Institute Quantum Phenomena in Novel Materials
Crystal growth
We have used our Crystal Lab suite to synthesize single crystals of novel materials like low-dimensional and quantum magnets. Recent examples of our crystal growth activities are listed in the following:
The novel quantum magnet BaCu2V2O8 is a rare physical realization of a onedimensional antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic dimerized chain which displays strongly correlated phenomena at elevated temperatures.
ES Klyushina, AC Tiegel, B Fauseweh, ATMN Islam, JT Park, B Klemke, A Honecker, GS Uhrig, SR Manmana, B Lake Phys. Rev. B 93 (2016) 241109(R)
A spin -1 honeycomb antiferromagnet, expected to be 2D Heisenberg magnet with XY anisotropy, a potential candidate for the BKT transition.
ES Klyushina, B Lake, ATMN Islam, JT Park, A Schneidewind, T Guidi, EA Goremychkin, B Klemke, M Månsson Phys. Rev. B 96 (2017) 214428
A distorted triangular lattice antiferromagnet with Cr3+ ions having spin-3/2, which reveals competing magnetic phases.
S Toth, B Lake, SAJ Kimber, O Pieper, M Reehuis, ATMN Islam, O Zaharko, C Ritter, AH Hill, H Ryll, K Kiefer, DN Argyriou, and AJ Williams Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 054452
Ca10Cr7O28 is a physical realization of a quantum spin liquid based on a complex frustration mechanism
C Balz, B Lake, J Reuther, H Luetkens, R Schönemann, T Herrmannsdörfer, Y Singh, ATMN Islam, EM Wheeler, JA Rodriguez-Rivera, T Guidi, GG Simeoni, C Baines, H Ryll Nature Physics 12 (2016) 942
A cubic spinel with V3+ ions with spin-1 in a pyrochlore lattice forming a highly frustrated structure of corner sharing tetrahedra.
ATMN Islam, E M Wheeler, M Reehuis, K Siemensmeyer, M Tovar, B Klemke, K Kiefer, AH Hill, B Lake Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 024203
A proximate to U1 spin liquid with a ordered ground state showing quantum moment fragmentation doublet on the pyrochlore lattice.
J Xu, VK Anand, AK Bera, M Frontzek, DL Abernathy, N Casati, K Siemensmeyer, B Lake Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015) 224430
The pyrohafnate compound Pr2Hf2O7 is a candidate compound for quantum spin-ice behavior.
VK Anand, L Opherden, J Xu, DT Adroja, ATMN Islam, T Herrmannsdörfer, J Hornung, R Schönemann, M Uhlarz, HC Walker, N Casati, B Lake Phys. Rev B 94 (2016) 144415
Quasi 1D spin-1/2 antiferromagnet with Heisenberg-Ising (XXZ) anisotropy.
AK Bera, B Lake, WD Stein, S Zander Phys. Rev. B 89 (2014) 094402
A dimerized spin-1/2 antiferromagnet with frustrated interdimer interactions due to hexagonal structure.
DL Quintero-Castro, B Lake, ATMN Islam, EM Wheeler, C Balz, M Månsson, KC Rule, S Gvasaliya, and A Zheludev, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 127206 (2012)
A Haldane chain compound with the addition perturbations of both single ion anisotropy and interchain coupling.
AK Bera, B Lake, ATMN Islam, O Janson, H Rosner, A Schneidewind, JT Park, E Wheeler, S Zander Phys. Rev. B 91 (2015) 144414