Publications 2021
Besold, D.; Risse, S.; Lu, Y.; Dzubiella, J.; Ballauff, M.:
Kinetics of the Reduction of 4-Nitrophenol by Silver Nanoparticles Immobilized in Thermoresponsive Core-Shell Nanoreactors. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 60 (2021), p. 3922–3935
doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c06158
Open Access
Cao, W.; Zhou, J.; Kochovski, Z.; Miao, H.; Gao, Z.; Sun, J.K.; Yuan, J.:
Ionic organic cage-encapsulated metal clusters for switchable catalysis. Cell Reports : Physical Science 2 (2021), p. 100546/1-12
doi: 10.1016/j.xcrp.2021.100546
Open Access
Castro, S.R.; Ribeiro, L.N.M.; Breitkreitz, M.C.; Guilherme, V.A.; Rodrigues da Silva, G.H.; Mitsutake, H.; Alcântara, A.C.S.; Yokaichiya, F.; Franco, M.K.K.D.; Clemens, D.; Kent, B.; Lancellotti, M.; de Araújo, D.R.; de Paula, E.:
A pre-formulation study of tetracaine loaded in optimized nanostructured lipid carriers. Scientific Reports 11 (2021), p. 21463/1-15
doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-99743-6
Open Access
Del Sorbo, G.R.; Cristiglio, V.; Clemens, D.; Hoffmann, I.; Schneck, E.:
Influence of the Surfactant Tail Length on the Viscosity of Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Complexes. Macromolecules 54 (2021), p. 2529-2540
doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c02728
Data-doi: 10.5291/ILL-DATA.9-12-539
Data-doi: 10.5291/ILL-DATA.9-12-581
Dong, K.; Xu, Y.; Tan, J.; Osenberg, M.; Sun, F.; Kochovski, Z.; Pham, D.T.; Mei, S.; Hilger, A.; Ryan, E.; Lu, Y.; Banhart, J.; Manke, I.:
Unravelling the Mechanism of Lithium Nucleation and Growth and the Interaction with the Solid Electrolyte Interface. ACS Energy Letters 6 (2021), p. 1719–1728
doi: 10.1021/acsenergylett.1c00551
Open Access
Flatken, M.A.; Hoell, A.; Wendt, R.; Härk, E.; Dallmann, A.; Prause, A.; Pascual, J.; Unger, E.; Abate, A.:
Small-angle scattering to reveal the colloidal nature of halide perovskite precursor solutions. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (2021), p. 13477-13482
doi: 10.1039/d1ta01468d
Open Access
Garaka, S.S.; Xie, D.; Kheirabad, A.K.; Lu, Y.; Yuan, J.:
Template-synthesis of a poly(ionic liquid)-derived Fe1-xS/nitrogen-doped porous carbon membrane and its electrode application in lithium–sulfur batteries. Materials Advances 2 (2021), p. 5203–5212
doi: 10.1039/d1ma00441g
Open Access
Horwitz, G.; Härk, E.; Steinberg, P.Y.; Cavalcanti, L.P.; Risse, S.; Corti, H.R.:
The Nanostructure of Water-in-Salt Electrolytes Revisited : Effect of the Anion Size. ACS Nano 15 (2021), p. 11564-11572
doi: 10.1021/acsnano.1c01737
Data-doi: 10.5286/ISIS.E.RB2010180
Jäger, R.; Teppor, P.; Paalo, M.; Härmas, M.; Adamson, A.; Volobujeva, O.; Härk, E.; Kochovski, Z.; Romann, T.; Härmas, R.; Aruväli, J.; Kikas, A.; Lust, E.:
Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt and Nitrogen Co-Doped Peat-Derived Carbon Catalysts for Oxygen Reduction in Acidic Media. Catalysts 11 (2021), p. 715/1-15
doi: 10.3390/catal11060715
Open Access
Jung, M.; Park, J.; Muhammad, R.; Kim, J.Y.; Grzimek, V.; Russina, M.; Moon, H.R.; Park, J.T.; Oh, H.:
Elucidation of Diffusivity of Hydrogen Isotopes in Flexible MOFs by Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering. Advanced Materials 33 (2021), p. 2007412/1-7
doi: 10.1002/adma.202007412
Khorsand Kheirabad, A.; Zhou, X.; Xie, D.; Wang, H.; Yuan, J.:
Hydrazine-Enabled One-Step Synthesis of Metal Nanoparticle-Functionalized Gradient Porous Poly(ionic liquid) Membranes. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 42 (2021), p. 2000143/1-5
doi: 10.1002/marc.202000143
Open Access (external provider)
Koopman, W.; Titov, E.; Sarhan, R.M.; Gaebel, T.; Schürmann, R.; Mostafa, A.; Kogikoski, S.; Milosavljevic, A.R.; Stete, F.; Liebig, F.; Schmitt, C.N.Z.; Koetz, J.; Bald, I.; Saalfrank, P.; Bargheer, M.:
The Role of Structural Flexibility in Plasmon-Driven Coupling Reactions: Kinetic Limitations in the Dimerization of Nitro-Benzenes. Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (2021), p. 2101344/1-10
