Kiese, D.; Ferrari, F.; Astrakhantsev, N.; Niggemann, N.; Ghosh, P.; Müller, T.; Thomale, R.; Neupert, T.; Reuther, J.; Gingras, M.J.P.; Trebst, S.; Iqbal, Y.: Pinch-points to half-moons and up in the stars: The kagome skymap. Physical Review Research 5 (2023), p. L012025/1-8
Open Accesn Version

Pinch point singularities, associated with flat band magnetic excitations, are tell-tale signatures of Coulomb spin liquids. While their properties in the presence of quantum fluctuations have been widely studied, the fate of the complementary nonanalytic features - shaped as half moons and stars - arising from adjacent shallow dispersive bands has remained unexplored. Here, we address this question for the spin S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice with second and third neighbor couplings, which allows one to tune the classical ground state characterized by flat bands to one that is governed by shallow dispersive bands for intermediate coupling strengths. Employing the complementary strengths of variational Monte Carlo, pseudofermion functional renormalization group, and density-matrix renormalization group, we establish the quantum phase diagram of the model. The U(1) Dirac spin liquid ground state of the nearest-neighbor antiferromagnet remains remarkably robust till intermediate coupling strengths when it transitions into a pinwheel valence bond crystal displaying signatures of half moons in its structure factor. Our Letter thus identifies a microscopic setting that realizes one of the proximate orders of the Dirac spin liquid identified in a recent work. For larger couplings, we obtain a collinear magnetically ordered ground state characterized by starlike patterns.