoW, 2017. - ISBN 978-3-95450-177-9, p. WEPG41/1-4
Open Accesn Version
Longitudinal coupling impedances can be deduced from S-Parameter measurements performed on a Goubau Line. The Goubau Line, also known as single wire line, is a variant of the coaxial wire method. Both setups use a wire for mimicking the particle beam. Coaxial tapers at the wire ends adapt the wave impedance to the 50 impedance of coaxial cables, sources and receivers. But for guiding the electromagnetic wave, the Goubau Line relies on the realistic boundary conditions imposed by an insulated wire instead of using a coaxial shield. Equations for the deduction of longitudinal coupling impedances are reviewed and applied to Goubau Line measurements. Goubau Line measurements and CST Studio simulations are compared, showing good agreement.