All events

  • HZB Date Conference
    ISOS-15 | International Summit on Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics Stability

    From 30th September to 2nd of October HZB will be hosting the 15th edition of the International Summit on Organic and Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cell Stability (ISOS 15) organized by the group of Helmholtz-Center Berlin and the Humboldt University. The summit has been an important forum for the ongoing discussion on topics of stability of organic and hybrid perovskite solar cells since 2008.

  • Online und Präsenz  
    Umweltforum Berlin
    Veranstaltung mit Partnern Konferenz
    FVEE-Jahrestagung 2024 „Die Energiewende mit Forschung beschleunigen“

    Forschungsprojekte mit großer und zeitnaher Hebelwirkung: Die Energieforschung hat mit vielen innovativen Ideen kostengünstige und klimafreundliche Energietechnologien ermöglicht und so zum Erfolg der Energiewende beigetragen.Doch die Zeit drängt. Deshalb zeigt die Jahrestagung des FVEE Forschungsergebnisse für eine Beschleunigung der Energiewende auf technischer, politischer und gesellschaftlicher Ebene.

    Angebote für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs: Auf der Jahrestagung gibt es Informationen zum Berufsfeld Energieforschung, und die Mitgliedseinrichtungen des FVEE stellen sich mit ihrem Profil vor. 

    Studierende erhalten Rabatt auf die Teilnahmegebühren

    Angebot zum Dialog: Neben den Vorträgen gibt es Diskussionen mit Vertreter*innen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Verbänden und dem Publikum. Wir würden uns freuen, Sie auf der Tagung begrüßen zu dürfen und freuen uns auf den Austausch mit Ihnen.Mit freundlichen Grüßen, die TagungsleiterProf. Dr. Andreas Reuter (IWES) und Prof. Dr. Reinhard Mackensen (IEE)

    Bitte beachten

    Mitarbeitende des Helmholtz-Zentrums Berlin melden sich bitte gesondert an. Es wird keine Rechnung ausgestellt, Ihre Abteilung bucht die Gebühren für FVEE-MItarbeitende direkt zum FVEE. Bitte nutzen Sie im Gutscheinfeld den Code helmholtz2024

    Es gelten die Teilnahmegebühren für HZB-Mitarbeitende:

    Präsenz beide Tage: 100 Euro

    Präsenz Tagesticket: 50 Euro

    Online beide Tage: 30 Euro

  • Online
    event with partners Workshop / Seminar
    2nd International Workshop on Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells

    Through the last decade, perovskite solar cells have achieved remarkable efficiency, with state-of-the-art performance exceeding 26%. Perovskite technology has matured to the point where it stands on the threshold of commercialization. However, the highest-performing perovskite devices are based on lead, which poses environmental risks that might hinder or delay the market reach of this technology. Environmentally friendly alternatives to lead are limited, with tin being the most promising candidate due to its competitive optoelectronic properties. However, the efficiency of tin perovskite solar cells lags far behind their lead counterparts due to significant fundamental challenges such as tin oxidation and energy band mismatch.

    To unlock the potential of tin perovskites, we need to consolidate the efforts of the tin perovskite community and pool our resources. We must also increase research into tin perovskites and other possible lead-free technologies to find new solutions and achieve breakthroughs. In this context, the international workshop on lead-free perovskite solar cells stands out as an annual gathering for lead-free perovskite research groups to exchange ideas, foster collaborations, and showcase recent achievements.

    The workshop is designed for professors and senior researchers to present their recent achievements and discuss potential future trends. It also aims to provide a platform for junior researchers and students to present their recent lab findings, network, and explore potential career pathways. Making the workshop online and free of charge would encourage participation from group leaders in remote locations and motivate students with limited research budgets to join.

  • Online
    event with partners Workshop / Seminar
    Learn how to use SciFlow Authoring: Make academic writing effortless and save time with automatic formatting
    14:00 o'clock

    Learn how to use SciFlow Authoring: Make academic writing effortless and save time with automatic formattingJoin us for an informative webinar exploring how SciFlow, the online writing and publishing software, makes your academic writing process more manageable, saving time and simplifying complex formatting tasks.

    Effortless automatic formatting according to guidelinesAcademic writing often involves meticulous reference formatting, a time-consuming task. SciFlow eliminates this hassle. Just connect SciFlow to your favorite reference management program, insert your references, and let SciFlow handle the formatting seamlessly.

    Access a Wealth of Publisher TemplatesSciFlow offers a user-friendly journal database, granting access to thousands of templates from publishers such as Elsevier, Wiley, IEEE, Springer Nature, and more. Starting your writing journey is easier with readily available templates. If you need a specific template, we're here to help upon request.

