HZB awards prize for technology transfer project

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On 15 November, the best innovation project from the HZB will be awarded the Technology Transfer Prize 2019. The award ceremony is open to the public and will take place at 2 p.m. in the BESSY II auditorium at the HZB location in Berlin-Adlershof. All projects submitted to the competition will be presented in an exhibition starting Monday, October 21, initially in Wannsee, and starting November 4 in Adlershof.

Twelve projects have been submitted for the two-stage competition. In a first step a jury will select the projects which will be presented on 15 November along criteria such as degree of innovation and market potential.

With the Technology Transfer Award, HZB would like to honour outstanding achievements made by HZB employees in the field of technology transfer. A independent jury of members of the Industry Advisory Board evaluates the projects and determines the winner. They also take into account an audience vote that takes place after the presentations.  The ceremony is held in German language. 

After the award ceremony, you are invited to an informal exchange of ideas at the reception. We look forward to your participation.

Location: BESSY II auditorium

Time: 15.11.2019 at 14:00 clock

Please register here

Information about the exhibitions:

All submitted projects will be exhibited at both locations, so that all HZB employees and guests can inform themselves about the diversity of ideas.

The projects will be shown from 21.10. to 1.11.2019 in Wannsee in the Hörsaalfoyer and from 4.11. to 15.11. in Adlershof in the BESSY-Foyer.

Information on the submitted projects can also be found here.


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