MIT's Prof. Tuller named new recipient of Helmholtz International Fellow Award

World-renowned expert for solid state electrochemistry to conduct research at HZB

In recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements, the Helmholtz Association has named Prof. Dr. Harry L. Tuller the next recipient of the Helmholtz International Fellow Award. The award in the amount of 20,000 Euros also includes an invitation for an extended stay at the Helmholtz Centre Berlin (HZB). During his stay, Prof. Tuller will be conducting research at HZB’s new Institute of Solar Fuels. The goal of this exchange is for HZB to benefit from the internationally renowned researcher's unparalleled expertise in the area of solid state electrochemistry, while mutually sharing competencies.

Prof. Dr. Harry L. Tuller is a professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and director of the Crystal Physics and Electroceramics Laboratory at MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. He has authored over 380 articles that have been published in numerous scientific journals, is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Electroceramics, co-editor of 15 books, and holds some 28 patents. Tuller has made important contributions to the areas of fuel cells, batteries, semi-conductors, photonics, sensors and nanomaterials. He holds two honorary doctorates as well as an honorary professorship.

"I am particularly excited that Prof. Tuller was chosen for this award and we are very fortunate to have him here during his research stay. His scientific focus meshes exceptionally well with that of our newly founded institute and we will greatly benefit from his wealth of knowledge in this area. I expect it will be a very inspirational time for all of us," confirms Prof. Roel van de Krol, head of HZB's Institute of Solar Fuels. It was he who originally proposed nominating Tuller for the award. "I am quite certain that Prof. Tuller’s insights and guidance will be invaluable to ours and other related areas of research, like chalcopyrite solar cells.“

The Institute of Solar Fuels studies and develops innovative material systems for the efficient conversion of solar into chemical energy. During this electrolytic process, water molecules are split into their atomic building blocks oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H). Roel van de Krol and his research group are planning to use metal oxides as semi-conductors and develop them so as to create a more stable chemical while making the reaction more efficient. Prof. Tuller is an expert in the study of defects and transport in metal oxides. During his stay at HZB, he plans to offer a series of seminars open to all who are interested.

Contact and Faculty: Prof. Dr. Harry L. Tuller


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