Publications 2022
Abbadi, A.; Attal, M.; Bahrdt, J.; Drube, W.; Eberhardt, W.; Martin Esser, F.; Follath, R.; Froideval, A.; Fatih Genisel, M.; Groetsch, D.; Rahman Hasoneh, A.; Huck, M.; Huttel, E.; Kanngießer, B.; Knaack, S.; Krueger, O.; Lausi, A.; Lehner, F.; Lörgen, M.; Meseck, A.; Momani, Y.; Al Najdawi, M.; Natour, G.; Paolucci, G.; Rial, E.; Roschka, M.; Scheer, M.; Schramm, B.; Schuppler, S.; Shehab, M.; Siewert, F.; Tiemann, C.; Weissig, A.:
HESEB: The Helmholtz state-of-the-art Soft-X-Ray Undulator beamline at SESAME. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2380 (2022), p. 012036/1-6
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2380/1/012036
Open Access
Bahrdt, J.; Bakos, J.; Gaebel, S.; Gottschlich, S.; Grimmer, S.; Knaack, S.; Kuhn, C.; Laube, F.; Meseck, A.; Rethfeldt, C.; Rial, E.C.M.; Rogosch-Opolka, A.; Scheer, M.; Volz, P.I.:
The Status of the In-Vacuum-APPLE II Undulator IVUE32 at HZB / BESSY II. In: Frank Zimmermann ... [Ed.] : IPAC2022 : Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference, in Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022Geneva: JACoW, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-95450-227-1, p. THPOPT052/1-3
Open Access
Bahrdt, J.; Grimmer, S.; Scheer, M.:
Phase-Shimming of the BESSY II in-Vacuum APPLE II Undulator IVUE32 with Transverse Slides. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2380 (2022), p. 012014/1-6
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2380/1/012014
Open Access
Goslawski, P.; Abo-Bakr, M.; Arlandoo, M.; Bengtsson, J.; Holldack, K.; Jankowiak, A.; Kuske, B. C.; Meseck, A.; Sauerborn, M. K.; Titze, M.; Viefhaus, J.; Völker, J.:
BESSY III Status Report and Lattice Design Process. In: Frank Zimmermann ... [Ed.] : IPAC2022 : Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference : Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022Geneva: JACoW, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-95450-227-1, p. TUPOMS010/1-3
Karabekyan, S.; Abeghyan, S.; Altmann, P.; Bagha-Shanjani, M.; Bahrdt, J.; Block, A.; Brügger, M.; Calvi, M.; Casalbuoni, S.; Danner, S.; Decking, W.; Englisch, U.; Freund, W.; Fröhlich, L.; Ganter, R.; Geloni, G.; Grünert, J.; Hauf, S.; Hensler, O.; Holz, C.; Huber, L.; Keller, A.; Kim, D.E.; Kittel, C.; La Civita, D.; Ladwig, T.; Laksman, J.; Lenz, D.; Li, Y.; Liang, X.; Lipka, D.; Mamchyk, D.; Mattusch, R.; Mildner, N.; Negodin, E.; Planas, M.P.; Preisskorn, F.; Prenting, J.; Reiche, S.; Saretzki, F.; Schlösser, M.; Schmidt, M.S.; Schmidt, T.; Schmidt-Föhre, F.; Schneidmiller, E.; Scholz, M.; Serkez, S.; Sinn, H.; Thoden, D.; Wamsat, T.; Wilksen, T.; Wohlenberg, T.; Wuenschel, M.; Yakopov, M.; Youngman, C.; Yurkov, M.V.; Zhang, K.:
The Status of the SASE3 Variable Polarization Project at the European XFEL. In: Frank Zimmermann ... [Ed.] : IPAC2022 : Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference, in Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022Geneva: JACoW, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-95450-227-1, p. TUPOPT014/1-4
Open Access
Lorey, C.L.; Meseck, A.:
Investigation of Polarization Dependent Thomson Scattering in an Energy-Recovering Linear Accelerator on the Example of Mesa. In: Frank Zimmermann ... [Ed.] : IPAC2022 : Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference, in Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022Geneva: JACoW, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-95450-227-1, p. TUPOPT050/1-3
Open Access
Rial, E.C.M.; Bahrdt, J.; Grimmer, S.; Meseck, A.; Scheer, M.:
Development of a cryogenic APPLE CPMUE15 at BESSY II. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2380 (2022), p. 012018/1-5
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2380/1/012018
Open Access
Stoll, C.P.; Meseck, A.:
Optics of a Recirculating Beamline for MESA. In: Frank Zimmermann ... [Ed.] : IPAC2022 : Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference, in Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022Geneva: JACoW, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-95450-227-1, p. MOPOTK014/1-4
Open Access
Volz, P.; Meseck, A.:
Goubau-Line Set Up for Bench Testing Impedance of IVU32 Components. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2380 (2022), p. 012026/1-8
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2380/1/012026
Open Access
Volz, P.I.; Meseck, A.:
Goubau-Line Set Up for Bench Testing Impedance of IVU32 Components. In: Frank Zimmermann ... [Ed.] : IPAC2022 : Proceedings of the 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference, in Bangkok, Thailand, 12–17 June 2022Geneva: JACoW, 2022. - ISBN 978-3-95450-227-1, p. THPOPT053/1-3
Open Access
Whittle, J.; Basham, M.; Patel, Z.; Rial, E.; Oates, R.; Moazzam, Y.:
Using Artificial Immune Systems to Sort and Shim Insertion Devices at Diamond Light Source. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2380 (2022), p. 012022/1-13
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/2380/1/012022
Open Access