    Seamless Collaboration for Research TeamsCollaboration is at the heart of successful academic research. SciFlow simplifies this process by providing a platform for users everywhere to work together. With features like Change Tracking, comments, and version history, you can collaborate effortlessly, ensuring your research and writing projects progress smoothly.

    Learn how to start writing with SciFlow in this webinarIn this webinar, we will cover the following topics:

    An introduction to SciFlow and its writing process

    Understanding templates and how to use them to benefit from automated formatting

    Leveraging collaborative features for effective teamwork

    An interactive Q&A session to address your questions.

    We will send out the webinar recording afterward.

    Dates: 23.05. / 04.07. / 05.09. / 24.10. / 10.12.Begin: 2 p.m. (Berlin time)

  • WISTA und HZB (Adlershof)
    HZB Date Public event
    Science for Future: On the Path to Carbon Neutrality

    Leopoldina & Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Science for Future: On the Path to Carbon Neutrality will be held from 29 to 30 October in Berlin-Adlershof Leopoldina and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). China and Germany have set themselves the goal of achieving carbon neutrality in the next few decades. The conference will discuss innovative approaches and exchange ideas on the best strategies. Keynote speakers include Prof. Dr. Benjamin List (Nobel Prize Laureate for Chemistry, 2021), Prof. Dr. Chunli Bai, former president of the CAS, and Prof. Dr. Klaus von Klitzing (Nobel Prize Laureate for Physics, 1985).

  • Trieste (Italy)
    event with partners Conference
    Joint ICTP-WE Heraeus Conference on Sustainability and Resilience Through Large Scale Infrastructures and Remote and Automated Experiments

    This conference aims for global community building, international cooperation and scientific discussions across continents around large-scale research infrastructures. Scientifically it emphasizes on energy research (e.g. photovoltaics, chemical energy conversion, energy storage) representing one of the most pressing global problems. We will cover scientific infrastructures and possibilities offered at synchrotrons which can act as crystallization seeds for global collaboration - the second focus of the conference. Access to large-scale infrastructures, remote experiments and modern opportunities by digitalization, AI and automated experiments will be discussed before the conference is rounded up by hands-on remote experiments. Topics: Sustainable Energy Supply / Chemical Energy Conversion / Energy Storage / Synchrotron Radiation Sources and Methods / The Role of Large-Scale Research Infrastructures and Global Collaboration / Digitalization and Open Science / Access and Remote Access / Hands-on Training

  • PRORA 2024

    Fachtagung prozessnahe Röntgenanalytik

  • HZB Date Lecture
    Seminar Prof. Dr. Vera Krewald

    Dr. Tobias Lau

    13:00 o'clock

    Veranstaltungstitel folgt

  • Online
    event with partners Workshop / Seminar
    Learn how to use SciFlow Authoring: Make academic writing effortless and save time with automatic formatting
    14:00 o'clock

    Learn how to use SciFlow Authoring: Make academic writing effortless and save time with automatic formattingJoin us for an informative webinar exploring how SciFlow, the online writing and publishing software, makes your academic writing process more manageable, saving time and simplifying complex formatting tasks.

    Effortless automatic formatting according to guidelinesAcademic writing often involves meticulous reference formatting, a time-consuming task. SciFlow eliminates this hassle. Just connect SciFlow to your favorite reference management program, insert your references, and let SciFlow handle the formatting seamlessly.

    Access a Wealth of Publisher TemplatesSciFlow offers a user-friendly journal database, granting access to thousands of templates from publishers such as Elsevier, Wiley, IEEE, Springer Nature, and more. Starting your writing journey is easier with readily available templates. If you need a specific template, we're here to help upon request.

    Seamless Collaboration for Research TeamsCollaboration is at the heart of successful academic research. SciFlow simplifies this process by providing a platform for users everywhere to work together. With features like Change Tracking, comments, and version history, you can collaborate effortlessly, ensuring your research and writing projects progress smoothly.

    Learn how to start writing with SciFlow in this webinarIn this webinar, we will cover the following topics:

    An introduction to SciFlow and its writing process

    Understanding templates and how to use them to benefit from automated formatting

    Leveraging collaborative features for effective teamwork

    An interactive Q&A session to address your questions.

    We will send out the webinar recording afterward.

    Dates: 23.05. / 04.07. / 05.09. / 24.10. / 10.12.Begin: 2 p.m. (Berlin time)

  • BESSY@HZB User Meeting 2024

    With the series of annual user meetings we bring together our user community to intensify scientific exchange and stimulating new collaborations. The meetings will provide an overview of the many exciting and inspiring research results obtained at our facility in the past year. Plenary talks, discussions, a public lecture and a poster session will provide vast possibilities of information and discussion. The bestowals of the 'Prizes for Young Scientists' donated by the Freundeskreis Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin e.V. (FHZB) are traditional highlights of the user meetings.

    Deadline for registration and poster submission: November 05, 2024 (23:59 CET).