A Photographer`s Views of Research Facilities

Kevin Fuchs took pictures of "futuristic experiments."

Kevin Fuchs took pictures of "futuristic experiments."

A portrait of a scientist.

A portrait of a scientist.

Unposed pictures, says Kevin Fuchs.</p>

Unposed pictures, says Kevin Fuchs.

"My Beamline" is the title of Fuchs' book.

"My Beamline" is the title of Fuchs' book.

For his final exam, photography student Kevin Fuchs has taken pictures of the reseach facilities BESSY II and BER II and the scientists working there. Swiss born Fuchs now invides for a preview of his pictures and of the photographs of his fellow students on Oct.17 at 7 p.m. at SEZ Berlin, Landsberger Allee 77. The exhibition will be open from Oct. 18 to Oct. 26.


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