doi: 10.1002/admi.202101344
Open Access
Koppel, M.; Palm, R.; Harmas, R.; Russina, M.; Grzimek, V.; Matsubara, N.; Mansson, M.; Paalo, M.; Romann, T.; Oll, O.; Lust, E.:
In Situ Observation of Pressure Modulated Reversible Structural Changes in the Graphitic Domains of Carbide-Derived Carbons. Carbon 174 (2021), p. 190-200
doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.12.025
Le Caër, S.; Pignié, M.C.; Berrod, Q.; Grzimek, V.; Russina, M.; Carteret, C.; Thill, A.; Zanotti, J.M.; Teixeira, J.:
Dynamics in hydrated inorganic nanotubes studied by neutron scattering: towards nanoreactors in water. Nanoscale Advances 3 (2021), p. 789-799
doi: 10.1039/d0na00765j
Data-doi: 10.5291/ILL-DATA.CRG-2679
Open Access
Lin, G.; Jeong, J.; Kim, C.; Wang, Y.; Huang, Q.; Masuda, T.; Asai, S.; Itoh, S.; Günther, G.; Russina, M.; Lu, Z.; Sheng, J.; Wang, L.; Wang, J.; Wang, G.; Ren, Q.; Xi, C.; Tong, W.; Ling, L.; Liu, Z.; Wu, L.; Mei, J.; Qu, Z.; Zhou, H.; Wang, X.; Park, J.G.; Wan, Y.; Ma, J.:
Field-induced quantum spin disordered state in spin-½ honeycomb magnet Na2Co2TeO6. Nature Communications 12 (2021), p. 5559/1-8
doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25567-7
Open Access
Liu, R.; Zhang, R.; Li, L.; Kochovski, Z.; Yao, L.; Nieh, M.P.; Lu, Y.; Shi, T.; Chen, G.:
A Comprehensive Landscape for Fibril Association Behaviors Encoded Synergistically by Saccharides and Peptides. Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (2021), p. 6622-6633
doi: 10.1021/jacs.1c01951
Lu, Q.; Jie, Y.; Meng, X.; Omar, A.; Mikhailova, D.; Cao, R.; Jiao, S.; Lu, Y.; Xu, Y.:
Carbon materials for stable Li metal anodes: Challenges, solutions, and outlook. Carbon Energy 3 (2021), p. 957-975
doi: 10.1002/cey2.147
Open Access
Martinez-Sanchez, A.; Laugks, U.; Kochovski, Z.; Papantoniou, C.; Zinzula, L.; Baumeister, W.; Lucic, V.:
Trans-synaptic assemblies link synaptic vesicles and neuroreceptors. Science Advances 7 (2021), p. eabe6204/1-15
doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abe6204
Open Access
Monteiro do Nascimento, M.H.; Ambrosio, F.N.; Ferraraz, D.C.; Windisch-Neto, H.; Querobino, S.M.; Nascimento-Sales, M.; Alberto-Silva, C.; Christoffolete, M.A.; Franco, M.K.K.D.; Kent, B.; Yokaichiya, F.; Lombello, C.B.; de Araujo, D.R.:
Sulforaphane-loaded hyaluronic acid-poloxamer hybrid hydrogel enhances cartilage protection in osteoarthritis models. Materials Science and Engineering C - Materials for Biological Applications 128 (2021), p. 112345/1-15
doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2021.112345
Nadezhdina, N.; Tötzke, C.; Mereu, S.; Cermák, J.; Tributsch, H.:
Response of linden tree to nocturnal simulation of daylight conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany 187 (2021), p. 104477/1-10
doi: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2021.104477
Palm, R.; Harmas, R.; Härk, E.; Kent, B.; Kurig, H.; Koppel, M.; Russina, M.; Tallo, I.; Romann, T.; Mara, J.; Tuul, K.; Lust, E.:
Study of the structural curvature in Mo2C derived carbons with contrast matched small-angle neutron scattering. Carbon 171 (2021), p. 695-703
doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.09.070
Quan, T.; Härk, E.; Xu, Y.; Ahmet, I.; Höhn, C.; Mei, S.; Lu, Y.:
Unveiling the Formation of Solid Electrolyte Interphase and its Temperature Dependence in "Water-in-Salt" Supercapacitors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (2021), p. 3979–3990
doi: 10.1021/acsami.0c19506
Ronneburg, A.; Silvi, L.; Cooper, J.; Harbauer, K.; Ballauff, M.; Risse, S.:
Solid Electrolyte Interphase Layer Formation during Lithiation of Single-Crystal Silicon Electrodes with a Protective Aluminum Oxide Coating. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (2021), p. 21241-21249
doi: 10.1021/acsami.1c01725
Data-doi: 10.5286/ISIS.E.RB1820188
Open Access
Ronneburg, Arne:
Electrochemical Storage of Lithium in Silicon - Morphological Analysis from the Atomistic Scale to the Macroscale. , Berlin, Humboldt Universität, Diss., 2021
