HZB Newsroom

  • Modernisation of BESSY II+ light source
    Modernisation of BESSY II+ light source
    The focus of the User Meeting 2024: Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) presents the BESSY II+ upgrade programme.  It enables world-class research at BESSY II to be further expanded and new concepts to be tested with regard to the successor source BESSY III.  

  • "BESSY is of immense importance for Berlin"
    "BESSY is of immense importance for Berlin"
    At the end of August, the Senator for Research, Health, and Long-Term Care, Dr Ina Czyborra, together with the State Secretary for Science, Dr Henry Marx, ended her summer tour with a visit to HZB in Adlershof. She publicly declared her political support for the new construction of BESSY III.

  • The future of BESSY
    The future of BESSY
    At the end of February 2024, a team at HZB published an article in Synchrotron Radiation News (SRN). They describe the next development goals for the light source as well as the BESSY II+ upgrade programme and the successor source BESSY III.