Kramer, F.; Keckert, S.; Knobloch, J.; Kugeler, O.: Measuring Flux Trapping Using Flat Samples. In: Kenji Saito ... [Ed.] : SRF2021 - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on RF SuperconductivityGeneva: JACoW, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-95450-233-2, p. MOPFDV003/1-5
Open Accesn Version

With modern superconducting cavities flux trapping is a limiting factor for the achievable quality factor. Flux trapping is influenced by various parameters such as geometry, material, and cooldown dynamics. At SRF2019 we presented data showing the magnetic field surrounding a cavity. We now present supplemental simulations for this data focusing on geometric effects. As these simulations are inconclusive, we have designed a new setup to measure trapped flux in superconducting samples which is presented as well. The advantages compared to a cavity test are the simpler sample geometry, and quicker sample production, as well as shorter measurement times. With this setup we hope to identify fundamental mechanisms of flux trapping, including geometry effects, different materials, and different treatments. First results are presented along with the setup itself.