Open Access
Rothe, M.; Zhao, Y.; Müller, J.; Kewes, G.; Koch, C.T.; Lu, Y.; Benson, O.:
Self-Assembly of Plasmonic Nanoantenna–Waveguide Structures for Subdiffractional Chiral Sensing. ACS Nano 15 (2021), p. 351–361
doi: 10.1021/acsnano.0c05240
Sambandam, B.; Seokhun, K.; Duong Tung Pham, ; Mathew, V.; Lee, J.; Lee, S.; Soundharrajan, V.; Kim, S.; Alfaruqi, M.A.; Hwang, J.-Y.; Kim, Y.:
Hyper oxidized V6O13+x·nH2O layered cathode for aqueous rechargeable Zn battery: Effect on dual carriers transportation and parasitic reactions. Energy Storage Materials 35 (2021), p. 47-61
doi: 10.1016/j.ensm.2020.11.001
Schutjajew, K.; Giusto, P.; Härk, E.; Oschatz, M.:
Preparation of hard carbon/carbon nitride nanocomposites by chemical vapor deposition to reveal the impact of open and closed porosity on sodium storage. Carbon 185 (2021), p. 697-708
doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2021.09.051
Open Access
Schütze, Y.; de Oliveira Silva, R.; Ning, J.; Rappich, J.; Lu, Y.; Ruiz, V.G.; Bande, A.; Dzubiella, J.:
Combined first-principles statistical mechanics approach to sulfur structure in organic cathode hosts for polymer based lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (2021), p. 26709-26720
doi: 10.1039/d1cp04550d
Open Access
Shen, X.; Tung, Y.H.; Yang, C.C.; Benton, A.; Lin, C.; He, J.:
Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance and Electronic Transport Properties of Ag-Doped Cu2-xS0.5Se0.5. ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (2021), p. 14400-14406
doi: 10.1021/acsaem.1c03064
Sun, F.; Duchêne, L.; Osenberg, M.; Risse, S.; Yang, C.; Chen, L.; Chen, N.; Huang, Y.; Hilger, A.; Dong, K.; Arlt, T.; Battaglia, C.; Remhof, A.; Manke, I.; Chen, R.:
Na electrodeposits: a new decaying mechanism for all-solid-state Na batteries revealed by synchrotron X-ray tomography. Nano Energy 82 (2021), p. 105762/1-5
doi: 10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.105762
Open Access (external provider)
Wang, X.; Lin, C.; Gao, Y.; Lammertink, R.G.H.:
Anion exchange membranes with twisted poly(terphenylene) backbone: Effect of the N-cyclic cations. Journal of Membrane Science 635 (2021), p. 119525/1-12
doi: 10.1016/j.memsci.2021.119525
Open Access
Wilden, J.; Yang, F.; Günther, G.; Russina, M.; Kuball, A.; Busch, R.; Meyer, A.:
Ni self-diffusion in glass forming Pd-Ni-S melts. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (2021), p. 435101/1-6
doi: 10.1088/1361-648x/ac1968
Open Access
Xie, D.; Mei, S.; Xu, Y.; Quan, T.; Haerk, E.; Kochovski, Z.; Lu, Y.:
Efficient Sulfur Host Based on Yolk-Shell Iron Oxide/Sulfide-Carbon Nanospindles for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. ChemSusChem 14 (2021), p. 1404-1413
doi: 10.1002/cssc.202002731
Open Access
Yang, J.; Acharjya, A.; Ye, M.Y.; Rabeah, J.; Li, S.; Kochovski, Z.; Youk, S.; Roeser, J.; Grüneberg, J.; Penschke, C.; Schwarze, M.; Wang, T.; Lu, Y.; van de Krol, R.; Oschatz, M.; Schomäcker, R.; Saalfrank, P.; Thomas, A.:
Protonated Imine-Linked Covalent Organic Frameworks for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition 60 (2021), p. 19797-19803
doi: 10.1002/anie.202104870
Open Access
Zech, C.; Hoenicke, P.; Kayser, Y.; Risse, S.; Graetz, O.; Stamm, M.; Beckhoff, B.:
Polysulfide driven degradation in lithium-sulfur batteries during cycling - quantitative and high time-resolution operando X-ray absorption study for dissolved polysulfides probed at both electrode sides. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (2021), p. 10231-10239
doi: 10.1039/d0ta12011a
Open Access
Zhao, Y.; Opitz, A.; Eljarrat, A.; Kochovski, Z.; Koch, C.T.; Koch, N.; Lu, Y.:
Kinetic Study on the Adsorption of 2,3,5,6-Tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane on Ag Nanoparticles in Chloroform: Implications for the Charge Transfer Complex of Ag-F4TCNQ. ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 (2021), p. 11625–11635
doi: 10.1021/acsanm.1c02153
Open Access