The ARIES WP15 program deals with the optimization of superconducting films for the use in accelerating structures. In the present approach, all production steps necessary to arrive at a successful coating are revisited, from substrate preparation to sample handling to the actual film deposition. These steps are performed on wafer samples, and in an intermediate step, prior to doing an actual coating on cavities, on QPR-samples that allow for a characterisation under real accelerator-like conditions. In continuation of the previously reported results, sample manufacturing and DC-characterisation has progressed towards two additional systems: NbN and SIS. The procedures leading to an optimized sample are described in detail. Characterisation of the samples with standard materials characterisation methods as well as DC-magnetometry has been performed and is reported. RF-characterisation was performed on baseline Nb QPR-samples, comparing the coating results between the facilities at STFC and USI and the impact of the substrate preparation technique on the quality of the obtained film.