Publications 2015
Bojahr, A.; Gohlke, M.; Leitenberger, W.; Pudell, J.; Reinhardt, M.; von Reppert, A.; Roessle, M.; Sander, M.; Gaal, P.; Bargheer, M.:
Second Harmonic Generation of Nanoscale Phonon Wave Packets. Physical Review Letters 115 (2015), p. 195502/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.195502
Maerten, L.; Bojahr, A.; Bargheer, M.:
Observing backfolded and unfolded acoustic phonons by broadband optical light scattering. Ultrasonics 56 (2015), p. 148-152
doi: 10.1016/j.ultras.2014.08.023
Maerten, L.; Bojahr, A.; Gohlke, M.; Roessle, M.; Bargheer, M.:
Coupling of GHz Phonons to Ferroelastic Domain Walls in SrTiO3. Physical Review Letters 114 (2015), p. 047401/1-5
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.047401
Mitzscherling, S.; Cui, Q.; Koopman, W.; Bargheer, M.:
Dielectric function of two-phase colloid-polymer nanocomposite. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (2015), p. 29465-29474
doi: 10.1039/c5cp04326c
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