Institute Methods and Instrumentation for Synchrotron Radiation Research
Third Party Funding/Cooperations
FEMTOSPIN Projekt, EU, FP7. 2012 – 2015
Helmholtz Virtual Institute 419, Dynamic Pathways in multidimensional landscapes. Helmholtz Association, International Research Network, with 8 institutions: FU Berlin, TU Berlin, Hamburg U, Stanford U, Stockholm U, KTH, HZB, U Potsdam. 2011 – 2017
VW-Stiftung Forschung mit FEL. Joint Postdoc HZB with Stanford U. 2012 – 2017
Helmholtz Postdoc Program/How fast can a solid switch? Helmholtz Gemeinschaft. 2014 – 2016
German-Russian Joint Research Projekt (Verbundprojekt): Zukunft der Photoelektronenspektroskopie, BMBF. 2012 – 2016
German-Swedish Joint Project: MHz Chopper für multidimensionale winkelaufgelöste Flugzeitspektroskopie an BESSY II, Uni Potsdam, BMBF. 2012 – 2015
Surface Catalysis Project: Stanford U, Stockholm U, Hamburg U (ended 2016).
Uppsala Berlin joint Lab (UBjL) - next generation Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Combined effort around ERC advanced grant ESUX. UBjL (Uppsala)/komplementäre nextGenElSpec-Beamlines. 2015 -
Potential energy surface mapping with vibrational Sub-natural line-width RIXS: KTH, Stockholm U, PSI, U Uppsala.
Helmholtz International Users Consortia at XFEL, Helmholtz Gemeinschaft. Baseline beamline/ RIXS infrastructure at European XFEL; International Users Consortium “Heisenberg RIXS at XFEL.EU”. Politecnico di Milano, EPFL de Lausanne, ETH Zürich, MPIbpC, PSI, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique-Matière et Rayonnement, Paris, MPI-F Stuttgart, U Uppsala, U Gotenburg, Université Paris, TU Berlin, Stockholm U, MPI Dresden, IFW Dresden, Utrecht University, U Oxford, CFEL Hamburg CFEL, KTH Stockholm, UC London. 2015 – 2020
ERC advanced grant/EDAX Horizon 2020, Beating complexity through selectivity. Develop resonant inelastic X-ray scattering towards a multi photon probe at the transform limit in energy and time. 2016-2021
BESSY VSR - The Variable Puls Length Storage Ring. Helmholtz Association/HGF. 2018-2020
Graphene FLAG(Ship)-ERA/LaMeS: FLAG-ERA/DFG. Layered Structures of Metal Sulphides. Sweden, France, Germany: Ångström Lab, HZB/U Potsdam, INSP. 2018-2021
DFG-geförderter Sonderforschungsbereich/SFB Transregio TRR227 Ultrafast Spin Dynamics. HZB, FUB, MLU, FHI, MBI und MPI. 2018-2021
AXSYS project with CEC-MPG. 2022 -
Joint Research Project/Verbundforschung HZB/U Potsdam/U Tübingen. 2022 -
DFG-Initiative U Potsdam. 2022 -
Theory Cooperation KTH, Sweden. 2021 -
DFG-Funded Collaborative Research Center /CRC 1636: DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich Elementary Processes of Light-Driven Chemistry at Nanoscale Metals. U Potsdam. 2024-2028
Innovationspool Materie: BMBF, 2025-2027.
To be continued.